Luca's Sixth Birthday (1)

As usual, before my sixth birthday, it's Luca's sixth birthday celebration first. Normally, nobles under the age of six wouldn't attend such a birthday party, but again, I was an exception.

I was afraid that this special treatment I got would be subject to other nobles' suspicion, but I guess I worried for nothing, as the royal palace sent out the invitations for every noble children that would be six years old by this year, too.

"Let's make the party merrier!"

Nice countermeasure, King Titus and other royal members!

Day 33 Month 2 Year 976. Luca's sixth birthday.

I am wearing a simple-but-elegant light-blue dress with the usual green wings emblem. My mom tied my hair into a single bun, positioned high up there on my head. A red ribbon was put near the bun. Overall, I'm happy with my appearance.

I'm happy that I can customize my hair-do now that I have long hair. Back then, as Reinst, I was too engrossed in swordsmanship training ever since I was a child, and naturally having a short haircut is more practical. Phew, I'm really glad that my mom now lets my hair grow long.

The Grand Hall of the Capicastle was quite dazzling and luxurious as it was, but now that they decorated it especially for the crown prince's sixth birthday party, it looked more grandiose than ever. There are a lot of nobles crowding in—as expected of the crown prince's birthday celebration!

From the looks of it, many are eager to see the crown prince's appearance! There are not many people who have seen Luca before his official debut today, after all.

"Greetings, everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all here. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Lucius Aideen seo Navarrete, the crown prince of Riviera country. Since this is my debut to the noble society, there might be several things that I'm lacking in, so I hope you wouldn't mind that... As the crown prince, I would like to offer my gratitude for all of your contribution to the royal family and this country on top of coming here to celebrate my birthday. I hope that you will have fun in my sixth birthday party."

To close his welcome speech, Luca elegantly bowed and the business-like smile lingered on his face.

Of course, loud applause followed after such a great speech and good show of attitude that he did.

"Whoa, the crown prince is the splitting image of King Titus back in his younger days!" –said an elderly noble.

"Our country's future is looking good!"

"As expected of the next crown ruler! That's the kind of behavior that every crown ruler of this country is said to possess."

"I thought that they were too quick to decide on his third birthday that he'd be the next crown ruler, the heir to the throne, considering that at that time, Her Majesty was blessed with another child in her womb. But seeing the prince's performance today—I think I know why they made their decision."

"I still think they should wait and see the princess' development before deciding the next heir to the throne, but well, this... I think the crown prince is okay."

"The prince is extremely gifted!"

"I wonder if he would pick my daughter when they are older..."

Various opinions floated around the crowd, but mostly are positive.

I wonder how many times has Luca practiced for today? He knows for sure that his first speech is important.

Next agenda is... oh yeah, we gotta go to the royal family's place and greet them all.

"Luca, congratulations on your sixth birthday! Your speech was awesome!"

After my parents gave their congratulations, I also gave mine to Luca.

"Hmph, of course that's a matter of course. I won't be the crown prince if I can't even do that right!" Luca boasted without any pretense in front of me.

Seriously, if others were to see this side of his, I wonder what would they think of this cheeky prince?


--that cute, familiar voice... is calling out for me!!

I looked up to the source of that cute voice who's snuggling up to her mother.



She looked at my direction and pointed her small hands to me. Her round green eyes are so adorable! Her cheeks are still chubby!

"Fufu, yes, Leti. That's Lyra-neesama," Queen Shaula praised little Leti for recognizing me right away, despite my different hairdo and get-up.

...wait, what do you mean that it's a given?

Oh. Right. My eye colors.

Little Leti's two years old now, and she's started to be talkactive!

"Alright, I will be socializing with the other noble children after this," Luca finally said—then he gazed at the other noble children already forming their own circles. Seems like there are the children area and adults area in parties like this.

"Mind to come along with me, Lyra? Kiri will be with me, too."

I glanced at my parents who are talking with their fellow adults—fuuuu, I think I should have been there had I not died.

Wait, what about Alt-nii?

Ah, off he goes to other noble children attending Harmonia Academy.

"Alright then."

With that, the two of us started to leave our parents and approached the other children whose age weren't that far from us.

But before we walked far enough—

"Aaaaaa!! Uca-niiiiiiiiiiii!!"

We both turned around and saw Leti waving at us. She's calling out Luca, not wanting him to leave her. Her eyes started to get teary and her face started to turn red from her bawling.

Oh my, how adorable!

"My, my, Leti, don't. Big brother Luca has to greet the other children. There, there, be a good girl and accompany your parents, okay?" Queen Shaula stood up and cradled Leti in her arms and kissed her forehead.

"Uuuu, Uca-niiii!!"

But Leti continued to weep.

I wonder if it's because she's in a very crowded location that she wants to be close to her beloved big brother more than anything else...?