Halloween Special!

Little red Qiu Yue skipped along the path in the forest marveling at all the flowers and the sunlight falling through the trees.

She so wanted to stop and smell them! But then mama had told her that she shouldn't dally along the way to grandma... but how could these lovely woods be dangerous?

Speaking of! She gently lifted a corner of the clothe covering the basket taking a whiff of the sweet and warm blue berry pastries mother had made grandma.

Oh how sweet they smelled~

But her eyes returned to the beautiful sweet little flowers along the way~

And so she stopped to smell them, after all, we all need to stop and smell the flowers once in a while right?

After this I need to hurry along, no more breaks! She thought, but right then a beautiful butterfly flew towards her flying around her in a circle before sitting on her shoulder making her laugh and giggle. The croaking of the frogs was so sweet and mild, and then there were prettier flowers, so she stopped a little more to pick a few more of the blossoms.

In her delight Qiu Yue had totally lost track of her mother's advice and didn't notice a dark shadow behind her.

"What are you doing, oh~ delicious child?"

Called out a ravenous and sensual beauty with lips the color of blood, hair as black as ebony and skin as fair as snow- and just the right amount of fur and a tail to stop from deviating to another story!

Qiu Yue felt a bit weird being called delicious but, oh well!

"I'm going to my grand mother's house to give her some treats my mother made! It's over the brook near the edge of the forest~ Oh! Oh no! I'm late~"

And so Qiu Yue ran knowing that if her mother knew what she'd done last summer - I mean she'd done now she would certainly be angry.

Suddenly she realized she'd never introduced herself or asked for the beautiful girl's name! But she would the next time they met.

The wolf Yao Yan took a shortcut through the woods to reach the cottage faster and knocked on the door thinking to fool the old grandma.

But as soon as the door opened, oh my! It was a man! And she promptly got bonked in the head and fainted.

'That is so not grandma!'

Thought Yao Yan right before she blacked out.

Huo Zi Feng nodded, satisfied with having gotten another obstacle out of his way. Why were so many peoples interrupting his plan 'Eat Qiu Yue'!

Huo Zi Feng quickly dressed the unconscious Yao Yan as the granny looking for a nightgown that looked the best and a frilly sleeping cap, even though it was the middle of the day, and for good measure added dabs of the granny's perfume!

A few minutes later little Red Qiu Yue came knocking on the door and seemed shocked to see Huo Zi Feng open the door instead of her beloved grandma!

"Who are you~?"

She titled her head adorably and cluelessly.

"I'm the one your grandma selected as your husband!"

He said firmly welcoming Qiu Yue inside to stop her from escaping later.

Qiu Yue blinked her eyes innocently.

"Husband? Is that something you eat it?"

"This... yes of course!"

Huo Zi Feng's ears turned a bit red but his face remained impassive as he shamelessly twisted Qiu Yue's words.

At that moment Yao Yan stumbles down the stairs dressed her in grandma attire.

"No child! 'She's' the grandma! I'm the fiancé your grandma chose for you!"

She said pointing at Huo Zi Feng. How could this man take her long coveted spot!!

Qiu Yue looked at both of them suspiciously. Already she'd gone against what her mother had said, now she had to be obviously be more cautious.

But... she looked at Huo Zi Feng and then looked at Yao Yan again.

Granny became a man? Or granny became younger? Hmm... it seems granny became younger...?

Suddenly with a cute sounding 'poof~' a very strict looking man with wings on his back appeared in the cottage!

"I'm Liu Hui! A faerie who has seen your plight, please allow me to assist!"


"Yes! Is this your grand mother?"

He said pointing at Huo Zi Feng.

Qiu Yue shook her head cutely.

Liu Hui nodded as though happy with her choice.

"Is this your grand mother?"

He said pointing at Yao Yan this time.

Qiu Yue shook her head again.

Liu Hui nodded proudly.

"Yes! I'm very happy with your honesty! As such I now give them both to you as your grandmothers aiya~aaa~~"

before he could finish both Huo Zi Feng and Yao Yan curtly kicked him out of the cottage sending him flying away till he shined like a star in the sky!

"You're the grand mother! Your family is a grand mother!!"

They both spoke exactly at the same time.

"Uwa~ so in sync~"

Qiu Yue clapped her hands at their performance.


His voice could still be heard.

"She's your granny! Look she's even wearing her own clothes and perfume!"

Huo Zi Feng said calmly pointing at Yao Yan as though stating his facts in front of a judge.

"Mhm! Hm!"

Qiu Yue nodded seriously. That was obviously a very good point.

But before Yao Yan got the chance to say something someone banged open the door to the cottage.

It was a cute boy with white rabbit ears! Oh my~

Qiu Yue's eyes opened wide as she looked at the fluffy rabbit in front of her.

He looked around in a flurry before he hopped behind Qiu Yue to hide. But seeing those cute ears... Qiu Yue couldn't help but reach out and rub them.

"Ah~ no~ stop~ Meng Hui is ticklish~~!"

He struggled and spoke in a soft voice. Looking at Qiu Yue having fun Yao Yan too moved forward and pulled the little rabbit's tail making him jump.


Hearing this the huntsman Yuan ZeXi rushed into the cottage glaring at Qiu Yue and Yao Yan for touching his little rabbit.

"Oh mister huntsman! Can you help me find the real grandma?"

Qiu Yue asked looking at the only sort of normal story character till now.

Yuan ZeXi narrowed his eyes at both of them before grinning wickedly at Yao Yan. Daring to touch his rabbit's tail!

"That one! She obviously looks more like the old lady you describe!"

Yuan ZeXi said pointing at Yao Yan with a very righteous look.

When did she describe anyone?! Yao Yan was so pissed off at this huntsman! Calling her an old lady... What just because he'd killed her in the story he thought she wouldn't take revenge?!

At this moment another girl burst into the cottage! With a girl with a yellow dress and beautiful and intelligent face!

All of them looked at her blankly.

"You aren't a character though..."

Qiu Yue muttered.

"Hmph! You say that even though you have a random handsome guy and a cute rabbit in this house?! Aiya wait... that makes sense actually~"

The girl said sticking out her tongue.

"I'm Belle! The Beauty... for the beast!"

She said her eyes shining as she looked at Yao Yan.


Yao Yan Wolf was so surprised she could squeak in shock!

"But she isn't a beast tho~?"

Qiu Yue asked titling her head again.

Huo Zi Feng, seeing his chance, shamelessly changed his words in a second.

"Of course she is! That night dress is a fake! She has fur and a tail!"


Qiu Yue said her eyes widening in realization.

What did you even realize with just those words?! Yao Yan wanted to cry but was quickly thrown on the self proclaimed beauty's shoulder before she could get word edgewise.

"Alright then beauty. I give thee the  responsibility of the beast!"

The beauty nodded solemnly completely ignoring Yao Yan wolf's cries of indignation.

"Who's the wolf!! Do you believe I won't smack you if you let me down?!"

Yao Yan Wolf bellowed at Qiu Yue and the beauty.

The beauty shrugged while Qiu Yue blinked her eyes innocently.

Seeing one obstacle being picked up and taken out of the picture Huo Zi Feng was motivated to remove the other two obstacles!

He immediately welcomed the huntsman Yuan ZeXi to take away his rabbit.

And thus two figures ran away from the cottage, each holding someone who's voices could be heard in the distance.


Meng Hui shouted.


Yao Yan matched his voice perfectly.

Huo Zi Feng slammed the door close as soon as they left and looked at Qiu Yue, finally they were all alone!

"Husband! Your voice is so deep~"

She said cutely looking at him with wide eyes.

"Because you like it like that my dear."

He said taking a step towards her.

"Husband your ears are so red~!"

"After listening to your sweet sounding words my dear."

"Husband how tall you are~!"

She said looking up at him.

"Better to hold you with my dear."

"Husband such beautiful lips you have..."

"Better to kiss you with my dear..."

He said as with each sentence he'd taken a step closer and closer to her, finally placing a hand beside her head on the wall in the legendary kabedon!

He spoke right in her ears and she shivered before placing his lips over hers, stealing delicious sweet kisses before taking their passion all over the cottage. As morning came again Qiu Yue lay on the bed hugging her husband wondering exactly where had her grandma found her a husband?

Poor granny who had been tricked into accepting an all expenses paid hot spring trip sighed as the water unraveled all the knots and tensions on her body.

"This is what happens when you're constantly worried about your grand daughter!"

The fox spirit Huo Zi Feng who had finally found the one person he wanted to find, Huo Zi Feng felt that he should upgrade the granny's trip to a lifetime!