Male Lead

Qiu Yue looked around her new apartment.

"So where are we now?"

"A new world. This is the first mission so it should be comparatively easier. You want me to read out the story or–"

Qiu Yue shook her head.

"No that's fine, give it to me, I want to read it myself."

As if taking out the book from a dimensional space, which was likely the most probable answer, the Genie, whose name was Yao Yan, handed it to Qiu Yue.

"So this is a reverse harem? Ah will there be any harem worlds or is this going to be a reverse harem only adventure?"

Yao Yan smirked with a wicked glint in her eyes.

"Well... you can choose which male from her harem you want to save. Who the male lead is, is up to you."

Qiu Yue glances at her from the side.

'I have the feeling I'm losing more and more as if I fell into a bad trap...'

Smoothing out her furrowed eyebrows she shook off that ominous feeling.

But as she went through the book she could only (* ಠ_ಠ)

"What's wrong with this world?! It has only three things - plot hole, bigger plot hole, and even bigger plot holes!!"

The female lead for this world was named Bao FeiYin. She lived with her father while her mother had died during childbirth. Sadly they had to live very frugally as her father, Bao Zhang could not find a good job after offending a person with a higher social standing.

Bao FeiYin grew up being very kind and passionate. To the point of being kind to fault.

When she turned 15, her father told her about a woman he had fallen in love with and how he wanted to marry her. This lady was the owner of an auction house, and she also had a son two years older than Bao FeiYin. For simplicity's sake, for now, we shall call him step brother ML.

The madam was never unkind to Bao FeiYin but she felt like she was intruding upon something. So as soon as she turned eighteen, she took the allowance money she had been saving and moved out much to the stepbrother ML's dismay.

How it is that she got that much allowance as to rent a house? ┐('~';)┌

There was no mention of how well she scores anywhere, but it seemed that her grades were rather high as she landed a job as the CEO ML's assistant.

Their meeting was rather novel. On her first day at work, as she stopped to help people on her way to work– Yes. PEOPLE, more than one, as she was quite obviously late.

On this fateful day the otherwise on time, strict and cool CEO ML was also by some unknown reason, unexplainably late!


As they both got onto the elevator at the same time she assumed he was another coworker at a similar level.

The elevator had a different idea of how it was supposed to work, and as per requirements, it stopped.

The female lead started to panic but of course, as there was another person in there with her, she tried to put up a brave and reassuring front. Soon though, she started feeling light-headed and fainted.

The CEO ML caught her in his arms before she fell. Moved by his kind gesture, she gave him a brilliant and beautiful smile described as that of a blooming flower.

This CEO ML didn't fall for her straight away but felt she was very interesting, and as she was his assistant he met her every day, and his heart was slowly melted.

The third male lead is the slightly sadistic coworker. Coworker ML worked under the CEO ML and enjoyed repeatedly berating the poor Bao FeiYin.

He slowly fell in love with her reactions and felt only he had the right to bully her.

It's like he was the eternal Peter Pan, just stuck in kindergarten.

He was the third son of a very famous family, but wanting to make his own name joined the CEO ML's company.

The fourth male lead is an Idol signed under Starshine Entertainment. He had a very clean record with the public and was loved by millions of female and male fans.

Off camera? He was a major playboy and seemed to have very loose morals. He didn't seem to have a problem sleeping with women, even if they weren't aware of it. At least this was the impression the female lead had of him.


The place the female lead has gotten an apartment at, with her 'allowance' was the same one he was staying at. Thus these two became neighbors.

How she got an apartment there?


One day after work, the exhausted Bao FeiYin, who had gotten very close to her neighbor, went over to his house. Having low alcohol tolerance she collapsed and the this Idol ML who had realized that he had been searching for love his entire life, but hasn't found it till now, felt the need to sleep with her. He felt there was no other way she'd stay with him.

The female lead, of course, forgave him and loved him, as she loved the other three male leads.

She was so beautiful and kind that the four of them, while they felt jealous, had no choice but accept each other.

Did they do it together?

Qiu Yue didn't want to know.

It didn't mention how but the female lead quickly rose up in the business world, hailed as a kind and capable businesswoman.

Not to say that the business world was a dark place, but it was a dark place.

How did the female lead, who was said to be pure and kind, harboring no bad thoughts and gave off the feeling of wanting to protect her, rise up so quickly?


The problem of course was she was able to have only a single daughter and had asked them to never check who was the father as she didn't want them to fight.


After her death, all the Male Leads fought, and this lead to the destruction of the world.


Now after talking so much about the Female lead, you must be wondering who this body's original owner was.

She was also named Lang Qiu Yue. A rich lady from a pretty wealthy family who held a considerably high status in society. She went to college with the female lead.

Why would the young lady of such a famed household go to the same college as that of the poor female lead? ┐('~')┌


The only reason the original owner even had an introduction was because she was the fiancée of the CEO ML.

The book said she was loved by her parents and was a rebellious yet nice girl.

She was the one who helped the female lead get a job at the CEO ML's company. Though she also loved the CEO ML, for her friend she gave him up and she moved to the countryside to live in a temple.


┻━┻ ︵ヽ('Д')ノ︵ ┻━┻

What is with this setting?!

The female lead who remembered her friend went to visit her but was attacked by people hired by cannon fodder who loved the male leads.

This world's Qiu Yue jumped in to save her and died.

There was very little information about her because she was mentioned in only five paragraphs right up until she died! What did her death result in? Meeting of the MLs! Who also conveniently forgot to investigate who she was.

While the female lead constructed a park in her name.

The novel was very vague about a lot of details and seemed to focus on only one thing– romance.

Qiu Yue had arrived 2 years prior to the start of the plot. Which, as far she could guess, started when the female lead had just gotten out of college. The novel only mentioned that she had left her home at 18, so Qiu Yue presumed that the female lead was living alone around now.

Right now she'd be a second-year student just like the original owner.

Qiu Yue turned to Yao Yan to complain and ranted her heart out.

"Just because this is an online novel the writer sacrificed logic! There's literally no information ah..."

She looked at Yao Yan with an aggrieved expression.

"YanYan... can't you give me a gold finger.."

Yao Yan who had been silently sucking a lollipop finally opened her mouth.

"If you had let me finish before talking so much, I would have told you that I have a lot more information than that rubbish."

Yao Yan looked at Qiu Yue her mouth twitching.

'This host sure is amazing ah.'

Qiu Yue looked at Yao Yan with a frighteningly sweet smile on her face.

"Then... I can rely on you, right? YanYan will help me through this world!"

Qiu Yue placed her hands on Yao Yan's shoulders, but to Yao Yan it felt more like they were on her neck.

She felt a slight shiver go up her spine.

What sort of host is this?!



"Then that's set! Let's go out, I want to see what this world looks like."

Qiu Yue got up and walked towards the washroom and decided to tidy herself up. She left her black wavy hair open and applied a very thin stroke of liner to her eyes.

As the body already had very pale skin, she decided to wear light colored clothes.

She just wanted to look good enough to go outside and have a look around, nothing too special. What Qiu Yue didn't take into consideration was that no matter what she did the aura she gave out was a soft but noble one that made people unable to look away. Perhaps somewhat like a fairy who danced around in gardens, playful yet magical and majestic. Not one to protect, yet to admire.

"You're a really complacent host. You didn't even ask about the memories of the original owner of that body."

Yao Yan said as she leaned against the apartment door while Qiu Yue put on her shoes.

"I knew you were a nice system! I had faith that YanYan would tell me on your own."

Yao Yan raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on that.

"You should get your memories when you go to sleep today, that way it wouldn't hurt you."

Qiu Yue chuckled and opened the door. Thus the two girls walked side by side looking with utmost curiosity at the everything, while every single person they walked by was charmed and couldn't resist a second look.

What Qiu Yue didn't know was that, as if through a stroke of fate, the ML was walking towards her.

Yao Yan had long run after a blonde youth with long legs as she wanted to secure her nights.

The wind blew almost as if by command, and as they stepped past one another, so close–

nothing happened.

He walked past her and got into a car, while she stared at the trees on the sidewalk.

What did you think was gonna happen?

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