Chapter 03: Our Protagonist

"My grandma will be fine?" Thinks to himself the little kid.

He was seated on the window seat, seeing the changes in the landscape.

His name is John Bacon, and this year he's eight years old.

A cute child with a lively sheen in his eyes that shows interest and knowledge.

The skin of his face was a little tanned, with black hair and brown eyes.

Average height of 130cm, and normal weight.

He was from Hawaii, from the Kilauea Town.

After the Final Showdown, how was called the nuclear battle royale, this town became a volcanic material minery settlement.

Why, you ask?

Because among the materials needed to make the serum, some of them were volcanic baked minerals needed to do the catalysis of the evolved blood and some specific volcanic ashes that stabilizes the serum.

All the volcanoes in the world have them, so they were relatively cheap; but you need to recollect them.

There's a lot of violent volcanoes out on the wild, so "pacific" volcanoes were more sought because the fear of sudden volcanic explosions is near zero.

The farming was developed in hopes of supplying with enough food for the townspeople, and the near coast secure the amount of seafood.

Hawaii was one of the unaffected territories in the world by the final showdown.

Even though there's a navy base on the place, the warheads directed to there failed to detonate when they crashed, so only the shockwave from the heavy fall destroyed the place.

Because of this, the hawaiian population was not affected by the high energy radiation.

The place where the nuclear bombs crashed, Pearl Harbor, was treated as a forbidden zone. They militarized the perimeter and have order to shoot to death any invader.

Because there's no radiation, the ecosistems don't change too much. The nuclear affected water spread through the globe, so Hawaii was affected a little, but the serum was produced efficiently, then only died a 10% of the population.

Life is tragic.


The reason why kids were taking the aerobus was because the school sistem was changed.

Now the schools were militarizated, and there was no budget to normal schools. At the eight years they were drafted in the military schools and was mandatory. They give chance to the kid to reach eight years old without going to school, because this was the age when they can be sure the vaccine don't have adverse effects in the children.

This situation creates stress in the children, because they cannot go out of their houses because the quarantine. So they need to mantain the kids focused on the development of themselves in body and mind, giving house tutoring through the web and rewarding them for the progress. They too give the kids breaks to do whatever they want, like eating candies while seeing the TV services.

To motivate the violent behavior, they give the toons on the house screens were graphic with the harm received by the characters. The thematic were about patriotism, self-sacrifice, family love and courage. All the schools were militarized, because the war didn't permit the budget to. In the schools the beating was permited, but not the rape or the murder. Because of that there were bully gangs in the schools who swag themselves to demonstrate their value.


After the showdown, the political, economical and social system collapsed. There was a lot of disturbances during the year after the conflict. The caos was reigning, and the people only looked after themselves and the law of the fittest was the right course of action. The crimes were abundant, when thefts, rapes and murders were everyday bread.

There were no pity, mercy or solidarity.

The poisoned people suffered the pain of the cancer, without medicines or sedatives.

But when the evolved humans appeared, with the overwelming superiority of their capabilities, they dealed with the social uprest.

They crowned themselves kings of the human territories, and with the power of the human technology and weaponry, they obtained the capability of killing monsters.

They obtained the recipe to make the serum, but they couldn't produce it in masse.

So they first gave it to the scientists to make them help with the monster problem.

The monsters rolled flat a lot of human settlements, killing and eating a lot of survivors.

When the humans killed the monsters, they encountered inside of their brains some translucent jewel, with different colours between them.

Through absorbing those jewels, the evolved humans became more powerful than before, and their specials obtained a boost in their characteristics.

So, with a renewed vitality, the evolved humans can make the serum because they can produce more blood.

But only evolved humans could absorb directly this jewels. There was a time some humans tried to absorb the jewels, but they imploded in a messy gore scene.


The method of absortion was simple. Only eating it.

There was differences in the speed of absortion between evolved humans, but there was no

drawback, seemingly.

Later was discovered that the monster meat was edible by normal humans, but tasted plain and bland, and some times truly bitter. But the benefits to the vaccined humans were great. The metabolism was boosted, the poisonig from radiation was excreted and the phisical characteristics were enhanced.

The evolved humans discovered they cannot obtain enough energy with normal food, but with energy obtained from the radioactive materials, they can make the pass. So in their diets they included radiactive salts with their food, who included monster meat or parts.

The radiactive salt with monster meat makes a good combination. The taste was pasable, and the effects were reasonable to evolved humans.


But the monsters were evolving too.

When a monster eats enough humans, it can optain an upgrade of its special and phisical characteristics. It becomes wise and elusive.

This information was obtained at the price of a human king and his army.

There was only a survivor who counted the happenings, and after that his head exploded.

His lasts word said: "It sees me, it sees me now!"

This information was not public, but it will determine the future of our protagonist.