Thwarted Plans

Qiu Yue had to bite her lip to stop herself from squeaking in surprise. She almost half laid on the couch and Huo Zi Feng's knees were on either side of her thighs straddling her.

She was surprised and for a moment at a loss, she had almost no experience on what to do next. As a result, all Qiu Yue had managed to accomplish was to stare back at his beautiful deep obsidian eyes while a natural red hue spread on her cheeks.

His gaze felt scorching hot on her, or was it the embarrassment?

Either way, Qiu Yue felt she had no way of exiting this situation... and to be honest it's not like she wanted to either!

Huo Zi Feng himself was almost unsure on how to proceed, so he just moved as if by instinct. After all, this was her. She was the person he treasured and loved so his movements were almost natural.

One hand supported his weight on one side, while the other gently caressed her flushed cheeks as his face moved closer to hers.

Qiu Yue fell into a trance as she stared into his eyes. And the next thing that happened felt like the most natural thing to do for both of them.

Huo Zi Feng had reached his target, he kissed her with his lips that were cold from the shower earlier, the feeling intensified by her sweet warm red lips.

Their kiss deepened as the pair let themselves go for a moment, Qiu Yue's eyes closed as she drowned in the feeling.

Slowly, something hot entered her mouth and began playing around with her tongue, it was a sensational feeling that made her dizzy.

She found that her thoughts suddenly got muddled, and although surprised, she just went with it.

The kiss felt like it had lasted forever, with neither of them wanting to let go of the other, but reluctantly having to do so. Huo Zi Feng then parted his lips from hers as they both were left gasping for air.

Their eyes never left each other, as if they were in a deep hypnosis. Like it was the most natural thing to do.

He then moved his body against hers and switched their positions so she was over him, he didn't want to crush her beneath his weight.

Seeing how he cared for her even right now, Qiu Yue's fingers wove into his hair, grabbing hold and pulling him closer than he already was.

Inexperienced, and yet without hesitation, she was caught at a loss for what to do at first so she did what was the only thing she thought was next and hooked her fingers into the belt of his pants, while her forehead touched his as they breathed heavily.

Haa… Haa…

Their breaths interlocked together, they were trapped as if they were two opposite magnets stuck together. Huo Zi Feng untucked her shirt, his fingers feeling pleasantly cool on her body.

His hands slid through her back as he pulled her body closer to his.

A hot feeling was rising from within him, even now he was trying to control himself from the inevitable.

"Triiiiiiiiiiiiiing. Triiiiiiiiiing."

His thumbs grazed the bottom of her bra as he shifted to the side of her neck and gently sucked on her skin, soon he could hear her try to stifle a moan.


It was finally the time.

— Or so they thought.


Somewhere in the background, they could hear the sound of ringing. Slowly, they who were seemingly focused solely on each other were brought back to reality.

While most of their attention was still on each other, the incessant ringing of Huo Zi Feng's cellphone was really a cacophony to their ears. Huo Zi Feng wanted to just throw his phone away and Qiu Yue shared his sentiment, but when she saw the name on the caller ID a sudden itch of irritation grew in her heart.

It wasn't as though she hadn't predicted the female leads phone call, but this timing really made Qiu Yue annoyed. After so long they finally got to the point and this?!

Regardless, her mood was already gone and she pushed herself up and away. When Huo Zi Feng saw her eyes grow colder and full of annoyance he was already crying without tears. This cursed cell phone! Twice now, TWICE it had interrupted his plans!

But seeing her walk away he could only accept the call and vent his anger on the caller. Unbeknownst to what her actions had resulted in Bao FeiYin felt dissatisfied with Huo Zi Feng. How long would he keep her waiting before accepting?

"Feng Ge..."

Bao FeiYin said before she started to cry.

"FeiYin is very sad... I fear that sister Lang has enmity with me. She met with me today and said that she would blame the blast on me!"

After saying until this point in a quiet and pitiful voice, Bao FeiYin burst into tears waiting for a response from Huo Zi Feng. But hearing only a startling silence, her dissatisfaction only grew.

Hearing the hidden dissatisfied voice on the other end Huo Zi Feng's lips curled into a cold cruel smile. This was very good. Causing discord between him and the wife, making her angry and interrupting his moment.

If he didn't do anything then wouldn't he become an abandoned mistress—....husband?!

But his wife had already planned something for this girl, so he could not move against this nuisance until then. But who said he had to put up with her?

"Please refrain from overextending your boundaries. My tolerance to you has been a courtesy on behalf of my fiancée."

Huo Zi Feng felt distasteful talking to such a low-class person. Class wasn't something that was measured by wealth or social standing. It had to do with one's personality. Being shameless was okay, being rude was too, to some extent if you had the ability to bake it up. But this girl clearly didn't.

But being rude or selfish or money-grubbing wasn't something that Huo Zi Feng disliked in Bao FeiYin. It was the fact that she seemed to be causing his cute wife distress of some kind. Even previously he had wanted to fire Bao FeiYin immediately. But she had insisted otherwise. Huo Zi Feng knew that while Qiu Yue was very nice to her friends and others who had earned her respect, her behavior with Bao FeiYin was strange. When interacting with Bao FeiYin, Qiu Yue's body would subconsciously be in defensive stances. While it didn't seem like she went out of her way to be neither nice nor mean, to Huo Zi Feng, he knew she was trying hard to stay neutral. A part of Qiu Yue was, for some reason, worried by Bao FeiYin's appearance.

Huo Zi Feng could see it in her eyes, there was something that left her unsettled and anxious. While Huo Zi Feng didn't understand why, now that she was going to ignore that and do what he had been urging her to, he would stand behind her.

It's just... right now he also stood behind something, he stood behind the door. Qiu Yue had closed the door to his room after throwing out pillows and blankets.



_| ̄|○・゚・ゥワァァァン

Qiu Yue felt like one of those cannon fodder villains, wanting to vomit blood. Why?! All she wanted to do was spend a night with her beloved okay!

But that bitch of a female lead. Her goddamn timing was out of this world. And even though Qiu Yue was the one who had told Huo Zi Feng to take her call just to incense Bao FeiYin further, it was all to push her to Wang Xi. He would not let her release the video just so he could hold it as blackmail. After being discarded by three of her 'lovers' Qiu Yue could guess what Bao FeiYin would do. But even then she felt irritated at seeing him talking to her.

She stalked around the room in irritation and when she heard the ping of her own phone.

YanYan: So! How was it??

YanYan: You guys should have done it right?

Yao Yan had been listening to Qiu Yue's thoughts but when they had kissed, she immediately shut down the system. Privacy was one of the reasons.... but it was also because thinking of Qiu Yue finally doing it felt weird to Yao Yan.

How could the poor system have known this was the absolute worst timing to ask Qiu Yue this?

Qiu Yue's anger bubbled up and she almost threw her phone, but instead, she placed it down stiffly and threw a pillow at the door.... even in anger, money cannot be wasted.

This Yao Yan! Did she have to rub salt and vinegar into her wounds?!

Poor Huo Zi Feng also felt bad at angering his wife so he quietly went to the sofa and sat down.

Thankfully he had a big sofa...

When he sat down alone, his grief flared up and he immediately messaged Liu Hui, telling him to keep an eye on Bao FeiYin. He would make her regret this.

As it was already late both of them lay down to sleep, but Qiu Yue tossed and turned in the bed. she felt empty sleeping by herself.

Huo Zi Feng who hadn't fallen asleep yet heard the handle to this room turn very quietly. With it a small figure hesitantly went to check if he was asleep. After making sure that his breathing was slow and stable she laid down next to him.

There was a rush of warmth in Huo Zi Feng's heart. Sensing the small person slowly fall into sleep, he gently looped her arm around her waist and tucked her head under his, pulling her close and smiling contently.

As expected, Bao FeiYin ran to Wang Xi feeling very wronged. And exactly as expected his greed made him keep the recording for himself. Though Bao FeiYin felt this was unfair, Wang Xi coaxed his little patsy to accept his explanation.

The next day, Bao FeiYin set off to the Aries office. Though Huo Zi Feng had made his disregard very clear, Bao FeiYin felt it was because he didn't know Qiu Yue well. When he saw how much of a bitch that Qiu Yue could be, he would surely come back to her.

For some reason, Bao FeiYin felt like Huo Zi Feng belonged to her. That he had to be hers.

So even when she saw Qiu Yue sitting in the office next to Huo Zi Feng, she completely ignored her existence.

Qiu Yue's lips were twitching as she struggled to maintain a smile. This girl was clearly slighting her! Qiu Yue couldn't comprehend the reason why she had been avoiding Bao FeiYin, but she knew that Bao FeiYin had crossed the line a long time ago.

In mild anger, she threw the termination letter to Bao FeiYin.

"You're fired."


Bao FeiYin had not expected this so she could only counter clumsily.

"It-It's not your decision. It's Feng-ge's! You can't fire me!"


Listening to Qiu Yue's supposedly gobsmacked voice she continued in a triumphant voice.

"I'm sure Feng-ge will soon see your true colors!"

"....whatever Qiu Yue says will be followed."

Huo Zi Feng said coldly. He would never forget this person who had thrown a wrench into what could have been the first time.

Qiu Yue couldn't stop a giggle escaping her voice.

She actually had the audacity to suggest that in her own house!

From the desk, she spoke to Bao FeiYin.

"Miss Yin, we have received credible information that you were responsible for the blast. However regretful we may feel, we need to terminate your contract immediately."

The dumbfounded female lead was shocked beyond words.

"Credible information?! It's you! You bitch!! You're trying to frame me!!"

At this point, Qiu Yue started to laugh in a mocking tone.

"Frame you for it? You know very well you were responsible. So do I. And even if the source is me... what can you do? Except for leaving."

"The difference in skills is just too great."

Bao FeiYin could only grit her teeth, she felt humiliated. If this Qiu Yue thought that she didn't have a fail-safe then she was simply too naive.

What Bao FeiYin didn't know was that Qiu Yue had been counting on this fail-safe.