Empress Chiyue: I Regret It!

On the Golden List where the Immortal Emperor's memories were projected on the screen, the cultivators looked in awe.

Day Two.

The wandering swordsman walked around town with a wooden sword in hand.

He was a little hungry.

He hoped to find something to eat, and maybe meet a powerful swordsman and learn a thing or two.

Passing by the hotel inn and stalls selling roasted chicken steamed buns, the swordsman's stomach grumbled. The fragrant smell was too much.

He turned east, stopped in front of a bun shop, and looked at the guests' eating buns.

His feet shuffled.


That familiar grumbling echoed again.


At this moment, a soft giggle came from the side. Blushing, the swordsman turned around and saw a little girl teasing him. With pigtails and a small red dress, she was quite charming.

"What are you laughing at?" asked the swordsman, pretending not to be embarrassed.

"Uncle, are you hungry?" the little girl said with a smile.

She wasn't afraid of life.

"Why? And no. I'm not hungry."

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of grumbling sounded again, unceremoniously debunking his lies.

The swordsman's cheeks blushed red.

The little girl covered her mouth and laughed.

The swordsman shook his head. What a vile child.

After calming down from her bouts of laughter, the little girl ran into the bun shop.

The swordsman looked at the girl's back, smiled helplessly, and turned to leave.

Just as he walked a few steps forward, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Hey, Uncle! Aren't you hungry?"

The swordsman was stunned for a moment. He turned around and found that the little girl had purchased not one but two hot buns.

"Ah, ah, ah! Hot! Uncle, catch it!"

The little girl threw the hot buns at him; he caught it.

Looking at the bun in his hand, the swordsman was stunned.

"Don't be like that, Uncle. No need to be shy. Eat! I'm giving these buns to you. When you have money, you can repay the favor to me."

The swordsman licked his lips and hesitated for a moment before finally accepting.

"Alright. Then it's settled."

"If someone bullies you in the future, tell me. No matter who it is, I will help you."

"Hmph, Uncle, you should take care of yourself first! You can't even afford buns!" The little girl made a sour face, not believing the swordsman. "Okay, Uncle, I have to go home now. Bye! Take care of yourself!"

The little girl waved her hand before skipping away.

"This little girl…"

The swordsman looked at the buns in his hands and couldn't help showing a smile.


Seeing this scene, hundreds of millions of cultivators couldn't help but smile.

"This little girl is so cute!"

"Not only is she cute, she is also kind! The family is lucky to have her!"

"If only I had such a lovely sister."

"The little girl is also very lucky! She was able to help Immortal Emperor Changge, and received a promise from him."

"If that little girl is still alive today, I'm sure she must be a proud and powerful person!"

"Yes! With the protection of Immortal Emperor Changge, I'm sure she was able to reach the pinnacle of power in this universe!"

"Speaking of which, maybe I should start treating wandering swordsmen better. Who knows… maybe they'll become the Immortal Emperor one day."

"Immortal Emperor Changge's first life sure is interesting. Rather than becoming the little girl's brother, he became an uncle. It's so cute!"


While the hundreds of millions of cultivators gossiped amongst themselves, Empress Chiyue looked at the scene in front of her. A strange color appeared on her fair skin.

Traces of remorse flashed in her originally calm and peaceful eyes.

She remembered the wandering swordsman she met in that small town.

That was their first meeting.

It was also the beginning of their blood feud.

'If I could. I would've never given you those buns. I wish we had never met.'

Empress Chiyue's eyes became cold.

She would never forget the pain that man inflicted upon her.

Her home was broken.

She had become a cauldron.

She was forced to practice, forced to live a life worse than death.

If she was given the chance again, she would have allowed him to die from hunger!

It's because she was stupid! A stupid little girl!


The moving images on the projection changed.

The wandering swordsman met his first friend in the small town of Jiangnan, the only one willing to befriend a poor swordsman.

It was that little girl who bought him buns.

The two met frequently.

The little girl liked to watch the swordsman practice the way of the swords the most. She also liked to sit under the cliff and admire the white flowers.


While the little girl was at home, the swordsman looked at the white flower. He recalled the little girl saying that she liked that particular white flower. Putting the wooden sword on his back, the swordsman began to climb the mountain with his bare hands.

He had nearly fallen several times.

Eventually, he managed to pick the flowers.

Just when the swordsman breathed a sigh of relief and climb back down the mountain, he noticed a bottomless cave at the steep of the cliff.

Curious, the swordsman climbed into the cave and walked inside.

The inside of the cave was humongous.

Walking to the innermost part of the cave, the swordsman stumbled upon a corpse with a rusty longsword beside it.

"Who is he? How did he die here?"

The swordsman looked at the corpse curiously, finding that it was exuding a powerful aura. He wanted to touch the corpse but was pushed back by the aura.

"This is difficult to handle," the swordsman muttered.

Meanwhile, several rows of small characters carved on the stone wall appeared behind the corpse.