Equally speechless

An Bing Qing's next refinement was also a failure; her heart ached because of the lost herbs but she didn't get disheartened as she was making adjustments with her flame control.

"Ha ha ha... So, it wasn't because of the pill cauldron; then, is it the place?" She gave a gaily cheer before conjecturing as she looked around. Her following refinement not only was a success but it actually had a white pill pattern.

"If I want to confirm my guess, I need to go out and refine there but I'm lacking time; thus, is better for me to continue here. Moreover, this can also probably be a lucky attempt". She cooled her flustered self, and went back to business.

Two days passed by. In that time she only stopped to catch her breath and to replenish her energy; she didn't eat nor sleep.

She had just ended the refinement of a two-earth Blood Forming Pill and was all worn out. As she was steading her breath now, she heard a call from outside.

"Have we already arrived?" She asked to herself while looking at the hidden blue sky.

She waved her sleeve and drew inside her qiankun bag her pill cauldron, some scattered medical herbs and five jade bottles filled with her refined pills; all had a white pill pattern.

She was about to thought of going out but her curiosity about the layout of the second room took her mind.

She blinked twice and stepped forward...

"I'm just going to give it a quick glance", she said while shrugging her shoulders as she opened the dark door.

The room was dark, devoid of light. As both of her feet entered, the door closed and the room was illuminated by Luminous White Pearls like the previous room; the design was exactly the same as well. But this time, the three bookshelves full of old looking books were already there and she didn't need to step on the black lotus engraved in the middle of the room for them to appear.

She was slightly relieved because of it, as the previous cold feeling she sensed in the first door wasn't pleasurable at all.

She went to the first bookshelf to her right and squatted down to take out the first book of the lowest shelf.

"Heh heh, it's like the last room. This is wonderful". She was able to pull it out and she wasn't able to take the next out. She nodded with an I-knew-it gaze and the patted the book before placing it back; she refrained herself from reading it.

She sprang to her feet full of energy and went back to her room as she clapped her hands with delight.

"Ouh", she appeared in thin air instead of her bed. She automatically extended her arms to maintain her equilibrium.

She saved herself from falling onto the floor but she almost messed her steps again when she looked up.

"Ah! Zi Hui, what are you doing in my room?!" She exclaimed while adjusting her steps.

Xue Zi Hui didn't reply, he only watched her with hidden clamour.

He has been looking for her since yesterday; he had barged in her room without knocking and as talkative as he was, he just swept his gaze over the room. Though the entire place had An Bing Qing's fragrance, he wasn't able to perceive her presence. He had went out after this and looked for her around the ship while hiding his presence but he didn't find her; therefore, he came back to wait for her.

Now, she had amazingly pop out of thin air; with her first reaction after seeing him here being only... a little surprise? What is more, she had such looks. She obviously had a space related treasure and was caught by him but she didn't fret out nor did she make an excuse. Was she an idiot? Or she had the wrong assumption of him, taking him as someone devoid of selfishness and desires.

An Bing Qing was waiting for his response but minutes passed and she didn't get an answer.

At long last, she coughed and called his name a few times, "Zi Hui, Zi Hui, Xue Zi Hui..."

He reacted by her fifth call and he blurted out, "You look awful. Are you going out with those looks of yours?"

She froze, stopping her from uttering his name again.

She smirked and retorted, "Of course not. But you... Are you planning to stay here and watch me bathe?"

His expression didn't change; he flapped his sleeves and turned around to go out.

Before opening the door, he said, "We already arrived, be sure of being quick".

She wanted to argue a little with him but he was faster than her.

"Slam", he had already stepped out.

Xue Zi Hui didn't go and took seat by her door side. He looked around, he wasn't able to see someone but he could clearly smell a male's aroma; it must come from the person who was knocking the door. He paid him no heed and closed his eyes.

No far from there, leaning on a wall, at the right side passage from An Bing Qing room's corridor was An Xiao Ning. His face was stern and it seemed in deep thought.

"Xiao Ning, what are you doing here?" A charming voice took him out from his wonder.

"Eldest young master", he gave his courtesy.

"You don't need to be so serious; you can just call me by my name. But you still haven't answered my question".

"I came to inform the young miss about of our arrival. She said she will first groom a little before coming out".

"Oh, is that so. I'm amazed she has awoken so early. Didn't she get mad at you?"

"I am ashamed to say that I listened as I was behind the door".

"Behind the door? What do you mean?"

An Xiao Ning didn't reply and just made a gesture with his hand.

An Yu Yong stepped forward and was able to see a purple-robed Xue Zi Hui. His mouth twitched and he looked back at An Xiao Ning.

He hadn't said nor asked anything but An Xiao Ning opened, "The Eldest... ahm... Young master Yu Yong has nothing to worry about. Things aren't as they look. I excuse myself".

An Xiao Ning didn't explain too much. But An Yu Yong was able to catch upon some things. First, that white-haired young man was inside with his little sister and he was able to hear them while they were chatting; and second, An Xiao Ning hadn't found anything out of place. At least, An Yu Yong was sure An Xiao Ning wasn't going to say anything weird; An Xiao Ning was as righteous as his father after all.

An Yu Yong heaved a sigh while striding forward and then sat on the other side of the door.

Ten minutes of oppressive silence passed and the door finally squeaked open.

"Eh! Did both of you were waiting for Bing Qing?" She asked with a spoiled voice and a sweet smile; she was laughing with all her might in her heart. She loved seeing them like this.

Both of them had different thoughts in their heads right now but both were equally speechless in their hearts.

'This little girl just doesn't change...'

'Sigh, this little sister of me...'