Dreams; Plot Summaries Pt. 1

At this moment, Yao Yan burst into the room, approaching Qiu Yue with panic.

She was so scared when she saw Qiu Yue missing from her apartment this morning.

What if she had…?! With thoughts running through her mind in frenzy, she felt panic build up.


She was afraid and so she immediately used the system to track Qiu Yue. Her mind flashing back to Qiu Yue's eyes that had lost all her light, feelings, and will to live.

After ascertaining Qiu Yue's state, she noticed the two males; a brown-haired male - who looked like he could almost cry - and another black haired male. Yaoyan recognized these two as characters from the plot of this world's story.

When Qiu Yue notice Yao Yan attention is no longer on her, she approached Yao Yan waveringly. However this time, her eyes also held guilt, along with deep sadness within them. Slowly, she pulled Yao Yan close and hugged her.

"I'm sorry... "

Qiu Yue said softly, though everyone present in that room was close enough to hear her.

Yao Yan softly patted her back as if coaxing a small child.


Qiao Feng narrowed his eyes looking at Qiu Yue so close to the woman who had just burst into the room, but then he remembered that she'd been upset because of a certain "he".

Yao Yan was just thankful that the man named Qiao Feng had helped Qiu Yue to find a purpose again, regardless of his intentions. However, if he dared to touch Qiu Yue, she had enough confidence to deal with him and hundreds more.

Nodding at Qiao Feng, Qiu Yue, Yao Yan, and Yu Se walked back to her apartment. Yu Se was grateful for this new friend Qiu Yue had found. He could sense that she truly cared for Qiu Yue but he felt very envious. How come his sister never acted so cute with him anymore? In the past, she would always trail after him all the time but slowly, as she grew up she became a tsundere. Of course, she was still the cutest sister ever! But he really wanted her to hug him while calling him 'brother~'!

Worried that his cute sister hadn't eaten yet, he ran to the kitchen as soon as they reached Qiu Yue's apartment, while Yao Yan took Qiu Yue to her bedroom.

"YanYan... give me the plot for this world!"

Though perhaps the sadness in her eyes may never leave her, Qiu Yue didn't want to just give up. Not yet. She was not one to give up so fast, even before the comfort and consolation that others tried to give her, she couldn't allow herself to act so broken anymore.

Yao Yan narrowed her eyes at Qiu Yue but still nodded.

"But before that! You need to see the points you got for the previous world."

With an electronic 'ting!' Qiu Yue could see a translucent screen in front of her.

Host: Qiu Yue

System Number: 00663

Main Mission: Break apart the female lead's (Bao FeiYin) reverse harem.

Completed - Rewarded 200 points.

Hidden Mission: Find the true antagonist of the story. (Wang Xi)

Completed - Rewarded 100 points.

System Gift Pack x1!

Consists of:

2x Free Attribute Point(s)

1x Inscription Talisman(s)

5x Memory Retrieval Capsules(s)

2x Nuclear Bomb(s)

5x Clothes Creation Talisman

50x Points

Personal Data:

Name: Qiu Yue

Host Level: 9 (100)

Age: 21

Charm: 80 (100) [Subjective to people's standard of beauty. Additional note: 100 when seen through the eyes of lovestruck people.]

Physical Strength: 20 (100) [Weak]

Intelligence: 75 (100) [When compared to a normal person; Can sometimes be very stupid.] [A/N: *cries*]

Common Sense: 10 (10) [Inherently skewed, affected by host character body in each world]

Luck: 1 (10)

Talent: 75 (100)

Points: 350

Inventory: Hairpin x1, Wedding Band x1

Evaluation: A (Completed main mission and hidden mission with commendable effort)

Reading her attributes Qiu Yue felt a bit shocked. How come her attributes were so low? Other than talent and charm, it really hurt to see this. Also why the hell was the system calling her common sense skewed?! Well, at least the system knows she's a smart woman.

Especially that luck of hers...

Fine. She had always known she was unlucky.

But what is with those rewards?

Well whatever, she wasn't really in the mood to use them anyways.

Qiu Yue imagined the screen gone and it instantly disappeared from view. After that Qiu Yue tried pulling up the screen again by imagining it and it did! Putting it away, Qiu Yue nodded at Yao Yan.

Out of nowhere, Yao Yan pulled out the plot summary for this world.

Evidently, this was a story set in the world of show business.

Currently, there were still 6 months before the female lead would enter the world of show business. As for the official storyline... Qiu Yue guessed that perhaps it would start in a month's time. Obviously, the system was being nice to her, it was giving her time to get used to this world. Coincidentally there were four male leads in this world.

The female lead of this world was named Liang ZiQin and was an orphan. One day she was scouted on the streets to become an idol, but it turned out that this was a scam. Before ZiQin knew it, she was caught in a web of deceit and lies, but before anything untoward could happen to her, men that looked like mercenaries silently entered the base she was held in and killed everyone, rescuing her. They left no evidence and the organization behind this left it alone as they realized they had touched a hidden dragon that mustn't be disturbed.

Liang ZiQin was brought back to a big house and there she met her grandfather. He was alive? It was explained that her mother, his only daughter, had run away with her father as her grandfather had disapproved of their match.

Her mother was an accomplished military officer and martial artist but her father was just a normal teacher, who, in her grandfather's eyes, was completely unsuited for his daughter. But how could the daughter of such an esteemed military general be anything but valiant? She fought with her father, but to spare him any further grief, she ran away with her lover.

Sadly her parents hadn't lived for a long time, dying in a car crash, but ZiQin knew that they had loved each other very much till the very last day of their time together.

ZiQin's grandfather cried that day, as they both reconciled. Though it was a tad bit too late. You see, her grandfather was terminally ill and was fated to die soon, very soon. Though ZiQin did her best to take care of her grandfather, it was to no avail as he soon passed away, leaving ZiQin with his entire heritage.

Being an esteemed military general from the influential Liang family, his assets were considerable, even the bodyguards he employed were the best of the best, who would perhaps not even work for others no matter the remuneration. Even bigger was the place he held in the military, the respect he commanded from every one of his comrades, and all this was passed down to ZiQin.

But to Liang ZiQin, the most important thing he'd left for her were the memories of her grandfather filling the void after her parents past away and her mother's identity.

Qiu Yue put down the summary and sighed, pinching her nose.

Yao Yan has already left the room seeing her apparently normal state, saying that she was going to go out for some time, and to call her if anything came up.

This time, the story was quite different from the previous world. There were a few discrepancies and things that were left unsaid but Qiu Yue felt a bit bad for this female lead, Liang ZiQin. Of course she couldn't know how she was in reality without actually meeting her, but for now, Qiu Yue held a good view of her personality.

She picked up the summary again to continue reading.

Liang ZiQin was distraught and had no experience dealing with her grandfather's estate, but how could her grandfather not have known that? He'd left his advisor's son to help her, and there entered the first male lead. He was also one of the people who had rescued her, so we shall call him Military Male Lead.

They slowly grew closer, but for some reason, they didn't spend any... close time together. If you know what she meant.

"At least she had someone to help with her grief... that's nice..."

Qiu Yue smiled softly even though her eyes were a bit sad. When she'd lost her grandparents... well it wasn't a memory she liked to relive.

Continuing forward, Liang ZiQin walked on her earlier path to enter the world of show business as an idol! This time, legitimately.

ZiQin joined the same agency that Qiu Yue was currently part of, seemingly with the talent she had, though she'd gained the invite to the auditions because of her new status. The second male lead... was amazingly Qiu Yue's current manager. Qiao Feng was notably the best manager in the agency but was being suppressed because of his only idol, that was, of course, Qiu Yue.

Qiao Feng and Liang ZiQin grew closer as Qiao Feng had been keeping an eye on her since her auditions. But because Xiang Qiu Yue was using her parent's influence to keep Qiao Feng from taking any other artist under him, while she herself was not talented enough to do any good roles, Qiao Feng was left unable to shine.

Regarding Xiang Qiu Yue, from the summary, it seemed that this girl was very willful and she hated being inferior to the female lead, though the female lead seemed to avoid meeting her as much as possible. This led Xiang Qiu Yue to believe that the female lead had considered her beneath her, not even meeting her!

To this person Qiu Yue just wanted to say.... please girl, don't think too much, please.

Xiang Qiu Yue's life from then on seemed to go downhill as she kept trying to challenge the female lead, always losing. Finally, her parents had enough of her antics and cut her off from the show business, sending her to another country with armed guards, not to protect, rather imprison.

The female lead didn't taunt or pity Xiang Qiu Yue to her face, thinking it'd hurt her instead, but because of her personality even being ignored, it irritated Xiang Qiu Yue, leading to this mess. You could say it was all the plot...

Qiu Yue let out an exasperated sigh, and she held her forehead in her hand. This truly... she couldn't blame either the female lead, not Xiang Qiu Yue... it was just a whole bunch of miscommunication.

Remember kids, communication is very important, in clear words.


Qiu Yue exclaimed, putting away the summary. She was done with this for now.

"Either way, there are still six months till I see the female lead... there's no need to finish reading it now!"

Thus Qiu Yue discarded the summary, throwing it into a sad corner where the summary cried, abandoned.

She quickly dove into her bed, closing her eyes and almost immediately the darkness took over her, leading to a night filled with annoying dreams.