Ghost Forest Competition

An Bing Qing began to prepare all kinds of dishes after her morning grooming. Bing Nan many times had to help her for burning herself as she was drowsy; she didn't sleep a bit!

Around two hours went slowly.

"Master, will the dishes be sent to Patriarch's courtyard?" Bing Nan asked while she folded some snacks.

"Hmh, let me think... Bing Er and Bing San", she beckoned two well-bred servant girls clad in grey.

"Here", a unison answer was heard.

"Bing Er, you go and told father and grandfather to go to eldest brother's backyard. His backyard has osmanthus trees, they like more that fragrance than the one pear trees has in mine".

"Bing San, you take some people and go to arrange things in eldest brother's backyard".

"Aye", both answered and left.

An Hong was surprised at the sudden invitation but he was even more happy. It had been a week since he had tasted her daughter's craft. Her daughter had become really skilful; the cooks were no match for her now.

A quarter of an hour later An Hong reached his eldest son backyard, as he entered he saw An Bing Qing dressed all in white placing beautiful appetizers down along two little maidservants. She turned her head and caught a glimpse of him.

"Daddy, you are here. Come and sit".

"Qing'er, you have always hated being awakened so early. You surprised daddy very much".

"Heh heh, as daddy may guess, Bing Qing has some things to do later. The main dish isn't ready yet; have some snacks first. Bing Qing made them tasty".

An Hong took seat and picked some snacks, "Sure, sure, everything Qing'er makes is delicious. Right, your grandfather entered secluded cultivation as well, and won't be coming out soon".

"Ah. Bing Er just told me". She already knew it. This also happened in the past. Her grandfather was an old man already, if he didn't break through the peak Mundane Core to Soul Seed in ten years, he will die. She was lucky enough in the past and was able to extend his lifespan for another ten years but he still failed to break through and died. This was why she wasn't considered as someone with a solid background, Mundane Core cultivators still have a mortal lifespan; even a Middle Clan was a little something as a Soul Seed cultivator can live for two hundred years which allowed its clan to be more stable.

'Sigh, the pill I got back then was a three-earth pill but I first need to get the Green Nether Flower. In three more years it will bloom in that place. This time as well, I need to persuade daddy to let me go to pick the Purple Heart Seeds at Snow Beasts Mountain Range with eldest brother and Elders. If this time I also can get the Forming Soul Seed Pill for grandfather, it will be great but that is a four-earth pill. Hmh…"

An Hong saw her daughter's serious face and said, "You don't be sad; when your grandfather exits, he will be more powerful".

'Oh! That's right; there is also that other issue'.

"Daddy, if eldest brother broke through early Mundane Core; will he participate in the Ghost Forest Competition this time?" She said as she served some tea.

"Hmh, well… Oh! What a rich essence!"

"It seems that is ready". She turned around and got up. She served An Hong herself while Bing Nan served her.

"It is lotus soup with tanned-hen meat. I also made a really good dessert but that will come later. Daddy, you try it".

Meal time passed quietly, it wasn't because there was nothing to talk about but the atmosphere was so pleasant that even the servants were afraid to break it. Just like that, the little mulberry pies served at the end were almost finished, she opened once again after taking a sip of tea, "Daddy, about the Ghost Forest Competition…"

An Hong listened and quickly replied as he put down his chopsticks, "Hmh, about that… Yu Yong will go even if he hasn't broke through but he won't participate even if he has broken through".

"Huh?" She also knew this but put on a puzzled expression, the naivety in her pretty eyes was evident.

Before she could ask, he explained patiently at such cute sight, "Qing'er, Yu Yong is the genius the An family has waited for a long time; he got the full heritage of our Ancient Founder, you know that, right?"

"Enh, Bing Qing knows. All the children in the family that reach thirteen can enter An family's secret room in the Ancestral Hall but not many can get something. Bing Qing could only get the Dancing Lotus Steps skill from the Ancient Founder's wife", she puffed her cheeks and looked adorably. Inside, she was embarrassed; she was acting very silly but she also felt good; it had been ages since she last acted like this.

"Ah, everyone has its own luck. And it was good you got that agility skill; even if a man wants to catch you, he won't be able to have you". An Hong tried to comfort her.

Her mouth almost twitched at her father's nonsense but her eyes just looked more pitiful, like a little puppy.

An Hong coughed and went back to explain, "Yu Yong hasn't reached fifteen yet…"

She interjected, "But our birthday is in the twelfth month while the competition is held the first week of the first month that is two weeks after our birthday, eldest brother will have the lower limit age and strength to participate; and eldest brother combat effectiveness is great. I'm sure he will be able to face a high Mundane Core". She raised her little fist and shook it a little.

"Cough, don't interrupt daddy. Maybe a middle one and one who doesn't belong to an Ancient Clan. But that's not the point. What daddy wants to tell you is that your beloved brother growth has been great, there aren't many young men who can broke through mundane core before twenty. That will draw unnecessary attention to our family and…"

"All righ, Bing Qing understands". She said resolutely with fright in her eyes.

An Hong was assured she had understood but had a tight heart watching her fear.

But she quickly dispersed it and her little face became mischievous, "Daddy, can Bing Qing go as well? Bing Qing will behave. Bing Qing wants to go out".

"That… It will be dangerous. That is absolutely out of question. Didn't you say you only wanted to be a proper lady and marry?"

"Cough, those things are interesting to learn but Bing Qing also wants to go out and play. That's why Bing Qing will retake cultivation and will enter closed door cultivation this afternoon. Therefore, can Bing Qing go?" She must go this time; according to her memories, Shu didn't attend this one but the one three years later and she won't go to that one when she first met him. Moreover, she also remembers that in this one, one of An family's participants died, An Xiao Ning, the Great Elder's only son. This was a great blow to the whole family; if she is there this time, perhaps she would be able to save him.

"You mustn't force yourself. Cultivation isn't made for everyone". His semblance had turned solemn but he was a little happy. His daughter was so beautiful and he can't be there to protect her all the time. Once she is married off, what he is supposed to do? If she can be a little stronger that will be good for her.

"Ah. Bing Qing knows. Bing Qing won't tire herself. Bing Qing promises. And it won't be dangerous; Bing Qing will stick to eldest brother's side. Can Bing Qing go?" Her eyes moistened and she clung onto her father's arm.

An Hong didn't want her to go, she was still so small, "I don't think this one will do. What about the one in three years?"

"No! Cough… I mean… Bing Qing wants to go this time. The one three years later is out of question. I won't go to that one. Please daddy, let Bing Qing go this time. Bing Qing will work hard".

He furrowed his brows. His eldest son was still not strong enough to protect his little daughter and the Patriarchs won't go to that event even if it was of great importance. He thought of something and said, "All right, but only if you reach the fifth-gate".

She opened her mouth to argue back but was very happy at such a proposal, she said pitifully, "All right but Bing Qing will need more resources".

An Hong nodded helplessly while he patted her head. He knew he was being unreasonable as his little daughter talent was poor; but to give her hope, he will send her as many earthly jade as he could.

'Tsk, I have this trip in my bag'. She thought as she smiled sweetly.