Cheating in a Race

Wang Xue mostly had boring days. Sometimes he would have time but nothing to do but just read books or act like a girl in front of others. However, a thought struck him. Wait a moment. If I'm able to remember my past life, then doesn't that mean I can also use the cultivation techniques there? His eyes shone with a rare glint of happiness as he scoured through his memories until he found the one he wanted.

He thought about why he didn't use this technique until he remembered that you have to have no foundation to cultivate using this technique and when he found it, he was already at Nascent Soul. He couldn't abandon that foundation so he only memorised the contents and burnt the manual. However, now since he has no foundation he could cultivate this. When he found this in a ruin, he couldn't tell what grade it was. The only thing he could tell about it, was that it's at least a Peak Heaven-rank skill maybe higher.

The unique thing was that it could devour anything. In a battle, you could devour the opponent's spiritual energy and mental energy, if one really wanted to they could devour the opponent's lifeforce. It could devour cultivation techniques meaning that it would be incorporated as an available skill to train using while at the same time the manual will be left alone as if nothing happened to it. It could even devour memories! However it comes with a price of Spiritual Energy. The first two layers were enough for a Heaven-grade foundation in his place. However with each layer he needs an extra fold of energy to cultivate.

When he thought about it, he was giddy with excitement as he started training . He was able to instantly cultivate to the the 1st layer of Qi Condenser. After 6 weeks, he broke through and entered the 2nd layer. This was a monster-rate speed for any realm's geniuses. Even the most talented out of talented genius could only break through the 1st layer with a month's time and the 2nd layer with 6 months time, do know that this is only for the richest out of the richest people in the Heaven-grade realm.

A few years later, it was his 5th birthday and everyone was celebrating. The occasion made him let out a slight smile rarer then anything else to others. This was due to his nickname, the Ice Princess. He got this as he rarely smiled to others as he only did so for his parents and for his quiet attitude. At first, everyone thought. Why is she always quiet? Yet over time, they accepted that and now she smiled so they celebrated harder ,despite not knowing the fact that they were called weirdos by the Ice Princess. If they heard that comment, they would complain and complain. YOU'RE calling US weirdos? YOU leave as soon as any events done. YOU are always quiet and unsociable. YOU barely appear anywhere else then the dining room,library and your room and when you do its only for some fresh air. After the celebration, Wang Xue entered his room to sleep. What? You thought he's a cultivation maniac? Wrong! People need to sleep these days... Just when the lights were going to be turned off, his mother opened the door.

"Xia'er, are you asleep yet?" She asked. Wang Xue was puzzled for a moment as to why she would come to his room, he could only reply.

"No what is it mom?" Wang Xue asked curiously. Bai Xing let out a sigh and slowly said

"Xia'er, it's nearly time for the clan's annual age ceremony." Wang Xue only let an 'oh' before she continued "Your mom is only worried that you will be laughed at." By then, she already had 'her' in her arms as a hug pillow. "You know Xia'er, that us women have a lower talent in martial arts than boys. So if you got a bad talent, people will scorn you and you'll be hurt." Again, Wang Xue was touched as he then wrapped his arms around her to comfort her and said "Don't worry mom. I'll make sure they don't bully you."