Peaceful Days... No?

The days passed by normally after that, and Alt-nii had gradually calmed down. I was now used to seeing Alt-nii with Rurune, and everyone in the family was also getting used to Rurune's presence.

Before long, I was allowed to experience the [Adventure] class, entering the [adventure field]. Luckily enough, me and my friends managed to form a group with Alt-nii, Clavis, and Harvey~! These trio seemed to be together… wait Alt-nii, what about your other friends??

Ah well, I guess they also had their own circle of friends, so it couldn't be helped.

However, we were only allowed to roam at the lower levels, gaining a better grasp about this [adventure] thing.

…We were only observing for the first few runs, though. As we also tried to figure out our roles in the [adventure] class. After all, we were only given a limited time to try this [adventure] thing—as the rest of the time was allocated to the other classes—especially the [Practical] class.

For the time being, we tried to fight the little monsters while Iris was assisting us. She basically had no combat ability, so yeah… But her assistance greatly helped us.

I had no special impression about this adventure thing, as I had experienced a similar thing when I was Reinst. Training my swordsmanship with monsters back then was also a routine. The type of small monsters was more or less similar to my previous school's adventure field, albeit there were differences.

"What's this? It's nothing special, it's just a small exercise," Carbuncle also stated her honest impression upon trying to hunt the monsters here.

"Eeh, it's quite fun, though?" Luca added.

"Y-yeah, we haven't trained with monsters that often," Kiri added.

"P-poor monsters…," Iris also added her comment.

"..." Meanwhile, I was speechless.

"Eeeh, what about you, Lyra? How was it?" Alt-nii suddenly asked me.

I can't remain speechless, right?

"Eeh, uhm… it's… it's exciting?" I wasn't sure how I should answer…

"…You don't look all that excited to me…," Clavis-nii added.

"Uh… well…"

Somebody, help!!

"Haha, we're still at the lower areas, so maybe you haven't felt the excitement yet," Harvey came to my rescue.

Eeh, so you're kind enough, huh, Harvey? Well, as expected of Iris' childhood friend…?

Just like that, I continued to pass my peaceful days leisurely…

Leisurely training, leisurely going to the school, leisurely studying, leisurely playing…

Improving my abilities slowly like this also felt nice. Back then, I wanted to improve my abilities as quick as possible, so I didn't quite enjoy the process. But it seemed like "improving my abilities" had become a routine to me, so I felt empty without doing it.

Still, compared to my past life, these days were more enjoyable.

How nice if things could stay this way…

However, changes are inevitable.

Unbeknownst to us, it seems like something is about to happen.

"Cyan, how was it?"

One day, Mom asked with a worried tone at Dad, who just returned home… quite late… again.

Dad shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I think we have to increase our guard from now on," Dad answered.

"Eh? Is something the matter, Mom, Dad?" I asked.

"Oh Lyra, it's nothing. It's just something related to our work," Dad said.

"Eh? What is it, what is it? What guard should we increase?" I couldn't just let it go like that.

"Well…," Dad hesitated.

"It's not something a child like you should know, Lyra," Mom answered.

…But the more she answered me like that, the more my curiosity was intrigued.

"…Okay, you'll find out sooner or later, so I'll just tell you now," Dad suddenly decided.

"Naraka—the Oni country, and Cielle—the Elven kingdom… it's very likely that they will clash in battle again," Dad said with a grave tone.

"…Eh… war?" I was surprised to hear the news.

There were small skirmishes and quarrels between the two countries even back in my previous life, but they were usually small issues that could be quelled after some time, and the harm done wasn't that huge. It was just some clashes that were bound to happen due the two sides' prejudices against each other. And Riviera always tried to keep everything at harmony, because if a big war were to break out between the two sides, we would get dragged into it eventually, and that was not good.

But… I was anxious because the way Dad and Mom talked about it—it didn't seem like the normal small issues.

"Ah, I see, so the gossip's true."

On the contrary, Alt-nii answered calmly. It seemed like he had heard about it before? Or did he still not understand the seriousness of this matter?

"I heard small issues sometimes would arise, but is this time different than before, Dad?" I asked, to confirm my suspicion.

"Well… yeah, I'm not sure why, but it seems to be a bigger issue compared to the past, and it's likely that we'll have to deploy some troops to quell the situation."

Dad tried to answer nonchalantly, but the fact that he tried to put a calm face despite his grave tone indicated that things might get even more serious than before.

"Don't worry about it, nothing is going to change here. I would need to put more guards in some territories, but it's not like I will personally go to the battlefield," Dad patted my head in order to calm me down.

Uuh, I feel like my head is getting patted way too often, but I'm already used to it…

"I-I see… I hope everything will be settled soon, Dad!" I could only say this.

In contrast to me who was getting worried, Alt-nii didn't seem to care about the issue and continued to play with Rurune.

Aaah, as expected, I was still mentally older than Alt-nii…

Will there come a time when our positions get switched?

But just as Dad said, since the matter didn't seem to influence our daily lives except for some worrying issues here and there about the two countries' quarrel, I continued to pass my days just as usual.

It was just that Dad and Mom got a little bit busier, and there were times when they had to go out to control some things here and there. But it was just like how they went on expedition or on their travel duty.

Luca also complained about how the situation at his home turned quite bad—everyone was busy here and there.

Aah, right, Luca lives in the castle, so this quarrel brought more impact to him than me. Kiri would often go to the castle, so he seemed to get more worried than ever.

Meanwhile, Carbuncle's reaction was…

"Aaah, so this is what the elders warned me about. Non-Draconis' love of stirring troubles, disrupting peace, huh?"



We were all speechless when we heard her comment.

While we all loved peace here, it seemed like the adults or those at higher-ups seemed to have other things in mind, that they were willing to disrupt the current peace?

Ah, it's not about the people of Riviera, but I was talking about the people of Naraka and Cielle.

They were officially under the peace treaty—but look at how easy this 'peace' was disrupted?

I wonder when will we be able to attain a complete peace?

Other than this little discussion we had after Luca complained about the changing situation in Capicastle, we basically spoke nothing of peace and war.

It couldn't be helped, since we were all still so young. Other than Luca and I, I bet the others didn't really understand about it, and they still didn't care because we hadn't experienced its impact directly. We only felt it through the adults' responses.

Even to me who possessed older mentality due to my reincarnation and Luca who possessed [Insight], this matter was quickly thrown to the back of our minds.

…Or was it the same for Luca? He was the crown prince, and the king was his father, so he might not be able to completely throw this matter to the back of his mind, but at least, none of us really mentioned this matter anymore.

Yes, this kind of thing was really distant from me.

The possibility that such a complicated matter could involve me was so… unthinkable for me, even in the later future.

So, I just prayed that peace would return quickly.

That was the only thing I could do, after all.