A Worthless Fight

The group was afraid of this sudden situation. They thought it would be an easy task to kill anybody, but that person was accompanied by a super expert. Now the group could only grit their teeth and move on.

"We advance, fight to kill, do not take light just because he is alone"


Liu Yang managed to see the information of the five who were advancing, they were all melee class, swordsman, knight, killer, each of them was in levels 50 - 60. Liu Yang could be fifty levels above, but his experience of combat was poor compared to the group of ten and he did not get used to his current powers yet.

The five advanced toward Liu Yang with swords and daggers in hand, Liu Yang drew his sword from the space ring to confront the five.

The five attacked in a coordinated way, whenever one attacked, another followed behind to cover the attack, this made the attacks were difficult to defend.

For someone with little experience of combat like Liu Yang, this formation was dangerous and difficult to deflect, whenever he tried to attack, one would defend and the others take this chance to attack.

Liu Yang exchanged dozens of blows with the five, and always hurt himself in the end because he could not react in time to the counterattack of the five, but the situation was not so bad, as he was level 100, while opponents were level 50-60. Liu Yang just got hurt because he was inexperienced.

His current equipment was level 100, he gained several levels 100 equipment for the rescue, because of this, the damage that Liu Yang received was extremely low, even if Liu Yang stood still and let himself be attacked, he would not die except to be attacked on the head, because it was one of the most fragile places of the human body and had no protection, the heart had the shirt and armor to protect, and the middle of the legs of the men had the pants and the underwear to protect. Liu Yang tried the best to defend his head.

After hundreds of blows, the group could not see any injuries in Liu Yang's body, whenever an injury was caused, seconds later it was cured, that is, all HP they took from Liu Yang, was automatically cured after a few seconds. Even with the lack of combat experience, due to the power difference, Liu Yang managed to avoid the attacks that were sent to the head. This made this fight totally worthless because it would be extremely difficult or impossible to kill Liu Yang.

As time went by, the five of them were severely injured. The five realized something wrong with the situation, as experienced people, they understood what was wrong, but there was nothing they could do about it with the current situation, it was killing or being killed.

Clang ...

Suddenly an amazing thing happens, Liu Yang breaks the sword of one of them, but the owner manages to save himself before receiving an injury.

"Boss, what will we do? At this rate, we will be killed by this guy "

The leader was watching the fight with the dark face, the people who hired them had said that the prey would be a weak person and was carrying a lot of money, but the reality was completely different from the information. The leader did not know what to do, he knew that everyone would die today. While the leader was lost in thought, a cry is heard.

"Ahhhhh !!!!!"

Liu Yang manages to cut the arm of one of them before he can cut off the head, someone interrupts him by throwing a blow toward Liu Yang's head, but Liu Yang grabbed the sword with the hands that were covered by a leather glove. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Yang pulls the sword from the owner's hand, he failed to compete in terms of strength with Liu Yang and lost the sword.

Liu Yang threw the sword with full force towards the person without an arm, the other four could not react in time before the sword pierced the heart and nailed it to the ground. He died instantly.

"Jake !!! Bastard, die!" One of them went into fury as he watched his companion be dead before his eyes, he charged towards Liu Yang in a suicidal way.


A sound of blood emerges, and the head of the suicide bomber begins to roll slowly to the ground. Liu Yang took advantage of the suicide's rage and made a merciless cut on that person's neck, blood began to squirm like a source from the cut at the neck, causing the room to begin to smell blood.

"Willian !! Shit…!! Let's attack all together, we're going to die anyway before we die we'll try to take him along with us "


The speech inflated the fighting spirit of the other two, the three began to attack frantically, not caring about Stamina, before they could step back and take a pill to catch their breath, but now they have forgotten everything and have focused on the only attack.

Liu Yang did the same, he began to attack intensely, blocking only the attacks aimed at the weaknesses of the human body. After dozens of blows.

Peng ...

The first fell to the floor of exhaustion, Liu Yang took advantage of this chance cut the neck, causing the head to roll. The other two took to attack Liu Yang's back while he cut off his mate's head, but the reality was sad, the attacks could not pierce the armor that Liu Yang was wearing, just cut the cloth shirt over it.

Liu Yang spun his body quickly while holding the sword horizontally, this attack cut their bodies into two halves, blood began to come out of the four parts scattered on the floor, the floor was completely stained with blood and a strong odor of blood began to appear in. the room.

Looking at the five bodies lying on the floor, Liu Yang felt queasy, but not to the point of vomiting, he began to get accustomed to the killing scene gradually. Liu Yang looked toward the other five who were looking at him with solemn eyes.

But the next scene surprised Liu Yang, the blood in the room, the dead bodies, and the bodies of the other five, began to move toward Liu Yang's arm, it was as if there was something sucking blood from the place. Liu Yang remembered the little seed when he saw it.

"What is happening??!! Someone is sucking our blood !!!! "

"Ahhhhh !!!!"

"Ahhhh !!!!"


The bodies began to wither and become dust, the blood on the floor was completely sucked. Liu Yang could feel the arousal of the seed on his arm.

"Little rascal, next time control this thing, because we can not know when someone may have the wrong thought on this subject"

"How so wrong?"

"Have you forgotten about the Red Army? The army that had the power to absorb the blood of those who were dead? If another person sees this scene, they may think that you are part of it, that would be extremely dangerous "

"I understood, but how can I control this little thing?"

"Try to give your blood to its next time, did you forget that this thing liked your blood?"

"True, I'd forgotten that, Xillia, can you help me clear this mess? Not to arouse suspicion "

A strong white light shone and covered the room, all the things that had broken during the fight, was totally restored as it was before, it was as if it had not had a fight in the place moments ago.

"Xillia, help me get Saya out of the bottle, I'll treat her now, then put her back in the bottle." Saya's body appears on the floor in front of Liu Yang.

"Give ten drops of juice of the Reconstruction Fruit to her, it will be enough to restore the energy of your body and soul"

Liu Yang was admiring the beauty of Saya, he could not take his eyes off her, not knowing how to make Saya ingest the juice, Liu Yang just puts the juice in his mouth, before pressing against Saya's lips, using his tongue to open slowly Saya's mouth and then throwing the juice. Xillia Wolf saw this scene and could only snort with rage.

"Little rascal, why are you taking advantage of her?"

"I'm not taking advantage of her, if I were to take advantage of her, I would have massaged her breasts or her body, I'm just getting a little early thanks." Xillia Wolf did not comment on this response from Liu Yang.

Saya's body returns again to the bottle, Xillia Wolf removes the barrier and Liu Yang returns to the small room, he saw Zi Jiao sleeping like a kitten, he pulls her body to his embrace and sleeps.