
Loch cottage

At the duck, down the cliff of Loch cottage, Xhemin sat impatiently. She held tight on edge of the wood flooring where she sat while her two legs were submerged in the water. The water down the loch was cold, but there was nothing colder than the fact they just buried a friend.

Xhemin looked down and saw her big belly, she's nearly seven months pregnant and few weeks from now she'll give birth to another Lagdameo heir. Problem was that, her baby's father was gone and until now, she had grown no feelings for the child inside her as if she was still in denial of the fact that she was pregnant. Xhemin knew her feelings toward the child was wrong, but she doesn't know anything about pregnancy and motherhood as she had never known a mother ever since. She grew up with no mother figure around to guide her and to show her what motherly love was.