The Twins' Confusion

The world is moving so fast. It's constantly changing. Nothing remains the same.

That was what Freyr and Freyja came to realize at such a young age.

Papa, who was always with them, suddenly became the star in the sky. Ever since then, their world was never the same anymore.

They were looking for someone like Papa, who would always be there for them, but in that new place, people kept coming and go.

"Would you like to live in my home from now on?"

Therefore, when the man with same odd-eyes reached out his hands towards them, offering a place they could call a "home", they agreed.

He looked kind although he was scary when he first arrived to "fetch" us.

He seemed to be the same with us? Look at those different-colored eyes!

Maybe, we could find our home if we went with him.

Then, they saw two older children with heterochromatic eyes who welcomed them warmly. And a kind woman who fit their imagination of their "mama", based on the stories they heard from their papa. They were too young when their mama became the star in the sky, so they could only imagine in their hearts.

Furthermore, these new set of people were calling themselves "family". The woman was called "Mom" and the man who brought them to this warm place was called "Dad".

The older children told them that they were their "older sister" and "older brother".

Since they didn't have any other siblings and didn't have any recollection of Mama, they quickly adapted to calling them "Mom", "Onee-chan" and "Onii-chan".

They understood that "Dad" meant the same as "Papa" so they were confused at first. Their memories of Papa were still vivid and they loved him so much, they didn't want to "replace" him.

It was until this "Dad" told them that they now had two sets of parents-- Papa and Mama who brought them to this world and this "Dad" and Mom who would be with them from now on--that they finally understood and started calling him as "Dad".

From hereon, they felt the warmth they were missing again. Every day was fun and they loved being with this new family. They didn't want them to disappear so suddenly, so they were always reluctant to part from them. But each time they disappeared and then showed up again, saying, "I'm home!", a new conviction that these people would always stay started to grow within their hearts. And their anxiety would decrease within time.

If things could stay forever this way, how nice would it be?

That was what they thought every time they went to bed.

But one day, the twins once again noticed.

The world has changed. Again.

If it was like the usual, Mom and Dad would do "family outing" and invited them along. They were always included in any "family"-themed events, to bond together.

But this particular time, they didn't.

So, Freyr and Freyja took the initiative to ask.

"Can we come along?" Freyr asked.

"We wanna go together!" Freyja told them what they had in mind.

Dad looked back at them with a very complicated expression. The twins continued staring at him intently. Dad was the first one to break their staring contest as he sighed and patted both of their heads.

"Sorry, Freyr, Freyja. Can you two stay at home this time?"

It was as if lightning struck on a sunny day. They might not notice it, but the twins unconsciously widened their eyes in disbelief. Cyan who noticed the slight change in the twins' expressions felt uneasy, but this had to be done. He was prepared in case the twins threw a tantrum but...

The twins meekly nodded.

"We understand," Freyr nodded.

"But you will return, right?" Freyja asked with her slightly furrowed brows.

"Of course, I will buy you two some snacks too!" Cyan promised them.

"Don't wanna," Freyja rejected it right away.

"...," Freyr shook his head lightly.

"... I'll buy you some toys or books, then," Cyan smiled and quickly turned around after saying that, perhaps he was confident that the twins would like toys or books, or perhaps he was afraid of the twins' refusal again.

He was so used to Lyra's eyes that were sparkling with expectation at the mention of food. Altaire was quite unique as what could pacify him would depend on his mood.

After the twins saw the rest of the family off, Chloe offered them some hot chocolate. They lightly nodded at Chloe's offer.

The warmth of the hot chocolate seemed to soothe their worries away.

"Freyr...," Freyja opened the conversation.

"Freyja...," Freyr turned his gaze from the cup he was holding to his sister.

"They didn't bring us along this time... Because we already went out too often and brought too many things, right?" Freyja asked.

Freyr nodded, "Must be so. This time, it's Onee-chan and Onii-chan's turns?"

There was once a time when they went out without their older siblings, as their older siblings were at school.

"And Dad and Mom too," Freyja added.

"Mn. Must be so," Freyr nodded again.

Freyja also nodded, "Let's play with Rurune and the others."


The two of them didn't mind this small incident and played as usual.

Then, everyone was suddenly getting busier at the same time, Freyr and Freyja thought that it was strange. But they only came to live with them not too long ago, so maybe there was a time that everyone got busy at the same time. Their time to play together was reduced, but that was fine.

But another major strange incident came not long after that.

If it was like the usual, they would follow their older siblings around and their older siblings would play with them or teach them something wondrous. Even if they were busier, they could spare some time. It was fine even if it was for a short duration.

However, now...

"Ah, Freyr, Freyja, can you play with Rurune first?" Onii-chan stopped them from following him and shoved Rurune to them. Then, he ran away downstairs as if he had some urgent matters to attend to.

The twins tilted their heads.

Can't comprehend.

Freyr shifted his gaze at Freyja with a questioning look.

Freyja shook her head and said, "Maybe he's busy?"

Homework overload? Upcoming hard tests?

But this time, it seemed different somehow...

Rurune growled as if she was confirming the small boy's guess, "Ruru!"

Freyr nodded in agreement with Freyja's deduction and asked, "Shall we go look for Onee-chan?"

"Yeah, let's!"

They quickly ran in search for their second older sibling after signaling Rurune to follow them.