Cleaning Up After the Crisis (3)

Furthermore, even after personally coming to the Elandia residence to check every single person there, Cyan couldn't find anyone who resembled the mad lunatic woman that lured him out. No one bears any single resemblance to her.

Considering that the woman changed her voice and eye color, Cyan was sure that he would still be able to recognize the mad woman. Her expression and eye gaze, full of madness would be easy to spot.

In addition to that, Cyan personally wanted to catch that lunatic woman more than anything else. The woman who was adept at bending the truth, twisting it and tricking others into believing her. He was lucky that Lyra and Altaire weren't brainwashed by the woman's foul tongue.

After all, he has personally fallen for such a trick—believing the twisted lie that his older brother kept coaxing into his mind during when he was the most fragile.

Even until now, he could still remember his words.

If it weren't for you, 'she' won't die like this. It's your fault, your fault.

Cyan opened the pocket watch that he always brings. Whenever that past haunted him, he'd open the pocket watch and recalled what little happiness his childhood had. It was his habit to remind himself of his most beloved person who's no longer part of this world.


When Cyan finally got home and the time to rest, he finally fulfilled his promise to tell Lyra and Altaire about the mad lunatic's accusation of his familicide.

Coincidentally, Lyra's completely recovered by the time Cyan finished all his business. Yeah, Lyra was completely exhausted after the whole incident and couldn't really move her body without feeling some sort of pain for a few days after she overworked her muscles. In her heart, she vowed that she would do more exercises to keep her muscles trained so she won't feel this sort of pain again if she had to use her swordsmanship skills.

Though Altaire kept showering her praises about her swordsmanship skill, luckily enough, she wasn't being asked to display it as her parents were so worried over the fact that she mostly stayed in the bed for a few days. Cassie used healing magic to ease Lyra's pain, but what Lyra's body needed to completely recover was rest.

By the time she was back to her healthy self, Altaire's excitement over her swordsmanship skill had subsided. Lyra also managed to divert the conversation whenever she was about to be questioned about it~! Funny that she didn't question her parents' sudden silent after observing her efforts to divert the conversation, thinking that her bluff worked.

Anyway, back to Cyan's promise to tell the whole story to his children!

Naturally, since he thought that both Altaire and Lyra were still too young, he didn't tell the full details about what was happening, and about how he was convinced to become the next Duke of Hartmann.

He only told them the important details. About how he only cared for his mother who treated him nice, and about how he despised the rest of his family who never treated him kindly. About how his mother died because of the illness she had when he was still young.

Since he lost the only person he cared for in the Hartmann house, he moved out to Harmonia Academy's boarding house and met Titus there. That was the beginning of everything.

Soon afterwards, they became best buddies and Cyan willingly helped Titus to collect all the evidence to convict his family of their wrongdoing—from slavery, murders, corruption, blackmails, and any other crime you can name.

"Well, it seems like I repeated that story since I don't know if you still remember that. You were both younger when I told you all that story, and I wasn't sure where to start if not from there," Cyan said, looking at the two children.

"Yes—I more or less know about it already," Lyra clarified.

But it was nice hearing it from Dad—I want to ask more details, but I guess not now?

She thought to herself and decided to not inquire more.

"Uhm, I forgot some part of the story, so thanks for telling me again, Dad," Altaire said dejectedly, thinking that his little sister understood and remembered the details better than him, when he was supposedly her older brother…

Cyan smiled and continued to the part of the story that he has yet to tell them.

Due to the weight of their sins and the civilians' demands, the judges gave them the capital punishment. Naturally, Cyan did nothing of the sort to get remission for them.

Hence—that was how Cyan was accused of familicide by the mad lunatic. He can't deny the fact that he was the one who brought the rest of Hartmann family members to their demise. There was even a point in his life when he got convinced that he was the cause of his most beloved's death...

"...and, that's about everything I can tell you two for the moment. You may be too young to fully understand it, but..."

"Points crossed, Dad. I don't quite understand everything, but I get the gist of it!" Altaire said.

"At least now we know why that mad Onee-chan said it. But I think you did the right thing, Dad."

Unexpectedly—or should we say as expected—Lyra seemed to be the one who understood the explanation better compared to Alt.

Ignoring that fact, the two of them came to understand this fact and didn't seem to mind it at all. Cyan was relieved upon knowing that.

However, he didn't spill out the full details and he wasn't ready to tell about the other thing that Phillip Elandia pointed out during his interrogation.

"You're assuming the title of a duke with your contaminated blood?! You being a duke with that kind of pedigree is an insult to every pure noble present!!"

Cyan was glad that Lyra and Altaire didn't hear that. He wanted to save the in-depth explanation about it all in the future, when both of his children are older.

"That's good to know. I promise I will tell you more stories once you two are older."

Inside her little head, Lyra thought to herself.

'This family where I was reborn in... sure is complicated... Here I thought that the Grabberton family was quite complicated with the heir intrigue back then.'

But at least, it's warm here, right now.