Chapter 42: Mind Attack

The next morning when she opened the door, Frei had been waiting for her in front of her room. Although being alone with just Frei was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment, she couldn't help it. Frei told her Mirra and Sebastian had gone an hour earlier to the tournament, reserving seats. She knew it was just an excuse, he drove them away.

"Mirra and Sebastian had waited for us. I've asked them to prepare a carriage. Let's hurry." Frei said.

Holding her disdain toward him, she quietly walked with him. Outside the mansion, the carriage that was pulled by two gorgeous unicorns had waited for them. Rena really thought the Jaunices were really nice people, even the maids were nice and polite. As their guests, all of them were treated nicely. If there is one thing that was slightly disturbing, just slightly, it was their love for one certain color.

Rena sat inside the carriage, looking at the interior. Since it was a noble carriage, it was more luxurious than the one she rode before. The seat was covered by fur and the windows had silk drapes on it. Without a doubt, all of them matchlessly colored in pink.

(No wonder, Jean is super sensitive when pink is mentioned...)

She sighed, sympathizing with Jean since she started to get sick with this romantic color everywhere.

"What are you thinking?" He asked her, staring the conversation.

"Nothing important." She answered without looking at his direction.

"Senka's match today, he is going to fight with Eleonore's cousin," Frei said. "We saw her match yesterday."

"Oh." She uttered the sound sharply, showing her indifference.

Sensing she was not in the mood to talk with him, Frei didn't disturb her anymore. Then after a while, Rena opened her mouth, "I just want to confirm, if I can return your money, I still get the slave contract. Is that right?"

"Yes," Frei answered shortly but clear.

"Then I'll work hard to pay you." She stated her intention.

Her priority was getting that slave contract. As long as she got her hand on that piece of parchment, a marriage contract would be easier to deal with.

Frei made a faint smile, but she quickly looked away, ignoring him. And they kept their silent until they arrived at the Colosseum.

Sebastian and Mirra who came earlier managed to secure a good spot to watch the match.

"Hey, Mirra, whose match is now?" Rena said.

Her ponytail swayed when she turned her head at Rena. "Hi, Purple sis. It's Jade Dragon Li and Head Cutter Halifax. You should check up the earlier match..."

With her bright expression, Mirra excitingly described the match Rena missed. Apparently, the tournament started earlier, and Rena didn't know that.

Sitting on the other side of Mirra was Sebastian, Rena stole a glance at him. He greeted them politely when they came, just like the usual Sebastian. But after last night, Rena's impression toward Sebastian changed completely.

Sharp narrow nose, high cheekbone, thin lips, and defined jawline, Sebastian looked like an intelligent type. Added that spectacles which perfected his image. But behind the spectacles, his dark gray eyes carried a wildness in it. He was closed to forty, but his tall body was still firm and in shape, no fat belly sticking out. A sign that he, at least, exercised a lot. His guarded and serious manner, his posture, everything about him screamed nothing of a merchant's assistants who worked behind the desk. If he switched those spectacles into sunglasses, he would fit the image of a secret service agent.

(The scar on his face... Why he left it there?)

Rena who got the first-hand experience with the skin regenerative potion wondered why he didn't remove that scar.

When Sebastian turned his head, she snapped back from her thought and moved her sight away.

"So, you see... After yesterday, the talk about Senka is big! They think he will win this tournament!"

On the way back to the Jaunice House, Mirra kept talking about Senka after the match yesterday. After seeing how strong Senka on the arena, she started admiring him and proud that she was learning skills from him.

Rena was smiling, listening to Mirra's enthusiasm, thinking that their relationship might improve from now on.

"I don't really care whether he's going to win or not, as long as he's fine after the match, but if he could win then that's wonderful," Rena said.

And then she pulled Mirra closer to her, whispering in her ears, "You said before you wished Sebastian could teach you instead of Senka. Is that mean Sebastian a good fighter too?"

Many people around them were talking and cheering, Rena hoped that Sebastian who sat next to at the opposite side of Mirra wouldn't be able to hear it.

"Hmm? He was the one who taught Senka, so yeah, he might be a good fighter too."

She might be thinking too much, but this was like supporting her suspicion that Frei was not just a normal merchant. Since that night Neel told her about his anti-magic power, suspicious things surrounding Frei piling up. She was still trembling when she recalled Sebastian's expression last night, that was absolutely not a face of a merchant's assistant.

The crowds roared when the two contestants entered the arena. From the east side came a fine young man, with a long black hair, carrying a sword. Rena squinted her eyes trying to take a better look at him. This was the first time since the day she woke up in this world to find someone with a black hair, similar to hers.

"Here's the winner of block 5, the Jade Dragon Li! Fantastic performance last match with his thousand blades dance he defeated all the strong contenders in the block 5!"

Next, a two meters tall, board chested muscular guy with braided cornrows hair, carrying a double-headed ax stepped out the gate from the opposite side. Rena frowned when she saw his weird creepy necklace.

"And here's the winner of block 6, the Head Cutter Halifax! Living up to his name, he beheaded his enemies and added his head as part of his collections. His necklace is an unspoken truth that whoever dares to challenge him will never have a peaceful end!"

"Eew..." Rena squirmed, looking at those shrunken heads necklace.

"Whoever wins this match is going to face Senka!" Mirra said with confidence as if his win was predetermined.

The crowds cheered, shouting their names. However, the two people, who were standing on the arena, were only focusing their sight on their opponent. As soon as they started to move, the crowds were getting louder.

The black hair man called the Jade Dragon Li was fast, his movement was beautiful and elegant as he was dancing with the sword as his partner. The light reflected from his sword was like hundreds of camera flash following him, as he was the center of the attention.

Compared to Li's graceful movement, Halifax's movement was less impressive. He was brute and rough. Every time his ax missed his opponent and hit the ground, he broke the floor.

After fifteen minutes had passed, Halifax's body was full of small cuts, but none of them was lethal. Li's swordplay couldn't break his opponent strong defense.

Watching from afar, Rena thought of Senka.

She started realizing the difference between these people and him. His speed and strength, combined with his precise movement and sharp blade, made him look like a beast compared to these people. The moment he dashed to his opponent, they became his prey. And as if he could see their lifeline, he easily found their weak spot and crushed them.

"Who do you think is going to win?" Frei finally spoke to her. He had been quiet since they were in the carriage.

"...Halifax." She said the name in a small voice, nearly like a whisper.

"Why do you think so?"

"Li's swordplay couldn't give a fatal blow to his opponent. He is better in techniques but he couldn't break Halifax's strong defense. Halifax's brute strength could break his opponent's bone with just one strike."

Rena hoped she was wrong though. She didn't want Li's head separated from his body.

"That's pretty good observation from someone who closed their eyes half the match." Frei's lips curved up a little.

"Are you asking my opinion only to mock me?" The words were spoken in a cold tone. Rena didn't look at Frei, only kept staring the fighting arena below.

"Do you want to bet?" He said.

"No." She curtly answered him before saying, "I'm not betting for the sake of amusement when people put their life on the line. And should I remind you that I won the last bet?"

On that perfect gentleman mask, the corner of his lips twitched, faintly.

Rena didn't notice this before because she got flustered whenever he approached her closely. She was satisfied finding this little habit of his, she took the sign as her provocation worked.

Sadly, her prediction did come true. Halifax changed his tactics, rather than trying to chop his opponent, he slammed the side of the ax's head to his opponent. Li, who thought Halifax was swinging his ax vertically, dodged to the side, but his ax changed course and hit him on the face.

The moment Li lost his balance, Halifax threw his ax on Li. It hit his shoulder and the blood burst from the wound. At the same time, his ax flying, Halifax charged and slammed his fist on Li's stomach. The guy lost consciousness at that moment.

Halifax was announced the winner.

The crowd became noisier when the last match about to begin, talking about the contender of this tournament who was unknown until yesterday. Rena was listening to the talks about Senka from the surrounding people.

"Is he that good? I didn't see yesterday's match."

"He is as strong as a beastman!"

"I bet all my money on him!"

"He's so fierce, I wonder if he's the same on the bed." Followed by a woman's naughty giggle.

"I'm conflicted... I want Zee to win, but that man is something else."

Senka's opponent today was a knight woman named Zee from Valia Kingdom.

When the east gate was opened, a tall girl with braided marigold hair appeared from the inside. She was wearing an ornate silver armor and carrying a spear with a golden hilt.

She had a lot of supporters calling her name, cheering for her. Zee waved her hand to the crowds and then clenching her fist in the air, showing her confidence in claiming the victory.

"She cornered Iron Hammer Grimsly in the pre-elimination round and won the match, the winner of Block 7, our beloved War Fairy Zee! Since then she had received at least thirty proposals from men but she refused them all!"

Then the west gate was opened, and a young man with a silvery white hair and a light brown skin walked to the arena. The crowds became noisy again.

"An unknown name when he first stepped in this arena, but his magnificent performance last time could only be compared to the best swordsman in this continent. The winner of Block 8, White Flash Senka!"

The crowds shouted his name in unison. "Senka! Senka! Senka!"

He, who was unheard yesterday, was now a famous name in the capital of Valia Kingdom. But Senka didn't respond to the crowds cheering for him, he just walked straight to the arena where his opponent had been waiting for him. He didn't like being in a spotlight, if it's not because of her, he would refuse to participate in a show off the tournament.

When Zee and Senka had readied their stance, the announcer shouted, "Zee versus Senka, Round 4 of The Silver Blade Tournament Quarter Final begins!!!"

Both contestants dashed forward, and Senka made a wide step and swung his sword at Zee's side. However, Zee skillfully used her spear to block his sword.

Senka moved closer to Zee, avoiding the range of her spear, but for a short second, his footstep was halted and Zee used the opportunity to leave a small cut on his arm.

Rena frowned. "Senka looks weird."

"Really? He looks fine to me." Mirra placed her hand, on top of her eyes, preventing the sun from disturbing her sight.

Rena wasn't sure how to put it, they were sitting quite far from the arena, but Senka looked like enduring pain.

"His expression... he's like in pain." Rena squinted her eyes.

Zee marched forward, gaining momentum, and slowly cornering Senka. He, who was brilliant yesterday, couldn't gain an opportunity to attack Zee, only took a defensive stance.

[Someone is using a mind magic on him, but it wasn't his opponent.]

Neel's voice resounded on Rena's mind.

(Ehh?! Can you do something about it?)

[Yes, that's why I'm telling you. I need your permission as my contractor.]

(I give you permission! Beat that cheater down!)

Rena frowned as she bit her lips, waiting for any news from Neel.

"He does look weird," Sebastian said.

Rena glanced at Sebastian whose gaze was locked in the arena, wearing a serious expression. Of course, Sebastian would recognize Senka was odd if he was the one who taught him sword skills, Rena thought.

And then, Senka made his move, he approached Zee and tackled her legs. Zee jumped, avoiding his swept at a critical moment. But as soon as her feet touched the ground, Senka had already behind her and hit her neck with the hilt of his sword.

He won.

When they announced him the winner, he was using his sword to support himself, still feeling the effect of the magic.

[I did it. I chased away the attacker.] Neel reported to Rena.

(Thanks, Neel.)

[This person who attacked Senka... He was very strong. I think you should tell that magician about this incident.]


Rena stood up right away after the match ended and Senka went back to the waiting room.

"Where do you want to go?" Frei asked.

"Visiting Senka." She said, wanting to check his condition. Without waiting for his approval, she left, quickly walking down the stairs.

"Rena, wait!" Frei called her.

She kept moving, pretending she didn't hear him. There were many people here, it would be for him to chase him, she thought. However, her body suddenly felt heavy. She couldn't move and dropped to the floor.

"W-what happen...?" She uttered the words in confusion before she realized this was the work of her slave contract.

"Miss Serena," Sebastian called her. He had been standing behind her.

"It was easy to get lost in this crowd of people, let's go back."

Sebastian extended his hand to help her stand.

"I could stand by myself. Thanks." Rena said, refusing his offer.

She got up and they returned to where Frei and Mirra were waiting.

"Purple sis, are you okay?" Mirra asked her anxiously, watching Rena's expression.

She didn't answer Mirra's question, anger was boiling in her. So far, Frei never used his authority and it had made her forget there really was a magical binding between them. When their eyes met, she pierced him with her glare. He didn't say anything.

She took a deep breath, calming herself. Then a thought appeared in her mind.

(Why wouldn't he let me meet Senka?)
