Extra Chapter 1

A week after, Darryl brought Xhemin to the par line to be checked by an obygene. He had specifically asked the council and Enoch to allow Xhemin to be checked by a physician in the mainland because her last pregnancy didn't turn out well and he was afraid the same scenario and complications might arise.

The council who then felt the importance of Illa Durray's words wanted to do everything in their power to make sure the baby will be born without complications and so they allowed the thing. Right then, Xhemin was inside the tent in the middle of Puente De Amor being checked thoroughly by an obygene while Ziggy and Darryl waited outside. The Montreal youngest sire was the one Darryl contacted about this and he was the one who prepared the facilities in the par line for Xhemin.

"So you found the cure?" Ziggy raised the question. Darryl had sent him a letter about it as well as some other important details so he already had an idea.