Preparations for Entrance Exams

When Harmonia Academy announced the start of their enrollment process, my parents quickly submitted my application. A few days later, a package confirming my application arrived. The academy sent a few information about my entrance exams and gave my examinee card.

"See, Lyra? The mandatory tests for enrollment are only psych-test and interview. For those who want to enter the special class, there are basic knowledge test and combat test. For combat test, it's up to you if you want to take one between magic test or physical combat test. It's a bonus if you do well in both of them," Mom explained the paper she's holding to me.

"Lyra, you have read my books, right? Don't underestimate the basic knowledge test!! I failed because I didn't want to read any of the basic knowledge material!" Alt-nii shoved his books in front of me again, worrying that I might fail because of the same thing that caused his failure.

"Yes, yes, don't worry!!" I gently shoved back those books because I wanted to see the documents we received.

"This is your schedule. Ah, the exams period is one week from Day 8 to Day 14 of Month 7. The results will be announced on Day 22. Then, you will enroll at the beginning of Month 8," Mom showed me a paper detailing my schedule and my examinee number.

Hmm, I am going to attend the exams on Day 10, and my number is… 21.

I hope Luca and Kiri are taking the exams on the same day as me~!

"Alright, Mom will make sure to work hard so I can have a shift off during your exams period to accompany you. Well, the children's guardians are gathered in other room during the children's tests, though. Since Dad accompanied Altaire before, now it's my turn, okay?" Mom winked at Dad.

Dad gave us a reluctant look. Seems like he wanted to accompany me. I wonder if I should let Dad…

"I wonder what will they tell to the children's guardians? Cyan, you won't be so cruel as to let me miss this chance to find out, right?"

Before I could say anything, Mom continued to press Dad.

…Right, Mom would obviously want to experience her child's enrollment, too!

Mom, sorry for not thinking about that! I was wrong!!

I won't let Dad rob her opportunity!!

I won't let Dad have his excuse to pester Mom to give me a younger sibling, under the pretense of he would let Mom accompany this younger sibling during their enrollment! It's not like I hate having a younger sibling, but it's just that… I heard giving birth was painful!

Therefore, I won't let Dad bully Mom!

The bullied position should belong to Dad!!

"Yes, Dad, I wanna go with Mommyyyyy!!" I quickly announced my support towards Mom.

"…Alright, it's fair for you to accompany Lyra as I have accompanied Altaire," Dad then reluctantly agreed.

The next time I went to Capicastle, I quickly showed my examinee card that has both my schedule and my number to Luca and Kiri. I should bring this card for my exams.


But they answered me with silence.


What's wrong with giving a better response?

The silent ensued for quite a while before I could hear Luca sighing.

"And I was sure that the three of us would be together when I saw Kiri's examinee card," he said.



"Lyra, Luca and I are having our exams on Day 8, Luca's number 1, while I'm number 2. So, he said that you would surely get number 3," Kiri showed his examinee card.

My face went [O_O]

This is… their special privileges?! Luca's the crown prince, and Kiri is like his accompanying knight… so… so…

Right, of course!!

The academy arranged their tests to be done very early… I wonder if I don't have that privilege as a duke's daughter?

Oh well… wait a second, is it because my family is poor? Oops, no, no, no! Not poor, but not that rich!!

"Ah, I forgot that… while they might give us special privilege as royals, their policy towards nobles is [equality]."

Luca's calm voice made me feel guilty that I was doubting the academy's cleanliness. Well, they can give special privileges to the royals because of their strong connections, so… alright, everything is clear!!

"Oh, Luca, Kiri! Can you give me some clues as you will have the tests earlier?"

"Hmm, Lyra, are you dumb?" Luca quickly retorted to me.

But before I could get angry at him—

"Obviously they will change the test questions. The practical ones such as interview and combat test will be held just like any other interview and combat test."


I talked without thinking. I wish I have the ability to turn back time to rephrase my question.

"I mean, who knows since it's Harmonia Academy, they will have something special and different from other schools…," I quickly added.

"I don't think the entrance exams for Basic Level will deviate that much. Basic Level exams should be standardized," Luca answered.

…well excuse me as my past self's childhood memories are quite vague.

And excuse me for not knowing the education system.

Since you are the future king, no wonder you're being taught about that.

Hmm, that means… I have no one to accompany me during the tests.

My mind quickly analyzes its significance. A robotic voice resounded within my mind (note: it's just my imagination!)

[PRO: Lyra has to use this chance and associate with other children she doesn't know.

CONTRA: Lyra has to use this chance and associate with other children she doesn't know.]

…wait wait, my mind can't decide whether it's an advantage or disadvantage.

Uhm, whatever, Lyra! Remember you're mentally older than most children, so you will be just fine! Don't have a mental regression!

…oh but I was a loner back then…

How to socialize and befriend others???

Well… everything should be fine simply because I've experienced life twice… right?