Dr. Melvin's Journal (2)

Entry 5

So, there's this mean angel at XU that was annoying me all the time. Yep, I'm officially calling her mean angel because she had the meanest attitude but probably the prettiest face I had ever seen. However, I still am annoyed with her.

First off, after that act she did at the main ground yesterday, she asked me to play pretend as her boyfriend and was forcing me to attend that silly senior's ball—God!

There's no way I am saying yes to all of this!

Entry 6

Well, the mean angel came to see me again. She was so desperate, and I was determined to say no to her, but I unexpectedly said yes. I don't know why I did that, it's just that, the time she came to me, she was still with her usual meanie type character, but her eyes glowed differently. Her eyes were sad.