Kamishiro Family

This endless space filled with treasures and scrolls was indeed the interior of the Spacial Ring.

It seems as though somehow the ring dimension had fused with my soul. This must have been caused by those darned strange lightning bolts.

I don't understand the mysteries behind it but for now, let's take it as a blessing. Without these items, it would be only a dream of reaching my peak with the scarcity of spiritual energy in this place.

Retracting my consciousness from the dimension I shall now call 'Soul Space', I begin to inspect the intricacies and level of talent for this new body.

After a while of self-meditation, my face involuntarily contorts into frustration.

This, was too maddening.

Except for how this body was suited to the element of water, everything else is basically trash.

Body strength: Weaker than a dog

Intelligence: Below Average

Natural Talent: Broken Spirit Roots

Lifespan: 5 years 2 months 13 days remaining

These were the facts I had obtained after fully scanned all throughout my new vessel.

If not for my overwhelmingly strong soul and mental strength, this boy would have died as a retard.

The only good thing about this body was his face.

As I stood up and walked towards the mirror, most of the tubes attached to my body were pulled off causing no small amount of panic from the gentle woman. But I don't let anything hinder what I want to do so she will just have to understand.

"Wha-wait! You can't stand up yet, you will make your injuries worse. Go back to bed little guy."

Ignoring the gibberish I hear, I inspect my face through the glass mirror mounted on the wall.

Shoulder length white hair. Deep black eyes with gold pupils. Skin as pale as ice and a cold-looking demeanour. Yes, my physical appearance was indeed many times more outstanding than my previous one.

In fact, there was another strange thing about this body. A large marking of a black dragon was branded on my back. I seem to recall various clans do this in order to signify their status inside the clan.

From this, I can tell that this boy wasn't someone ordinary. Even without this clue, someone drowning in the middle of the ocean is a very large red flag.

But as I have no means of investigating my origins, that would have to be put aside till later.

Besides, the boy's memories were blank. As if they were erased by someone. There was nothing left.

For now, let's do something about the current situation. By this I mean, imminent danger.

Glancing outside the window, I could finally use my immense soul strength to spread out in a wide radius. I could only do this now due to the immense pain no longer tormenting me.

The sages did say that balance of the spirit comes from the soundness of mind and body.

I call this skill, 'Soul Sensing'.

An innate skill I learned from destroying countless evil sects that used human lives in exchange for research into the soul itself.

It uses soul energy to perceive my surroundings in great detail throughout a large area.

In the past I could control the size of this area to expand outwards until the size of large continents.

But now, as I am afraid this frail body would directly disintegrate the moment my soul exceeds the body limitations, I can only project it to a three kilometre radius at maximum capacity. It basically means that I can see everything within this area.

Well, as long as I concentrate hard enough.

What I could do automatically was sense killing intent. No matter how tiny it was. As long as it was in my range of perception, it could not hide.

And from how these people are showing off such dense killing intents aimed towards this woman beside me, they aren't up to any good.


About 100 meters away in the roof of a high-rise building. A man was laying on the floor covered in black attire. He was holding a pair of binoculars.

In his sights was a large hospital building.

Looking closer, he was observing a certain room at the top floor. The window was open and the man could see one of the targets, and a little boy.

This man's name was long forgotten.

He lived as Dart, an international assassin tasked to eliminate many targets all across the globe.

With his partner, a customised sniper rifle, he completed mission after mission. He had long grown numb to the value of human life, and did not care whether his targets be innocent or guilty.

As long as he gets paid, that was enough.

The job this time was pretty standard. Three high-profile targets coming from the world-renowned Kamishiro Group of Companies were the targets.

This woman was one of them. Her name was Kamishiro Yuuna, the presently acting CEO of Kamishiro Enterprise. Although it was only a sub-company compared to the entire group, it was still powerful enough to rival a small country's wealth.

Second target. Kamishiro Hana, the business genius of the future. Extremely gifted in the art of buying and selling company stocks it was astounding.

And finally, the main target.

Kamishiro Senzai, someone who can never go wrong. Every choice he makes, and the people he makes friends with, every business deal, and even the enemies that target him was said to be all calculated by his sheer intellect and wisdom.

His connections in the governments around the world alone would be enough to scare presidents, let alone ordinary people. This old man was someone with so much mystery surrounding him, that most do not have the courage to make eye contact.

Fortunately, he wasn't his target.

He only had to focus on the woman.

As for the little boy, he would just have to watch someone get killed in front of his eyes.

It might traumatise him but Dart couldn't care less.

He didn't need to kill the boy but he wasn't his problem either. The world is just like this.

The target Kamishiro Yuuna was his.

The other targets would be handled by his two other teammates which had as much skill as him.

"All clear. Target in sight. Over."

He said towards the walkie talkie placed near him.

"...Roger that. Primary target and Secondary target are in the hallways walking towards the room of Third Target. Over."

"Copy. Hold position until I give my go."

This time, Dart was put in charge of the team.

Once he confirmed all three of them had locked in on their targets, he started preparing his trusty sniper rifle, and loaded up the thick bullets he would use. Many other things had to be done as well such as determining wind speed, direction, distance and location of firing. All had to be meticulously prepared for just one shot.

Sniper assassins like him only had one chance.

If he doesn't confirm the kill, he is instructed to leave and try again another time.

Assuming the client doesn't fire him after failing.

"Now then, everything is ready. Time to wait until they are all gathered together. By that time we should at least kill two of them."

As he thought of this, his mouth curved into a smile.

The reward this time was immense. For each target they kill, it would be 10,000,000 USD. If they get all three, just his share alone would be enough for him to play around for his whole life.

"Targets in position. I repeat. Targets in position."

As Dart was fantasising his future, he was interrupted by his teammate talking through the walkie talkie. Hearing this, his greed-filled expression quickly turned into a cold one.

"In taking the shot, there can be no mistakes. Too much money is at stake."

Chanting it as if it was his mantra, he crouched down and entered into shooting position. Placing his eye on the lens, adjusting the scope and target, and finally putting his finger on the trigger.

Waiting for a few seconds, the man called Dart grabbed the walkie talkie with his free hand and said towards his teammates similarly in position...

"On my count. Ready. Aim. F-"

Just as he was about to give the order to fire, a loud sound interrupted him and ultimately ended his existence along with the other assassins with him.

In that moment, three explosions happened in three different buildings, all occurring on the roof.

No one had noticed the little white-haired boy's eyes glowing pure gold for a second as he stared into the three large plumes of smoke and fire far away.