chapter 4: exploring 2

back at the spiritual realm***

due to some interference and enticing smell l went to the forest like place .

to tell you the truth even though i am master of this place still i, ignoring gege and lu wushi place,

do not know much.

and i met lu shi due to an accident and only saw his living place.

memories flash back***

that gege again ignoring me. i will go and hide in a place and worry him.

and than we will see how will he ignore me...


yang was thoughtlessly walking when he ran into a blazing book.

oh! who put on fire the poor book?

I wish I had water to extinguish the fire.

yang remembered a few days ago he put water in a container so that he could drink from it.

remembering it he collected the container from his kimono and emptied on the book.

the book on fire was no more only a red book swayed in the air.

when he touched it the fire on the book once again arise with hundred folds strength.

yang fell down out of fright.

but strangely the fire was not hot.

so yang fear was put aside and wonder sparked through his eyes as he looked around.

where once only an infinite deserted place was,

now had a fire blazing trees, sky, animals, people and everything.

and the strange thing was a lot of people surrounded me.

and gazed at me with respect and love.

and a person among them put his hands around me and lifted me.

l am the lord of fire, known as lu shi.

sire would you accept me as your kin?


yes?(as in question)....

the person smiled and lowered his head towards my neck.

something wet touched my neck and tickling feelings arise from that place,

but when i tried to push him away.

He suddenly sucked so deeply that i felt my skin would broke.

fired lit on that place and took a shape of a fire flower.

why did you do that for?

yang full of anger touched his neck and shouted at lu shi.

he insolently replied:

I did what is meant to be done and this time licked my lips.

yang had tears in his eyes and cried out;

gege save me!

though lee weibu did not arrived but someone at least came to his help.

that person hit lu shi and took me out of his embrace to his own;

enough is enough do not bully him.

facing yang the person replied I am his betrothed;

tian shi.

yang with crocodile tears face him and said in delight:

i am yang wushi and my older brother ls lee weibu.

tian shi licked yang tears and said:

ok, tell me where is your gege?

and I will take you to him.

this tian shi was very clever he knew that if he licked yang without baiting him he would

have been scared.

but now not only he is not scared but he also likes him

at that time yang did not knew that he had jumped from frying pan into literally fire.

end of flashback***

yang shivers while holding his neck.

not know when but a lot of green vines surrounded him.

when he realized they had taken a hold of all his limbs and stretched him in air.


all this occurred again and again until a sleek vine covered his eyes and ears.

a soft voice was heard before he lost his eyesight and hearing;

sorry sire, this is the only way we can protect you. our king died from an attack and we can only gift to you this. which will protect and serve you.

the strange thing was this that some strange phenomenon disabled him to use his power to escape our call lee weibu.

during this time the mind of yang went over a major growth and his previous height grew up to 2 m.

his hairs now had a green hue to it.

about 101 days later the vines produced an embryo and finally

all the vines left him.

from the embryo a child came out.

he came towards yang neck and sucked hard.

there a green flower marked form.

the baby whispered softly;

sleep mama sleep, I will see you soon

and he turned into tunic that became a tightly fit body suit.
