Acting weird

"Mom, I want to ask dad something~"

Lang XiaoFei was happy with everything Qiu Yue had said so she took the phone off the speaker and gave it to her husband.

Lang Papa was a generally silent person, he left most of the talking to his wife. Originally, Qiu Yue and her father both had similar personalities, so they understood each other's silence. Even now, Qiu Yue could feel that while he wasn't saying much it didn't mean he didn't want to talk to her, she knew he loved her just as much.

Qiu Yue leaned onto the desk, sitting on the edge as she spoke.

"Dad, if-if you wanted a gift from mom, what would it be?"

Lang Zhou blinked and smiled gently but didn't seem fazed by her question.

"That would be... her trust."



Hey dad, I asked you because I thought you'd give a normal answer alright?

Only now did Qiu Yue realize she had no normal friends.

Everyone she was close to was acting weird.


It wasn't as though it was wrong but it was like saying, 'gift me the moon's reflection'. She could do it, but what was the point when the moon was already willing to shine for him?

Avoiding Zhou Jia, Qiu Yue discreetly asked the other coworkers of hers. All of them had nice and cosy answers, a homemade meal, a hand knit scarf, a vacation together, chocolates and roses? Oh well, she would do all of these things too, but later. However, it somehow didn't feel as if this was what she wanted to give him this time.

She couldn't explain the feeling but she wanted it to be intimate, yet grand and something that would always remind him of her.

Finally at the end of the day, as Qiu Yue sunk into her fluffy bed, she glanced at her phone, thinking about something. She had already gotten the 'gift yourself' idea from Zhou Jia, so even Yao Yan, who she had thought would be the one to give her that suggestion couldn't possibly embarrass her anymore.

She picked up her phone and quietly dialled Yao Yan's number, hers was the only opinion she was missing.

"YanYan, what would you want as a gift from your lover?"

Yao Yan's heart skipped a beat. She knew this question was coming, but she couldn't help but avoid it until Qiu Yue asked her outright. Even though she wanted to avoid it, she no longer could.

"...For me..."

She paused before continuing.

"For me, just having that person by my side would be the biggest gift. Nothing else could ever make me happier."

Both of them fell silent for different reasons. Qiu Yue hadn't thought that Yao Yan would say something so heart-wrenching. From her words, why did it seem like she'd already resigned herself to never being able to love that person?

That night, long after Qiu Yue had fallen asleep, Yao Yan could only look silently at the brilliantly glowing moon in the night sky, although it was all the light she had ever seen and felt, her shine lit up for someone else.

Perhaps this was karma, this was the web she had woven for herself.


The next day, Qiu Yue took a day off and went to the biggest auction house in X City. It was only on the way did Qiu Yue realize, coincidentally, today the stepbrother male lead would be at the auction house!

Chiang Jin had kept his mother's surname and often worked at the auction house. Of course, the work he did seemed to just be networking, but the man had one of the most extensive networks in C Country. He was also very good with the business and nothing could escape his notice. There was no way any of the employees could think of stealing while having Chiang Jin handling the business. He was also very honest and strict with himself, so he would never cheat others.

Of course, that didn't mean he could be taken advantage of, in this line-up of male leads he was the most straightforward one when dealing with problems. He had no desire to play around with someone before destroying them like Yuan XeZi, nor did he like scheming like Liu Hui, neither was he like Huo Zi Feng who held a fairly more tolerant attitude, unless they touched something or someone too important. No, as soon as he felt someone was in the wrong he'd immediately set to confirm it, and then get rid of them.

Everyone in the industry and around knew about his methods so they would never try to cheat him. He wasn't one to give second or third chances, one mistake would lead to a death sentence.

Surprisingly though, Qiu Yue hadn't even needed to approach him. Chiang Jin had been the one to welcome her. Qiu Yue smiles at him and nodded politely. This guy, he obviously wanted to confirm who was right and who was wrong between her and Bao FeiYin. But let it be, Qiu Yue knew that since she truly had done nothing, there was no way there'd be evidence against her and either way she hadn't thought of taking away Bao FeiYin's last male lead. She only had to destroy Bao FeiYin's harem, without three of the other male leads, one person could hardly constitute a harem

Even the matters with Liu Hui and Yuan ZeXi had been coincidental, she hadn't even had to do anything.

Chiang Jin tried to remain impassive but even looking at her demeanour, he could guess that at least the side she was showing him couldn't do something so cunning and cruel to Bao FeiYin. He had had her investigated and even the results of that had left him distressed.

Bao FeiYin was someone he felt was kind and nice, she was someone he had wanted to protect. Qiu Yue, on the other hand, was just and fair and while she was nice, she wouldn't give anyone something she didn't think they deserved. She was someone who would stand next to her partner with her head held high.

Qiu Yue spared no thought to him, but as he extended a casual conversation, seeing no reason to be averse, she would reply back. But as the time of the auction neared, Qiu Yue turned her attention to Dias.

"Is miss Lang looking for something in particular?"

Jin Chiang felt a bit curious. Honestly, he'd been surprised by her visit today.

"A gift for someone important."

Seeing that Qiu Yue didn't elaborate, he stayed silent.

Finally, the auction ended with a disappointed Qiu Yue. She hadn't thought that she'd find something good here but still...

Jin Chiang, sensing she was unhappy quietly bowed and left.

Some might wonder, why hadn't he comforted her? He didn't think that it was his place or position to do so. From her motive and his investigation he knew she was with Huo Zi Feng. He wouldn't like Bao FeiYin to associate with other men, and he was certain that Qiu Yue wasn't someone to appreciate that gesture either. So he'd quietly taken his leave.

Qiu Yue had been blankly looking around when an elderly couple passed by her. Through all the wrinkles, Qiu Yue could see the happiness on their faces. Even now their hands holding one another in a strong and steady way.

It was as though time couldn't and hadn't changed anything for them.

At that moment Qiu Yue felt something hit her. Of course! She could gift him that! There was just enough time to have it personalized too. It would be perfect for what she wanted!