It’s now or never

The Ancient Inn's outside facade was archaic but elegant, without figures carved on it, giving off a breath of the vicissitudes of life; it was covered by formations that could only be discernable to someone with enough strength and knowledge. But inside, the air was one of grandeur. The walls made of Death Earth Spirit Wood, which can only be found in the deepest part of the Ghost Forest, had dark gold patterns carved on them despite being the toughest material.

Normally, they would have seen the restaurant as soon as they entered, as most of the inns had laid it that way; but this inn was different. It had two big side halls: one meant only to eat and other that was meant for entertainment.

An Bing Qing was uninterested about the inn's laid out as she had seen it in her previous life; therefore, with a detached waltzing, she reached the caracole that connected all the twelve floors.

An Yu Yong kept up with her with a cynic and lazy pace but his eyes didn't have their charming glint but a curious one, 'When has she gained such aloof standing?' He was surprised; though his little sister has been learning the proper etiquette of a noble lady, she usually was overcome by her naivety and curiosity, making her remember such manners after messing up things a bit.

The Great Elder saw An Bing Qing's conducts and nodded with approval in his heart, this was the kind of behaviour that someone of a respectable family must have but sighed with slight regret at his young master idly looks. 'Oh, well. People said that geniuses tend to have strange temperaments', he reassured himself as he followed both of them while he was being tailed by the people who haven't received any orders yet.

They reached the second floor and long corridor illuminated by White Luminous Pearls came to their eyes; only one glimpse was enough to see its luxury.

As An Bing Qing already knew how the rooms were arranged, she strode directly to the room number 256. She had given it a good thought to choose it.

An Yu Yong shook his head at her impetuous little sister, who was now speeding up her pace, before halting his steps. He turned around and whispered something to An Xiao Ning who then gave to An Yu Yong two golden-coloured talismans with several runes shining on it. After they were in his hands, An Yu Yong turned around to chase after his little sister shadow, leaving behind the others.

When An Bing Qing was in front of her room and about to open the door, she gave a weird smile as she lifted her veil up. She sighed and turned around her body with her gaze lowered to walk back to her clansmen.

As she did so, her eyes spotted a purple and yellow robe. She raised her gaze and saw her eldest brother's enchanting face which had a knowing smile that annoyed her.

She pressed her lips and cutely said as she stretched her hand out, "My room's key".

"Is that the way to ask your eldest brother for something".

She didn't say a word and put a wronged face that could melt the iciest of hearts.

At long last, An Yu Yong was the one to lose this battle and took out one of the golden-coloured talismans. If one were to look closely, aside from the runes it had, there was the number 256 in the right lower part of it.

An Bing Qing grasped it quickly, fearing that he would change his mind; though she didn't think her eldest brother would lock her up. All the rooms in the Ancient Inn had a unique key which not only was needed to open the door from outside but also from inside. These keys can only be bound by the Ancient Clans' descendants and those that came along with them, but the later needed the former's help.

She bound her key and entered her room, quickly closing the door without giving An Yu Yong a breath of time to speak, leaving him astounded.

"Creak", but not before long, the door opened again and he caught sight of his little sister face; she didn't open the door entirely, it was only enough for her to poke her head out.

She said with hidden shame, "Cough, I'm going to sleep. There won't be the need of sending lunch or the afternoon meal. Slam", she didn't wait for his reply, hurriedly closing the door.

An Yu Yong laughed out loud before turning around and going back to the Elders.

Inside her room, An Bing Qing gave a wry smile, 'My… I'm being so childish', she thought as she strode to the window.

She didn't survey the luxurious looks of this chamber but the situation outside her window. 'Sigh, I thank the heavens that we are only on the second floor', she thought before putting away the veiled bamboo hat with a wave of her hand.

She was planning to slip away right now. It was the best time as she was sure her eldest brother would deploy people to have things ready for tomorrow morning. It had been also a good thing that he had seen her being tired, 'Tsk, that mean eldest brother of mine should be thinking that I'm asleep already'.

From a corner of her window, she saw how her clansmen went out one after another. After seeing Captain Xiu Tu strode away an hour later, she exclaimed, "It's now or never".