You Have To Leave The Nest Sometime

Host: Qiu Yue

System Number: 00663

Main Mission: Break apart the Female lead's (Liang ZiQin) reverse harem.

Completed - Reward 200 points.

Hidden Mission(s):

Find Xiang Qiu Yue's real father. Incomplete.

Reveal the secret hidden by the Long family. Complete - Reward 100 points.

Personal Data:

Name: Qiu Yue

Host Level: 17 (100)

Age: 21

Charm: 85 (100)

Physical Strength: 20(100)

Intelligence: 80(100)

Common Sense (Subjective): 10(10)

Luck: 1(10)

Talent: 75(100)

*10 Free attribute points (1 point gained with 1 level increase)

Points: 650

Inventory: Hair Pin x1, Wedding Ring x1, Inscription Talisman x1, Memory Retrieval Capsule x2, Nuclear Bomb x2, Clothes Creation Talisman x5

Evaluation: A (Completed main mission and 1 hidden mission)

Alert! The system store is now open for use to the host.

Alert! The host can select 2 skills to learn from the repository.

Qiu Yue hummed looking at the information in front of her. Some of her stats had increased over on their own it looked like, she guessed it was because of the work she'd done. Now she knew she could increase her attributes with hard work, at least to some extent. The store was open, but Qiu Yue didn't think that anything she could buy after completing just two worlds would be worth it, she didn't bother checking it right now. More interesting were the skills she could learn.

She willed the repository to open, and a tree list showed up in front of her. A lot of it was darkened, but something very interesting was lit up.

"Mystic Arts"

Her lips turned up as she decided to look into that. It again opened up a long long list, but what she could see already was super cool as well. All of it was just the basics, and Qiu Yue knew that to get to intermediate she probably would have to do the corresponding basic skill. She didn't want to use both her chances in this section either.

'Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, Poison, Body Strengthening...' Those were just some of the options. Qiu Yue made up her mind as soon as she saw it, it just felt like the right one to her. After deciding on one, Qiu Yue went back to the first tree that she had seen. There she looked over the others carefully.

'Technology, War, Martial Arts, Music, Art...'

Why were war and martial arts separated? She opened war and clicked her tongue in realization. War had strategy, tactics, and other things. She could guess that martial arts was probably oriented towards individual physical strength. Going back to the main menu, she took another look and opened 'weapon mastery'. Martial Arts sounded good, but it wasn't her style much. She felt like using weapons, to start at least, was a better idea for her. There were many options, and she wanted to choose the dagger, but somehow she was drawn to the sword. It was so generic though, that she wasn't sure. Every fantasy novel had a sword wielder, a famous sword with great power.

'Well if I'm going to be going into the same old harem novels, I could probably find a sword easily.'

The sword was convenient. Qiu Yue just nodded to herself, whatever was easier sounded better. She decided to learn the basics of sword mastery as well.

Seeing as Yao Yan hadn't got back, she decided to go ahead and start.

Qiu Yue wasn't given the skills, the memories, the usage wasn't just put in her head. As soon as she decided to learn them and confirmed her decision, the system took her to the training grounds. Here, she would have to train for as long as it took. Every day, Qiu Yue spent the first half swinging her practice sword. No matter what, she had learned, you needed to swing the sword every day if you wanted to learn it. It was to understand it better. The other half of her day seemed quiet but was yet again hard. She was trying to learn how to use the mystic art. It was hard because to awaken it, to start, she needed to keep digging. She had to force herself to open up to the power. If that sounded vague, it was. It made it all the more harder.

Qiu Yue did finish though. She wasn't too fast or too slow. She did finish earlier than most average people, but she was by no means the fastest.

When she got out, a familiar face was waiting for her. Qiu Yue grinned at seeing her after so long. Rushing to her, she hugged Yao Yan. She willed the black space to shift, a garden materialized into existence, and there was a bench near them. Qiu Yue beckoned Yao Yan to sit with her.

Yao Yan raised an eyebrow at how comfortable Qiu Yue had gotten with the system. Qiu Yue shrugged, "It's been a while, plus the UI is really not that complicated. But whatever on that, how are you?"

Yao Yan knew what she was talking about.

"We didn't even get married, you know that right?"

"You lived with her. For over 40 years. Not having a marriage certificate doesn't undermine that."

Yao Yan sighed and looked away, she turned to look around the garden that looked very real.

"I don't know. I don't know what to say really." She paused a little.

"You know what I feel-"

Qiu Yue interrupted Yao Yan. "...I did, I do."

Qiu Yue knew, of course, she did. But what could she do? There wasn't much she could do. Yao Yan knew how she felt either.

Yao Yan just sighed again. She decided to leave that alone, just like they had till now.

"I was happy. She made me happy. But she's gone now, I think."

"What do you mean by that?"

Yao Yan shook her head, turning back to Qiu Yue. The awkwardness that was present in her movement was gone for a moment as a deep look took over her gaze.

"I... just had this feeling you know? I'm not sure because it was in bursts and it wasn't steady or regular but it was the same feeling being around another host gave me."

"What?" Qiu Yue exclaimed almost, 'how could that be?', but before she could voice her thoughts Yao Yan continued.

"But it wasn't at the same time. She felt like a host but there was no system. Even that wasn't constant, just sometimes I would get this feeling that she was a host, other times she felt normal - I honestly don't know."

Qiu Yue rubbed the back of her neck with her palm as she listened to Yao Yan. She didn't know what to make of that information.

Yao Yan suddenly jumped up and slapped her hands on her thighs.

"Well, whatever! If anything we'll know as we get through the next world, so let's go!"

Qiu Yue just smiled wryly at Yao Yan. Grabbing her hand, Yao Yan pulled Qiu Yue up.

"Two Things; I will be half a world away from you when you get to this new world. When you want to get the memories of the person you take over, you will be extremely weak after, so be careful when you do it. The system can help you with a lot, even with magic and things like that so just be sure to check if you need it."

Qiu Yue's eyebrows furrowed as she frowned. "What if we end up in an eastern fantasy world with those universes and worlds that connect with different realms?"

"..." Yao Yan was rendered silent for a second. "Well then you're fucked so here's hoping yeah?"

"What- could you be more unreliable!"

Yao Yan clapped her hands and she brought up the screen accepting the new mission, accepting the world transfer as she let Qiu Yue's words in through one ear, out through the other.

"Chop Chop! Baby birds gotta learn sometime!"

Qiu Yue's utter disbelief and the annoyed look was the last thing Yao Yan saw as the bright white light surrounded them both, with a quick surging flash they both disappeared.

The next thing Qiu Yue knew was that there was darkness around her and she could hear very loud crashes. Someone was banging on what was probably a door she assumed, very close to her. It was dark because her eyes were closed, and when she opened them bright flashes of lights splashes across the room accompanied by loud booms and she could feel the actual room shaking and vibrating with the impacts. It was a circular room, and it had huge windows on three sides that made ignoring the blinded splashes impossible. Qiu Yue's were opened wide. Suddenly an especially loud bang rang and her heart lurched forward in shock, and she clutched her chest with her hand as she physically moved. It was silent for a second, but everything soon resumed. It sounded like a large-scale battle was going on.

Closer than that though, was the very loud incessant banging on her door. As Qiu Yue moved to get up, her body wracked with pain, and she looked at herself to see that she was wrapped in bandages in multiple places. It wasn't too bad, but the dull pain did make itself known. Still, hearing that desperate banging sound Qiu Yue got up to open the door.

She opened the door inwards, the person who had been banging on it, she looked young with short hair, almost fell through. Qiu Yue could hear her gasping for breath as if she had been running for a long time. When the girl looked up her eyes were shaking and Qiu Yue could see tear tracks going down her dusty face.

"We need your shield! Please-!" A loud boom accompanied her voice, shaking Qiu Yue up again. She stood there with her eyes wide open, her heart thundering like war drums and she cursed Yao Yan in her mind.