
"I can't believe you are pulling off that debt card!" Xhemin hissed back at him. How can she say no right now to him? A debt is a debt and as long as it is not against this country's laws then she had to give through.

Xhemin stared at Ziggy for a long time in a glare full of infuriation. After murdering Ziggy with her stares, she let loose and began to probe "So tell me what is this tag game all about?"

Ziggy was then the one sitting on the chair Xhemin previously sat. He sat there with a vicious smile knowing that he had found his perfect ace card in winning the game.

"Well as I said, you have to hunt someone, sneak up on him and tag him. Then you erase his tag mark which was tattooed in his body to eliminate him—you do that after you'll find out who he was hunting" Ziggy started his explanation. "Then, you hunt again—you hunt the person that he was hunting after you eliminate him to tag him. So on and on until everyone was eliminated"

"How do you know who to tag first?"