Lucius The Prince

Now, the prince, Lucius-sama seems to be leading me to the library.

What a luck, I have been wanting to go inside the huge library for quite a while now!! I gladly accept this wonderful blessing~!

Taking a quick mental note of the library's location, we have finally arrived inside the Royal Library.

I notice that not there are not only theoretical books and other tedious books, the library also contains fictions such as novels and comics! I wonder when can I get my hands on them...? Now, I have the chance to visit the library often. The chance is namely, Lucius-sama!!!

"So, you're Alrescha, right?" Lucius-sama suddenly turned at me.

"Uhhh, people usually would address me Lyra," I say, reluctantly.

"Hmm? Why not Alrescha?"

Uhhhhh, how would I know???

It's like how you're called "Lucius-sama" or "Luca" instead of "Aideen", right?

"Well, it's not important, anyway," he quickly shrugs it off.

Errr... alright...?

Why bringing it up in the first place, then?

Weird prince.

"So, let's have out first strategical meeting. From now on, you're my assistant, get it!" he puts his hands on his chest.

Uhhh, strategical meeting to what...?

Despite my lack of understanding…

"Understood, Lucius-sama," I said obediently. Well, he is still the crown prince, so I will see how it goes!

"..." He goes silent for awhile, then he turns away.

"Let see... for today's prank... Let's do a water surprise to the apprentice maid!"


Gasp! I let out my voice without even thinking about it.

"What's wrong?" the prince turns around at me again.

"Ah, n, no. It's nothing, Lucius-sama," I quickly covered my mistake. Well... the king wants me to be a good playmate. So I guess this is what I should do...?

I feel bad for the maid… But I should make sure he uses a clean water. And perhaps warn her a bit so she can at least dodge it.

"Anyway, I know that there's a new young maid that just entered the castle. Perhaps we could play along with her and see her reaction! I know where she'd go to, so it's perfect!"

For a 4-year-old child, he is mischievous enough. Did he watch too many episodes of the old series about a cat and a mouse?

"Alright, Lucius-sama," I nodded in understanding, while keeping in mind to try to warn the maid, if possible.

"...," the prince sighed, for no reason.

"Alright, let's go and put the plan into action!"

The new maid is a very young maid, early in her teens, I think.

She is earnestly trying to memorize the huge castle and is going to assist in cleaning one of the rooms. She's going with a senior maid to go inside.

Just as she opens the door…


My timid voice was too late to warn her as the sound of water splashing can be heard.

"Whoa!" The maid yelped in her surprise, while the senior maid quickly closes the door to shield herself from the water, before she finally opens the door and enters.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, but I was just surprised, uhm…"

The two of them finally turned to us.

"Uhm… I…" I timidly started to speak.

"…Oh, you're the Prince's new playmate? …thank you for accompanying the prince, uhm…," the senior maid spoke.

"Well well, it seems like another prank of the prince. *sigh*, well, it can't be helped. The prince is at that age, after all. But, be sure not to overdo it and don't ditch classes again, okay, Lucius-sama?" The senior maid asked the prince.


…No sincerity at all in his response.

"Alright then, let's go and get you changed. I apologize on the behalf of the prince."

The two maids bowed and left the room.

…Is that it?

Well, it's true that children can be naughty… but shouldn't you scold him more?

…Oh, I forgot. He's the prince. But even still.

"Hey, I noticed you tried to warn the maid, huh? As a punishment, you are to take off one of your twin tails!" He commanded.

Uh, that will totally make me look weird, but I have no choice, right?

Can't have him get angry at me... he would totally pull out another worse prank if I get his mood bad...

Aaah really, handling children, especially those that I should please—is totally not my specialty.

It's true that I had a younger brother with quite the age gap, but I didn't really interact with him that much, so…

I spent the rest of the day trying to please the prince, but it seems like he is either irritated or bored. To be honest, I am getting fed up with his antics—that have a pattern!

All that he's done... it's all so catchy and will surely grab others' attention. Also, he has never addressed me with my name. He called me with "oi", "you", "underling", and so on...


Is it true that he wants to have his parents' full attention back, especially his mother?

But being a king and a queen means you will have your hands full with various matters, whether you like it or not.

The birth of a new child will also demand a parent's attention towards that child.

It's not that his parents didn't try to give him a quality time, too, right?

Getting the full attention back will be a hard task to do. He has no other choice but to adapt.

Befriending the others might help him to shift his attention, if lessons and trainings are not enough to occupy his mind. So, why…?

In the end, I was dismissed and the prince clearly seems like he doesn't care enough whether I will come again or not. Like my presence doesn't matter.

Well, I don't know if this is a good sign or a bad sign.

Clearly, this made me wondering how it was with Alt-nii.

My presence to the family surely altered the amount of attention and care he received.

But I have never seen him throwing tantrums or such... or that I am not aware of it?

Perhaps I should try asking...

Also, the prince and his pranks…

Who knows that he might get someone injured or sick because of his prank to gain others' attention, especially his parents' attention?

This kid needs to learn that.

But I don't know if I should be the one to tell him off? I mean, I am in no position to do that… my family's position is obviously lower than those of royal family.

I'm certain the king and the queen should have told him, but he might have ignored their warnings as nothing of the sort has ever happened.

I wonder how can I solve this problem...?