Sometimes, Qiu Yue Wanted To Beat Up People 2in1

Ignoring the flashing cameras, something they'd both gotten very good at doing, Qiu Yue had stuffed Qiao Feng into her car and drove off to the hospital.

Thankfully, Qiao Feng's injuries weren't ones that required extensive and difficult surgeries. For the sort of situation he'd gotten into, he had somehow managed to steer clear of more the dire consequences. Of course, that didn't stop Qiu Yue from fussing over him. All her tears and fretful energy was now being channeled into looking after him. As she'd cried so much, her tongue got sharper, giving biting responses to people if they so much as said the wrong word.

The worst part, perhaps, was that even when he was recuperating - she was still required to go shoot. In all fairness, Crystal had offered to postpone the whole affair till Qiao Feng had gotten better, but Qiu Yue had insisted on continuing. She wanted to finish up the movie so that she could push forward the wedding date.

Yes, she'd started planning the wedding.

Though she'd always been put off by the idea of marriage, she'd thought about a wedding once in a while. The dress, the venue, the seating arrangement, the flowers, the gifts, the theme, the ceremony - she had thought about a lot of things.

Her husband-to-be (oh how this made her heart skip a beat) wasn't any better though. Before anyone had thought humanly possible he was up and about, handling things around the set. He assured Qiu Yue that was he alright and she could only sniff at that. Did he really think he'd have been able to step out of the hospital if she hadn't already made sure of that? As if she'd take such a chance. But she'd admit that the way he took her miffed expression as concern and reassured her was very nice, so she never mentioned anything. It had been a couple of months after all.

Qiao Feng knew his wife-to-be of course, and he also knew just how scared she'd been on that day. He had noticed every single time she'd look at him discreetly to make sure he was there, he was okay. Every few minutes, like clockwork she'd check on him. She'd hold his hand and seeing the engagement ring in his finger, she'd swallow a little pain but say nothing. Her initial touch after some time apart was firm as if she needed to be sure he was there.

So yes, Qiao Feng would do anything to reassure her, no matter how long it took for her fear to fade away.

Walking around the set while Qiu Yue acted in the scene, Qiao Feng inevitably caught her eye. Honestly, it happened a lot nowadays. She'd look at the ring on her hand her stomach would twist. She'd bought the ring, she had proposed and yet it was just… Surreal.

Every time she looked at the ring it felt so unreal. It felt like she'd been waiting years to do this, and she had, but that feeling of steadiness - stability and the added overpowering anticipation of what was to come would cause her stomach to twist and her heart to flutter. It was like a rush of calm and sparks of excitement was driving her crazy all at the same time.

A heady feeling of lightness and an urge to uncontrollably burst into a smile gripped her at most times. She'd just be looking across the set, or catch a glimpse of him while filming, and just like that she'd fall a little bit deeper each time.

The wedding was approaching and though it was still a few months away, the thought of him just - she wasn't even sure what it was, she couldn't put it to words but it made her spine tingle in a way that she couldn't keep her hands off of him.

It wasn't sexual, it wasn't driven by passion. It was a reaction to his soft smile as he looked at her. The way his eyes would soften around the corners. The way he naturally took her fingers and entwined them with his.

Time was passing quickly.

Unfortunately, what Qiu Yue and Qiao Feng were unaware of was that since the last time he had saved Liang ZiQin unwittingly, the mercenaries had set their eyes on him instead. They'd recently got in the middle of a power struggle and it had split their group in half, the other half was dead. To get back some semblance of power, of skill, they had to do something big and soon. They wanted to make a public statement, they would hide their identities, but the ones they wanted to reach would know.

Qiao Feng belonged to a family with equal, if not more power and heritage. Added to that, he didn't practice martial arts actively. He wasn't weak but he certainly couldn't escape if they targeted him and attacked. It was easier to go after him and it would be that much easier to kidnap him. That's what the group thought.

Qiu Yue looked outside the window as the lights above them seemed to move as Qiao Feng drove into the parking lot. Months had gone by since the attack. The filming was close to done, the venue was booked, the dress was ordered, they just had to buy the ring and then it was just a question of time. Not too long even, they both were looking forward to it in their own way. They both wanted this concrete assurance of their feelings. Qiu Yue turned her head to look at the bands of light as they fell on his face. Even in the dark, with the barest amount of light, she just couldn't seem to look away from this man.

As the car came to a stop and Qiao Feng reached over to unbuckle his seat belt, she sighed lightly. The corners of her lips tilted upwards just a touch as she stretched lightly. They'd started shooting late, and finished just an hour or so ago, the wrap up to the production was close. It was late, almost early morning in fact. There was little light and everything was bare and deserted. It wasn't unsettling, however, just peaceful.

That was till they heard the screeching right behind them. It sounded like a high pitched scream, and they both could tell a vehicle was speeding towards them with no intention of stopping in time. Abandoning all possessions, they both pushed open the doors of the car to jump out, with seconds to spare.

They had nothing to defend themselves with, so they had to escape. They both knew that. Qiao Feng took the moment they had gained from being decisive to rush towards Qiu Yue, she was closer to the elevators. Unfortunately, the exit and the entrance to the basement parking area were not close enough to run to. They'd have to somehow get through using the elevator. The building they were staying at in Country A was a secured building. If nothing else, it would provide cover until authorities got here.

But they had to get to the elevator. The people who attacked them seemed like professionals. They'd ruthlessly decided to smash into their car, not seeming like they cared about their wellbeing in the slightest.

Qiao Feng was trying to get towards Qiu Yue, but the team after them seemed like they were only after Qiao Feng. But there was no way Qiu Yue was going to leave him alone. They weren't carrying their weapons right now, but it wouldn't last long. Taking advantage of that, Qiu Yue decisively snapped her heels, grabbing the edge she smashed it into the throat of the man closest to her. She couldn't think twice, she couldn't rethink so she decided to be ruthless too.

Qiao Feng wasn't one to sit up and be taken away either. He'd gotten out last time because he was careful. Instead of closing the car door, he used it to create a buffer between the attackers and himself. Grabbing a long sharp piece of the shrapnel from the car wreckage he went in the direction of the break Qiu Yue had created.

One of the men reached forward to stop him, coming at Qiao Feng with intense speed. The woman in charge had already got a grasp of the situation and instead of going after Qiao Feng, she inched towards Qiu Yue.

Both of them were on high alert, they were against so many people, escaping wasn't going to be easy. Qiao Feng was constantly moving, using his body weight to dodge and throw people aside. He had no hopes of winning in a direct fight, so he could only use these moves to get away. Even this couldn't last long, the men just had to gang up on him or worse yet, pull out their weapons. As of now, because they had underestimated them, Qiu Yue and Qiao Feng were relatively unharmed.

This was till Qiao Feng heard Qiu Yue gasp in pain. In shock and fear, he jerked his head up to see a woman in Black was holding Qiu Yue. She was twisting Qiu Yue's hand behind her, putting pressure on her, not giving any leeway.

For a moment he froze completely, even though he knew surrendering would only hurt Qiu Yue's chances more - they clearly only wanted him, he didn't believe they'd keep Qiu Yue alive for long if he got him. But knowing that and seeing her in danger were two different things. A moment's pause was enough. From behind him, one of the men he'd injured had taken out his compact handgun, firing a shot at Qiao Feng.

This wasn't planned, the gun was loud and was bound to get attention, and even otherwise, harming the one they were planning to hold hostage was not a good idea. At least not so early in the game.

Hearing the shot shook Qiu Yue to her core, and it angered the woman holding her too. Taking advantage, disregarding her safety she elbowed her squarely in the side, quickly turning and using her knees to kick the woman who was slightly doubled over.

Qiao Feng was shot in his thigh, and while it didn't seem fatal, it was enough to cause his knees to buckle. He didn't give up, lunging sideways while he weakened. As if falling on one of the men near him, he reached for the handgun tucked into his side, firing it right away, into the man's middle.

Qiu Yue didn't give the woman a chance to get up, she was inherently weak but she could never walk away leaving Qiao Feng in danger. She'd lost him once, even if she died she wasn't going to lose him again.

Qiao Feng immediately turned towards Qiu Yue next, firing at the lady who was recovering and clearly targeting her. He fired right as she took out her own gun. Qiu Yue quickly kicked it away.

Maybe they weren't prepared for this, maybe they underestimated the two - whatever the reason they only had two people able to fight. Reaching this point it wasn't about kidnapping Qiao Feng unharmed. Their boss and team member were injured, this was a big loss. They had to get this back.

A handgun would roughly have 5-6 bullets before firing, and that if it was full. Qiao Feng has fired twice already, after the second shot, his legs finally gave way. The two men lunged at him, one of them kicked his chest, knocking the wind out of him. Qiao Feng quickly positioned the gun and fired, but it was an empty click. It was like the sound of misfortune and despair.

"Stop. Don't touch him."

Qiu Yue's usually warm voice was steely cold. Both the men stopped, but barely. They looked at her, sneering as they looked down on her. Qiu Yue was pointing the gun she'd picked up in a hurry, at them.

"If you really can, why don't you shoot?"

One of the men taunted. It wasn't easy to fire a live weapon, more so for someone who hadn't faced this her entire life. Qiao Feng hadn't expected her to be able to either, it wasn't that he didn't believe in her, but rather that she was just kind. She was kind to people and she believed in goodness. This kind of person, he didn't want her to dirty her hands.

The other man barked out a grating laugh, like a knife running against marble. Instead of heeding her warning, he lifted his heel and stamped right in the middle of Qiao Feng's chest. As pain surged through Qiao Feng he struggled to get air, trying and failing to stop a visible reaction.


The other man moved menacingly towards Qiu Yue as if he expected her of being unable to pull the trigger.

Qiu Yue clenched her teeth, there was a weird ringing in her ears and her eyes blurred with unshed tears. Did she love this world and hate to hurt others? Yes, she did. But it was now that she realized that perhaps even Qiao Feng didn't understand her entirely well. She loved him, she'd chosen him. She'd burn this world into ashes and tear it apart before she let anyone hurt him.

Her eyes turned completely cold, even as they glimmered with tears. Steadily, she fired twice in succession. Even the men themselves were surprised, let alone Qiao Feng who couldn't see her. They didn't believe she was capable of shooting, and beyond that, hitting them. But she did. She hit one of them in the shoulder, doing enough damage that he doubled down, hitting the other in his stomach.

The one that was hit in the stomach, the one that had stomped on Qiao Feng fell out of action quite fast. However, the other one reached out to pull his weapon. Before he could, slower as he was, Qiu Yue shot him in the pelvis once again.

As the second man fell, they could hear sirens in the distance. They sounded close.

Qiu Yue threw the gun aside and immediately helped Qiao Feng up, helping him sit upright leaning against herself. The police officers piled in quickly, along with an ambulance. Qiu Yue figured that the apartment's staff must have called the police and ambulance immediately after hearing the unrest. But seeing how fast the police had arrived she guessed that a tenant must have escaped and notified the police even before the shots were fired.

Looking at Qiao Feng's pained smile as he reassured her, Qiu Yue's eyes blurred with tears so much that she could no longer see, just cried holding him close.

The mercenaries that were lying on the ground injured were recognized by the police, so they could more or less tell what had happened. The paramedics quickly got to work with Qiao Feng while Qiu Yue stayed went aside to give the police a statement. She had to be given a few minutes before she could stop crying. Once she'd started crying all the fear inside her had also surfaced, causing her hiccup while she wiped her tears softly.

A lot of people say no one looks beautiful while crying, but there is such a thing as a tragic beauty, that softens your heart when you look at them. Qiu Yue was exactly that. Right now she was also a well-known star, and her love story with Qiao Feng was well known.

When Qiu Yue straightforwardly admitted that she had been the one to shoot two of them even the police officer was slightly surprised, though he didn't let anything slip. It was only after that he lamented on her skill level, she'd fired so fast and accurately, incapacitating them without causing fatal injuries.

After all the excitement in the middle of the night, Qiu Yue and Qiao Feng were able to sleep only in the late morning. Qiu Yue insisted on staying in the same room as Qiao Feng. As she didn't suffer injuries, she didn't have to stay at the hospital, but the recently recovered Qiao Feng was shot again.

When they woke up in the afternoon, an agent from the main office was there handling all the press so they both breathed freely inside the room. Qiu Yue was sitting on the hospital bed looking at Qiao Feng. He laid there, reclined back with a rueful smile on his face. Qiu Yue took his hand in her, tracing the side of his palm with her thumb. She put the ring on his finger to her lips, as she kissed it gently.

"Really... stay safe, that's all I asked for?" Her voice was soft and a little fragile as she joked lightly.

"You know that if I could I'd never leave your side." Qiao Feng chuckled wryly. How could he have known he'd caught their eye that day?

Qiao Feng's parents were on the way, they'd been notified immediately and his mother's heart had almost given away.

When she arrived later in the day, Qiao Feng's mother was upset to see Qiu Yue right there, cutting apples for the both of them. Qiao Feng's father on the other hand was thoroughly convinced. They both had heard of how Qiu Yue had protected him. Father Feng felt gratified to have such a daughter in law.

To Mother Feng on the other hand, she'd already disliked Qiu Yue, this only cemented this. She didn't want a daughter in law that had blood on her hands. However, that didn't mean she didn't understand that it was because of Qiu Yue that Qiao Feng was relatively safe. She still didn't acknowledge her properly, but nor could she disregard her coldly. Her husband and her son already liked Qiu Yue. It was a lost battle.