Dare Not

Whispers boomed through the crowd as to what was happening and they were taking notice with the fact that the girl's skin was clear, no blisters at all, and her skin shone with a soft shade of brown, giving her skin a gentle hue and she was quite a sight almost defeating all the elite campers that were on their bikinis.

The girl had run in a fast pace that she came I gasping for air while on her knees. She needed some time to recover her lost breathing and everyone's eyes were on her, wondering where in the world did the rumours saying this random fan was rejected by Leonardo Auclair came from.

Were the rumours even true?

Seeing just her beautiful skin shone gold under the sun made everyone question every bit of the words that had been going around.


"So it seemed like the rumours were all false. She's such a beauty" Someone exclaimed, gaping open upon the girl before them.