
'Dinner' was a lot of fun! Fan Yin brought along his boyfriend which made Qiu Yue so happy that she couldn't express it, or so she thought. Her burning gaze really made Fan Yin admit defeat. He decided to never go against this sister-in-law.

'I can tease Qiao Feng but not sister-in-law!'

Unexpectedly, his sister-in-law also got along pretty well with his ice-block hubby.

Only, when Fan Yin's boyfriend introduced himself as Liu Zhe did Qiu Yue pause for a second.

Hmm? This name, why did she feel like she'd heard it somewhere?

"Ah, sister-in-law he's actually a pretty famous director. That's probably why~"

Sadly, her brother came alone... ah, what could she do with this sis-con brother of hers? But he seemed happy that way, so Qiu Yue didn't really want to say anything. Whatever made this brother of hers happy, she would welcome.

The food was great, so much so that everyone other than Yao Yan was surprised.

Actually, contrary to Qiu Yue's indignation. Its actually expected that they hadn't thought her cooking would be good. After all, no matter how neglected, she'd never had to cook a single day in her life. At least the original Xiang Qiu Yue hadn't. And they were right, perhaps Xiang Qiu Yue truly hadn't been able to, but Qiu Yue could.

It was instead Yao Yan, who had been looking forward to Qiu Yue's cooking, who seemed off!

Ahaha if Qiu Yue could read that she'd surely get angry...

Around 7, as everyone nearer the end of the meal, dangerously eyeing the food Qiu Yue has kept apart for Qiao Feng, Qiu Yue sighed.

As though Qiao Feng has read her thoughts, he called her at that very moment.

"Ah Yue, I'm really sorry my mother asked me to finish up some work and go for a meeting. I don't think I'll be able to come home anytime now..."

The corners of Qiu Yue's mouth dropped down as she pressed her lips together.

"Okay~ if you need help with something, call me, okay?"


It was a short call, as they both just wanted Qiao Feng to finish up fast and come back.

"It doesn't seem like he'd get to taste my food today..."

"Th-then can we have it...?"

As Fan Yin said what was on everyone's mind, they all suddenly brightened up, looking at Qiu Yue.

"...you gluttons! Take it!"

Qiu Yue looked exasperated as they shamelessly dug in.

"But how come Qiao Feng's never tasted your food?"


Fan Yin and Xiang Yu Se looked curious.

"Oh, Feng cooks all the time~ because I love his food!"

"Hmm, but you're pretty good too!"

Qiu Yue smiled at Fan Yin, perhaps a little too sweetly.

"Then can I bill you for all the effort and energy I put into this meal!~ though I don't know if you can afford it~"

Fan Yin's lip twitched. Saying something like that, it didn't matter how much money he had, Qiu Yue would charge him to bankruptcy.

"He'll have more chances in the future~ you guys have a very bright life ahead! Haha..."

They left half an hour later and Qiu Yue sat down in front of the TV for a bit, but it didn't help. Even though she wasn't angry with Qiao Feng, she couldn't help but feel a little grumpy.

Over in the hotel, Qiao Feng directed his cold gaze at the staff.

"My car was sent for servicing? On whose orders?"

There was no need for him to raise his voice, the ice in his tone was enough to fill one with dread.

"M-Madam ordered us to do so..."

Qiao Feng held his gaze for a moment longer, before pinching his glabella. Madam was only one person, his stepmother, currently the madam of the Qiao family that owned this very hotel.

News about Qiao Feng and Qiu Yue's relationship had reached his mother somehow, well it wasn't as though they'd hidden anything so no one could be blamed. Knowing that he'd refuse to accept her words, she'd clearly planned something.

First, she'd sent over some work for him to delay him, at that time he hadn't suspected anything. Even when she'd asked him to partake in a meeting as the young master of the Qiao family, owing to her unassuming tone, he'd acquiesced.

Only after reaching the dinner table did he understand what she was planning. It was hard not to, though he was here early and no one sat on the other end. Just by looking at the fact that it was a two-person table decorated with roses and the bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice next to the table, he knew she'd set him up on a date.

'Young master of the Qiao family... no wonder she said that!'

He hesitated for a second, and wondered whether to just turn and leave when he decided to just call Qiu Yue. Leaving wasn't the best option as it was unnecessarily disrespectful to the lady invited. She probably had no idea that he was already taken. There were chances that if she knew she'd leave.

"Ah Yue... can you come to pick me up?"


With just a few words he'd snapped Qiu Yue out of her grumpy mood.

He quickly explained the situations, though he didn't blame his mother completely, he was annoyed.

"Mhm~ I'll come!"

As Qiu Yue was in a hurry she just pulled on a white button-up shirt and black pencil trousers that were lying on top in her closet.

She quickly just did light make up, because she liked how she looked and even more so with colour. Especially since she felt like she might be in the mood to crush- ah teach someone a lesson today.

Red lipstick and bold eyeliner, perfect boss style go to!~

Getting into the cursed car, Qiu Yue quickly drove to the hotel Qiao Feng was in.

However along the way she started to feel annoyed. Maybe it was the fact that she had to drive, or that Qiao Feng had been sent for a matchmaking date by his mother even though his family had clearly known of Qiu Yue. It was late so the moon had already climbed up.

She just wanted to hurry up and reach the hotel, that light irritation was starting to turn not so light, especially with all the traffic, stopping at every signal.

After waiting for 2 minutes near the edge of the line, even after the traffic lights had turned green, Qiu Yue couldn't take it anymore. She owned the door, swinging her leg outside she briskly walked to the front.

Long Bai Yi sat in the car looking at her driver and other person arguing about who would pay for the expenses. They'd gotten into a small accident and since she hadn't wanted to reach the destination she didn't even go out when the man started to insist on illogical amount of compensation.

Just then, a figure clad in a white shirt walked past her window, her heels clicking as they hit the door.


The look of indifference in the girl's eyes was uncanny and discomforting, immediately shutting up the two people who were squabbling. Taking the frozen people in front of her, she clicked her tongue in annoyance and plucked the money off of the driver's hand and gave it to the man.

"If you want to fight, do it on the side."

After saying that she turned around, her eyes meeting Long Bai Yi's. As that indifferent look met her eyes, for the first time Bai Yi felt like someone was looking down on her. And the worst part, perhaps, was that the girl didn't even seem to purposely do so, rather it was if she didn't even put Bai Yi in her eyes.

But how...? Just seeing the car Long Bai Yi rose in or the amount of money the driver had readily offered for compensation, shouldn't the girl already be able to guess her status?

Even as these thoughts ran in her head, the girl didn't even bother to give Bai Yi a second glance.

The man seemed to snap out of the daze but right as he opened his mouth to complain, the girl's words seemed to shut him up again.

"Or else if I run you over, even money won't help."

It wasn't like Qiu Yue was purposely disregarding them as important. It was just that while she consciously made an effort to be a nicer person, she inherently had never claimed to be nice. Simply because she wasn't. She had a lot of pride, did get jealous very often, had a bad temper and often said cruel things in anger. Most importantly, she never usually put people in her eyes.

In the end, no matter how nice she tried to be, it was so that her own conscience remained clear. Or so she felt.