It's Only You (+)

Before Qiu Yue could think about what this feeling was, she turned to see an announcement being made by the hosts. This new year party was held by an alliance of conglomerates which the Lang and Huo family were a huge part of. Sadly the Huo grandparents had no interest in such parties anymore and the Lang parents were too romantic to spend their evening at a party. From the time they had met, they had spent every single Christmas and new year on a date with just each other.

Thinking of the Lang parents, Qiu Yue couldn't help but smile.

"Let the dance begin!"

Seeing the couples go to the center of the hall, the lights dimming as if to make the couples feel that only the two of them were around, Qiu Yue could feel it again.

But this time she understood.

All her life she'd been unwanted, never good enough. Though she tried never had she been able to keep others happy. Her parents had never looked at her, and when she had finally come to terms with that even the two people she'd loved the most had left her.

An inherent fear of being lonely, of being deceived, of never being good enough. That was what she had felt.

This life, this family, the position she held, the people around her, the love she had received and even Zi Feng. They had never been hers to begin with.

I wasn't meant to receive this.

I don't deserve this.


A light touch on her clenched fists brought her back to reality, but the panic is her heart had not lessened one bit.

Her lost gaze met his warmest one.

He gently took her fingers and held them in his hands silently pulling her into the center of the dance room, but in her fear she wasn't paying attention to anything.

He placed one hand on her waist and put her hand on his, leading her into a slow dance.

He could feel that there was something wrong but said nothing. She had to tell him, only then could he help her.


Her voice was barely a whisper and should have been inaudible, but for some reason he knew.

Qiu Yue couldn't look at him, so she stared down at floor only to see her hand in his.

"Why me...?"

Huo Zi Feng paused for a second. He hadn't expected to hear something like this. When he tried to look at her face, she had turned away and wouldn't look at him.

"What do you mean Ah Yue?"

"Why me? I'm not the best at anything. I don't look the prettiest, I'm not the smartest, or the most intelligent. I'm not a very kind person and I can't forgive everyone... I'm not good enough for all of this. So why me?"

Qiu Yue could feel her lips quivering but she kept her voice steady, or so she thought. But he could hear it, she truly believed everything she'd said.

He wanted to tell her that she was the most beautiful person to him, that being smart or Intelligent had nothing to do with happiness. That he didn't even want her to be kind and nice to others, as long as she accepted him for who he was, but he knew she'd never agree to it.

Telling her that wouldn't convince her.

Huo Zi Feng pulled her closer to him so that her head rested on his chest and he bent his head, his lips near her ears.

"Can you hear it?"

Qiu Yue couldn't understand what he meant.

"The beating of my heart."

It seemed to be slightly fast right now, and she could hear it beat loudly next to her ear.

"Ah Yue... our hearts beat together."

Her feelings started to melt as she heard him say that.

"When I'm near you, it starts to beat faster and I know it's the same for you."

"That's only possible if it's you. It doesn't matter who is the best in what. No one else can match my heartbeat. It's only you."

Qiu Yue couldn't say a thing. Her eyes stung, her throat heavy with tears that she tries to stop. She buried her head into his chest, out of everyone's view.

Huo Zi Feng's eyes grew distressed in concern.

"No matter what else you think you don't deserve, I belong only to you. Wherever you are, regardless of the time that's passed, that will never change. This soul and my love is only for you."

How he knew exactly what she was afraid of she couldn't understand but in that moment Qiu Yue couldn't stop herself anymore. Even with her eyes squeezed shut, tears kept falling from her like the last rain before spring.

Feeling his shirt get wet as he heard her tiny sniffs, he pulled even closer, resting his head on her shoulder. Her arms tightened around him as he slowly swayed them both, discreetly leaving the dance floor taking her away from the party.

Unnoticed by the eyes of others Zi Feng guided Qiu Yue into the elevator, going straight to their VIP suite on the 78th Floor. As the Huo Grandparents owned the hotel this party was taking place in, Huo Zi Feng had already reserved the only suite on the 78th floor for them.

Once they were in the room Qiu Yue turned away wiping the tears without looking at him, when she did turn to look at him, her eyes and nose were red, and on her face was the sweetest smile Huo Zi Feng had ever seen.

His eyes lit up as he saw her, that enchanting smile would have long since left any normal man drooling, the lust overflowing within them. Huo Zi Feng had already been holding back for quite a long time, and if it wasn't for his strong resilience, he would have lost control a long time ago.

Since last time they were rudely interrupted, Huo Zi Feng ensured that this time no one would disturb them. His phone was immediately put on silence and he made sure that hers was too.

He had long since taken off his coat and tie and had thrown them on the ground. Qiu Yue also threw her purse and stared at him.

(Explicit Content Ahead)

She pulled on her lips before she finally jumped up to kiss him. She couldn't hold back any longer not anymore, and it seemed he couldn't either.

They quickly deepened their kiss, moaning as the thought that they could finally be together alone sunk in, and they stayed that way for a what seemed like an eternity before breaking apart, gasping for air.

Between breaths she took his hand and guided him towards the bedroom. Qiu Yue's face was flushed and she felt her body become unusually hot.

Her eyes pinned his as they stared at one another without blinking. For a long time, time stood still.

The lights had long been turned off, and the only light came from the glass door that lead to the balcony, where the moon shined upon them.

Then they kissed again, this time tumbling down on the nearby bed. The rustling of their clothes could be heard throughout the room, as Qiu Yue unbuttoned Huo Zi Feng's shirt. The way she unbuttoned them with impatience, she almost tore his clothes open. It was hasty and slightly clumsy.

Once open, a beautiful sight invaded her eyes. His skin had always been flawless, his taut muscles, as her fingertips brushed over his firm chest, she felt like she was going to go crazy as her breath quickened.

If Qiu Yue had to use a word to describe these abs it would be... delicious.

Her lips parted slightly as she stared at the beautiful sight of his, meanwhile, Huo Zi Feng had already quietly zipped down her dress without her notice.

It was the undoing of the bra that seemed to wake her from her daze, as she had almost drooled right there.

As if interrupting her thoughts, she realized what he had done, and stared at him with her left eyebrow raised and a sexy smile that made Huo Zi Feng stiffen on the spot. Sure she hadn't done this before but... teasing people had always been her forte.

"FengFeng is so impatient!" She exclaimed as she sat up to remove her dress and bra.

It was Zi Feng's turn to be amazed at the sight of two perfectly round mountains staring back at him.

Her face slightly flushed in embarrassment as she noticed his hard stare.

Caught off guard, she couldn't help but throw herself at him once again and assaulted him with a kiss.

Of course, Zi Feng couldn't very well let her do everything.

He felt his waiting had certainly paid off, for she was like an enchanting heavenly fairy that would topple nations, enthralling one man, and only one, being that person...

Zi Feng's body was boiling hot and a protuberance was already about to stick out of his pants.

He resisted, as he first held her down and they parted away, panting. Looking at her gaze, he lowered his head down and sucked on the beautiful mountains that had previously taken his breath away.

As if stung, Qiu Yue released a low moan. Her hand quickly suppressing it.

She was caught by surprise just now, she didn't know she could make such obscene noises. As she felt her breast being eaten, she couldn't help but shiver as a wave of pleasure overcame her.

His other hand gripped the other mound and flickered her supple nipple.

The shivering continued and the gasps sounded almost rhythmical.

"Zi...Feng... Ah!" She tried to say something but couldn't as she had felt a bite on one of her breasts. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

He bit me!

She glanced at him and saw a perverse gaze in his eyes. It was as if he wanted to devour her completely. Her breasts being merely the appetizer.

"You taste good." He said as his lips parted from her now swollen breasts, stiff at the peaks.

An evil smile on his face, as if he wanted to play with her for a long time.

As if noticing his plans, she pursed her lips and immediately switched places with him.

In less than a second, Huo Zi Feng found himself being mounted on. His body was being held down by her, and as he saw her gaze, he could see vengeance and playfulness in her eyes.

He gulped as he realized he might have gone a little far with his game.

She reached over and undid his belt, unzipped his pants and pulled them down.

Like an arrow, he had immediately jumped on to her sights. Almost startling her, she saw he was standing erect like a tall building.

She licked her lips mischievously and approached slowly. At first, she touched the tip with her hands, as if curious to see his reaction.

Huo Zi Feng didn't disappoint as he almost shivered slightly by her touch.

"It looks swollen. Have you been holding back this entire time?" She looked at him with a smile.

He might be a cold and powerful CEO to the public, but to her right now he looked like a bullied lion.

"Ah Yue... " he looked at her with a complicated gaze.

In fact, he had been holding back for a while now. Even that time where they almost did it, he had to find a way to relieve himself under the cold shower. It was terrible. Simply terrible.

As if not noticing his call, she grabbed him with her hand, and could almost hear a whimper.

She tried rubbing it like she had read in books YaoYan had forced upon her and saw that his gaze seemed to be pleading her to stop teasing.

Too bad, she wasn't going to stop!

She did it harder this time, and just when she noticed he was about to come, she stopped.

She licked her lips a second time and sucked on him. Her head moving clumsily up and down, and her body growing hotter.

Seeing her do this for him, he was delighted, yet at the same time, he panicked.

He almost let himself go in the reverie. He knew he wouldn't last much longer being teased like this.

Immediately before it happened, she pushed her out of him and towards the bed. Once again, their positions changed.

As if he was on a stimulant, he took off her last piece of defense and looked at that delicate sight of hers.

Qiu Yue had obviously been caught off guard but didn't resist at all.

As if trying to calm himself, he licked his lips and his lips kissed her down there. A sweet taste invaded his tongue as he began licking her like she was a piece of candy.

His hot lips almost made her scream and she shivered constantly.


She bit her lips, as if being devoured by a hungry wolf, she couldn't resist him. She felt like she was being teased by this big bad wolf.

His stick finally couldn't wait anymore.

He looked at his prey— at Qiu Yue, his gaze scorching hot.

"Are you... ready?" He asked.

Qiu Yue bit her lips slightly and nodded in consent. As if on cue, he directed himself as she opened herself entirely to him.

He gently pushed her inside of him.

A loud gasp could be heard coming from her as she whimpered. With pain in her eyes, she bit her lips.

"It hurts..." she managed to blurt out.

Huo Zi Feng immediately stopped moving.

After a while, she reached over to hug him and whispered in his ears, "Go on..."

Following her orders, he pushed himself in further, until he reached a wall.

A gasp came from each of them as they reveled in the moment. After a while, he began moving unrestrained.

They came onto each other countless times throughout the night up until sunrise when their exhausted bodies finally laid on the bed as they slept happily embracing each other.

A smile on their faces as they slept as they knew they finally belonged to one another.