Displaying My Magic in Class...

…Oh wait, Carbuncle is a "guest student", so she is saved for the very, very last… though Sensei actually said that we've all seen her skills so it's fine even if Carbuncle doesn't want to do so. But, Carbuncle being Carbuncle, she is eager to try.

…Wait, then they have also seen my skills as I have fought against Carbuncle, so why would the boys earlier still feel like that?

Or could they have overestimated themselves?

Well, with this ability test, our abilities will be measured the same way, so the result would be very decisive and that no one would protest anymore… right?

...I admit that I'm competitive when I see someone with great skills, but I won't turn bitter like them. So, I can't really comprehend them, but I only hope that they won't cause any trouble.

Oh hey, I have actually come to terms that I might really have superior abilities in magic, this time. It's not that good to keep myself stuck at the stages of denial. After all, since it's not only my family and a few tutors praising my ability, then it'd be only my inferiority complex acting up when I feel like I'm just… so-so.

With the Carbuncle incident at the start of my school life, I believe my wish to have a peaceful and normal school life must be buried deep inside the ground, haha! …Hahaha… (T__T)


Everyone displayed their skills well. I could understand why they'd be selected as the special children.

And among the three honorable mentions, the order was as follows: Smyrna, Luca, and then me.

…come to think of it, Smyrna is an elf, right? I wonder how strong her magic is?

"[Biernan scytel] (Light arrow)! Eih!!"

Smyrna's voice sounded as she shot a light arrow at the target. It hit the target and damaged it considerably, but not until a hole was formed. Also—it wasn't a bull's eye. Still, that impact was amazing and I could tell why she was a honorable mention.

However, her light barrier wasn't as strong as her light arrow. No wonder she picked offensive test at the entrance exam, apparently.

She then expressed that she actually wanted to get better at supportive light magic instead, but it was harder to train than the offensive one like light arrow just now. Norma-sensei assured her that with time, she'd be able to get better at what she wanted.

When Luca performed, he formed a whirlpool of flame that hit the whole target. Due to the flame's overwhelming size and heat, he managed to leave a hole on the target. …Luca is quite impressive, it seems! But since the whirlpool of flame was huge, I couldn't get to see Luca's display of accuracy. Seems like accuracy isn't his forte?

But still, to be able to summon that amazing whirlpool of flame was amazing! I bet he could engulf a horde of enemy with that whirlpool! Miss Norma also praised it. Luca's fire wall was decent, though it was also strong. Luca expressed that he intended to have a [balanced] magic.

Luca practices sword and magic and his skills also seemed to be balanced—do the royal family members have to try hard to be balanced at everything—with [strong] or [above average] level?

Putting that aside, next would be my turn…

"[Gicela scytel]! (Ice Arrow)"

I put all my power on this one ice arrow. My ice arrow lunged at the target's bull's eye in a rapid speed as it successfully penetrated the bull's eye mark and formed a perfect hole on it!

"Oh, nice power and accuracy!" Miss Norma praised me. I was happy to hear that, hehe. Since my peaceful and ordinary life has been destroyed, why not strive for the best from now on?

When I glanced a bit at my classmates, I saw that the boys who sneered before flinched and could only cast their gazes downward when they noticed my gaze.

…Seems like they still have their self-consciousness and won't insist on overestimating themselves and underestimating others! Good start!

"But Lyra-chan, you're able to do chantless magic, right? Why didn't you demonstrate it?"


…How come she knew of it?

That's right, after years of more magic training, I'm able to do a bit of chantless magic. I can't do it on complicated stuff yet, I can only do that for simple magic and magic that I've often practiced.

But I recalled I did the test with a Spraec incantation?

"Your ice first at the end of the entrance test was chantless and it was splendid!"

"…Come again?"

…Wait, did I… seriously demonstrated my ability of using chantless magic? At that time, I should still be striving for an ordinary and peaceful life, so how come…?

…Did I do that reflexively? I don't quite remember the whole process so vividly, so that might be the case… I need to be more careful in the future!

Ah, but then again, there's no need to strive for an ordinary life that's already out of my reach, so… whatever!

After that, Miss Norma asked me to form an ice wall using a chantless magic, but since I wasn't accustomed to defensive magic, I could only do Non-Spraec incantation.

She then started her mini lecture on chant vs chantless magic and other variation of chants. After that, everyone tried to use various methods of incantations and I found out that Luca's capabilities are more or less the same as me! He just learned chantless magic as well.

Rivalry, I'm telling you, my rivalry with Luca is so thick!!

…Or could it be that he's the one who's trying so hard in his training just because he feels like he has to defeat me as he is the crown prince, and I'm just a duke's daughter?

After that, we spent the time to practice and learn various magic spells and how to strengthen our magic. …Can I say that the content is more or less in accordance with what Mom has taught me before?

Since Miss Norma admires Mom and is also a royal magician, I think I can see the connection. However, since Miss Norma is a teacher, she can teach better than Mom—I mean, no offense to my mom, but Mom sometimes overestimates a normal child's ability to learn—lucky that I'm not a normal child… I guess?

So, Miss Norma can accommodate to younger children's needs. That's good!

Last but not the least, after just observing, Carbuncle finally demonstrated her various skills and mastery of magic—like, combining her signature thunder magic with a bit of wind magic. Using a combination of magic is quite hard to do—and Miss Norma then said that there's even the mixing of magic that's harder to do!

"Ophelia-sama is capable of mixing three of her affinities—namely [Light], [Life], and [Wind]."

As Miss Norma proudly announced it, she gazed at me full of expectations… I backed out a bit… her expectant gaze is quite scary!

Time flew so fast and it's time for me, Luca, and Carbuncle to move to the physical combat lesson!