Siblings Team Battle!

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for not updating this story here for quite so long!! (Side Note: I've gone for quite a while and Inkstone hasn't given any formatting option?! Not even bold and italic?!!)


Some of you might have known that I also published this story in the other platforms, some with different chapter numbering than it is here, and thus you know that I'm still continuing this story with the updates and not dropping this story. Things were quite hectic IRL back then, and I ended up not updating the story here...

But some might have no idea that I still updated this story elsewhere, so let me state this: I'm still continuing this story and still hoping to be able to write this story until its planned ending~!

I'm not sure if you're all still looking forward to reading this story here (in Webnovel site) too, so please let me know (via the comment section) if you're one of the people who'd like to continue reading this story here as well!

Enjoy the chapter and thanks for reading~!



Siblings Team Battle!



Previously on Lyra's diary of misfortune, a dragon girl had a match with my brother for no reason, and this time—she wants to fight us as a set of siblings!

Seriously, I wonder what's wrong with her?

A dragon is clearly far more superior than the other races, so isn't the result quite obvious already?

Be as talented as we are, we are only humans… with a little elf blood… and more importantly, we are still kids!!


When I gazed at Alt-nii, I came to realize something.

"Wait a minute, can we have a break so Alt-nii can recover first? We're at a great disadvantage if it's like this…"

Though Alt-nii didn't suffer from any kind of a major damage, he still used up a lot of his power—both physical and magical, so it's better for us to rest for a while, and perhaps heal his minor injury such as some scratches he may have gotten from the fight?

"Ah, you're right. But there's no need of a break. Here, use this."

Carbuncle seemed to be looking for something from inside her clothes—and after searching for a while, she took out a spherical glass-like object and pointed it at us.

"What is that?"

I tilted my head in confusion. I have never seen that object before, nor have I heard about such an object… Which means, it must be one of their dragon-exclusive items!

"It's… some sort of a recovery item. Here, try this!"

With that, Carbuncle threw the spherical glass lightly. The glass then floated itself and approached us.

After it floated in the middle of Alt-nii and me, I saw Carbuncle made a gesture with her own hand—as she clutched her left hand strongly. And along with her clutched hands, the spherical glass was shattered to pieces.

Oddly enough, the pieces were not like any normal glass pieces—rather, it became some kind of dust particles as they spread around us—or more precisely, the particles were raining incessantly on us.

"Whoa, I feel so full of energy!" Alt-nii exclaimed in surprise as I also felt something…

"Eh, does this have a revitalizing effect? I feel like brimming with power, too…"

The magical particles seemed like they also boosted our energy.

I mean, I only did some running and my head was a bit heavy due to my endless worry over the chaotic situation, but now… I feel myself brimming with vigor and mana, and my head feels so much better, too.

"Thank you, Carbuncle-san!!"

We expressed our thanks earnestly.

Looking at our expressions, I can sense that Carbuncle's eyes lit up in excitement as she murmured something that I couldn't hear really well. However, I can only hear one word, and that is—


…But, what kind of jackpot is she referring to?

Weird girl.

"Anyway, since everything's settled, here is your competition pendant, little sister."

"…My name is Lyra, and thank you!"

I tried to catch the pendant that she threw so suddenly in a fluster while announcing my name—it's better than being addressed as "little sister", right?

"Okay, Tair and Lyr, shall we start?"

…Tair and Lyr—it somehow rhymes, but that's not how you're supposed to call me and Alt-nii!!

But well, let's save the trivial matters for later—since we've got a game to do right after this.

"Wait, you haven't explained the rules and the winning condition of this game!" Alt-nii protested.

"Ah, right. So, unlike the 1 vs 1 where the game is over when one of our crystal pendants is broken, this time's magical pendant that will seal your movements and magical aura once it's broken, and the effect only lasts until the game ends. You win if you can break my crystal pendant, and likewise, I win if I break your pendants—right, the two of you. I think that's all that I need to explain?"

"O-okay, I get it…"

To sum it briefly—she needs to break our crystal pendants to win the game, and either of us—the one who got their pendant broken first—will remain unable to move until another crystal pendant breaks that marks the end of the match.

Yeah, a sparring match with a game system like this feels more fun!

"Let's start the match then—"

As Carbuncle started to chant the same words that she said before her match with Alt-nii started, Alt-nii inched closer to me and whispered to my ears.

"Lyra, I will be taking the defensive. You should focus on attacking her crystal pendant and entrust your protection to me. For anything other than that, well, we'll see about it later. Oh, and let me tell you about my present that you're wearing, actually—"


Oh, that word… it marks the end of her vow—or was it really a dragon's vow?

I was surprised by Alt-nii's sudden revelation of his gift that I'm wearing right now, but the dragon girl's enthusiastic yell surprised me even more.

The match is starting!! I had no room to discuss the strategy in further details with Alt-nii, but I should just act as he outlined before. After all, I'm also more used to take the offensive part rather than the defensive part!

The atmosphere around us suddenly changed—perhaps it was due to the fact that the game's already started and it might also be because of the barrier's gotten firmly raised around the fighting grounds.

Again, Carbuncle spread her wings and floated slightly higher than the ground, and along with her spreading wings, she summoned several dark clouds and the sparkling yellow bolts of lightning.

It's the usual thing that would make her opponent become harder to focus on attacking—I mean, dodging these thunders alone is quite a hassle to do!

I glanced sideways towards Alt-nii and he was already looking at me. As our eyes matched, he nodded. I assumed we'd just go through with what he planned.

So, I dashed forward without paying any mind—just kidding, I still jumped here and there due to my surprise at the upcoming thunder, although Alt-nii managed to negate the dragon's magic using his Void magic spell. Sometimes, I saw a barrier that prevented the lightning from striking me.

[Cielegicel sceard]! (Icicle shards!)

As I got closer to her, I chanted one of my [Ice] magic spells. As soon as I finished chanting, several sharp icicle shards formed in front of me and lunged their ways towards the dragon girl's crystal pendant. Since the distance isn't so far, the icicle shards can lunge their ways towards Carbuncle with such high speed—if she can't react fast enough, my attacks will hit her.

[Hlynrian stânhege] (Thunder wall)

Contrary to my expectations, Carbuncle didn't even bat an eye in her surprise and calmly chanted. Thick layers of thunder quickly rained down from the sky and made their ways between Carbuncle and my glorious icicle shards… And that marks the end of my icicle shards. Engulfed completely by her thunder wall.

After the thick layers of thunder diminished, the smug face of the dragon girl could be seen as she extended her left hand and—

Crap, crap, crap, it's her counterattack!!

Perhaps it's her way of saying, "Taste your own medicine!"—she summoned several lightning spears in front of her as they rapidly made their ways to me—

Alt-nii, I'm literally placing my life to you!!

I totally didn't expect her to chant her counterattack immediately after her defensive thunder wall perished—and I was taunted by her smug face, too.

…Yes, I can finally feel that I'm a complete newbie in terms of magic battle now…

The thunder emitted dazzling light, so I instinctively put my hands in front of my head and covered it—I closed my eyes while strongly called out Alt-nii's name inside my own mind.

Alt-nii!! I'm relying on you!!


At Alt-nii's struggling voice and the realization that the impact didn't strike me, I opened my eyes again.

In front of me, there were two layers of defensive magic spells.

One, the [Void] space that was intended to absorb the lightning spears and return it to nothingness. Two, a bulky barrier that should be made by the [Life] magic.

And why would Alt-nii cast two layers of them?

The answer is quite simple.

The lightning spears still managed to make their ways through the [Void] space! …though their strength seemed to be reduced quite significantly after passing through the [Void] space.

Then—the lightning spears are currently trying to force their ways to me, while Alt-nii is trying his best to maintain the barrier and quickly applying another layer of it to the place where cracks are forming.

"Lyra, move!"

I can tell from Alt-nii's expression that he wouldn't be able to repel the lightning spears any longer, so I obeyed his words and swiftly distanced myself from the magic clash—

"I won't let you!"

The dragon girl's voice sent chills down to my spine. I could tell that she's putting more power to her lightning spear magic as I can sense the light emitted from her lightning magic behind me grew stronger.


Alt-nii's scream is followed by the cracking sounds of his barrier. Then…


An explosion formed from the crash. The impact is strong enough that it made me lose my grounds and leaped in front of me—then, I landed perfectly on the ground with my body hugging the earth… Hi, Mister Earth! But it's not the right time to be hugging you… (^_^;)

I stood up and dusted my face from all the dust and soil…

"*cough cough cough*!"

…yeah, some got into my mouth and nose, as expected.

"Lyra, are you okay?!"

"Alt-nii, yes, I'm fine! …Ah, behind you!!"

I warned Alt-nii as I saw the dragon girl switching her target to Alt-nii.

Right. In the first place, she was attacking me to stop me from attacking her. Now that I'm not attacking her, it's natural for her to be aiming for the defensive part in our team—Alt-nii.

Instead of the distant magic as she demonstrated up until now, this time—she covered herself in her own thunder magic and rammed at a high speed towards Alt-nii.

Wouldn't she seriously injure Alt-nii if she attacks like this?!

I started to doubt the dragon girl's words earlier, about how she wouldn't injure us severely. Well, true, we can get healed right away, but… if she were to put too much power in her attack… the result won't be good.

Luckily enough, Alt-nii turned around at the right timing—the dragon girl was just right in front of him when he erected his defensive barrier.

Nevertheless, Carbuncle still tried to push her way through the barrier.

Just right when I thought Alt-nii would eventually lose out, another layer of magic formed in front of Alt-nii's barrier. This is… [Void] magic!


The [Void] magic that immediately touched the lightning that shrouded the dragon girl's body managed to dispel her magic right away.

As Carbuncle seemed to understand that it would be dangerous for her to force her way to the layer of [Void] magic, she withdrew herself.

"Phew, that was close!"

Alt-nii wiped the sweats that formed on his forehead… and his breathing turned ragged…

Ah, right. He must have put lots of mana to the spell earlier, as it managed to easily dispel the dragon girl's magic.

…He must be so, so tired…

"Alt-nii, move!"

This is my perfect chance to attack, so I quickly chanted my next spell after warning Alt-nii.

[Forstlic bewrecan!] (Frozen chase)

The ground in front of me was quickly covered with ice as my [Ice] magic made its way, chasing after the dragon girl up in the sky.

Yes, I'll try to freeze her and immobilize her first!

The dragon girl noticed the approaching ice and quickly hurled her sturdy tail to damage the ice that formed right below her. The ice might be fractured from her tail, but that didn't matter! It didn't stop the ice to continuously form and chase after her!

I love seeing her troubled expression!

She then increased her speed and flew higher into the sky—eh, so, she wants to outspeed my ice magic? Then, I have to focus and input more power to enhance its speed—I might exhaust my mana by doing this, so I'll have to leave the rest to Alt-nii.

However, Carbuncle soon descended down again with a very powerful and rapid movement.

Then—"Receive Tkmkzch's Judgment!"

She shouted very loudly and right then, explosive bolts of thunder hit my ice magic that towered through the sky, 10 of the powerful bolts of lightning struck in just one second… And just in one second, my ice magic was dispelled perfectly, and the impact of her thunder spread throughout the whole fighting grounds.

It was very earth-staggering… literally.

And then—


I was so surprised when I noticed a bolt of thunder was hitting my crystal pendant!!

Just when…?!

My body flew back for a short while before I landed and reunited with Mister Earth.