Day 5 Month 5: Their 5th Birthday Party

That night, Mom and Dad told me that the twins' fifth birthday was coming soon, and they were planning on celebrating it—consider that it was also a welcome party for them, as we were too busy when we first welcomed them.

And they told me that after their fifth birthday, we should start introducing the twins to the others, to help them learn how to socialize.

I was very excited to hear about the surprise birthday party plan!

...It was quite hard trying to brush off the twins, but... there was no way I could bring the twins along when I was preparing for their surprise birthday party right? Or it won't be called as surprise birthday party again...

It was worth it, though! Their expression upon seeing the surprise birthday party was so priceless!

"Happy fifth birthday, Freyr and Freyja!"

After we said that, the twins had this stunned look we never saw on their faces before.

They were looking around for a while before they tilted their heads and asked.



I nodded as I smiled at them, "That's right! Now come here and let's celebrate your birthday!"

Then, I took their hands and led them to where everyone was waiting.

All of us were surrounding the twins as we gave them our birthday greetings. Their expressions gradually turned warmer, their cheeks turned redder.

After that, we really had fun. I put the party hats to the twins and hey, everyone was wearing the party hat! Not only the children, but the adults, too!

While waiting for lunch time, we did lots of fun things such as watching Dad's water show (in collaboration with Mom's magic show), making the twins play the pinata, and so on.

The usually not-too-reactive twins began to react in a positive way. Smiles naturally formed on their faces—and their smiles today seemed to shine so brightly. It was also our first time seeing the twins laugh so freely—with the exception of when we tickled them, of course.

It might be too presumptuous of me to think like this, but I guess this might be the twins' happiest day after they lost their father.

Time seemed to pass by so quickly when we had fun!

Just right when our stomachs were about to growl, time for lunch finally arrived~!

We indulged ourselves in Chloe and the house keepers' delicious food. The food was still warm thanks to the technology and magic we had~ This way, Chloe and the other house keepers could participate in the surprise party earlier instead of preparing the food during when we surprised the twins and played with them.

As for the dessert... Needless to say, it was the birthday cake!

"Ah, don't eat it now!" I quickly stopped Freyja who was reaching out her hand towards the cake. Freyr who was watching her intently also turned to me with a questioning look.

It felt as if they were asking, "Why stop us when the cake's already put in front of us to eat?"

"You need to blow the candles and make some wishes first!" I gave them my reason.

"Wish...?" They tilted their heads at the same time.

"Yep, you should close your eyes while saying your wishes inside your heart—then open your eyes and blow the candle~!" I instructed them as the candle was being prepared.

Soon after, the candle with the shape of "5" was being lit. The candle's flame was swaying, but thankfully it didn't get extinguished due to the wind.

"Now then... Happy birthday Freyr~ Happy birthday Freyja~," we started singing as if indicating the next big event of candle-blowing was about to start.

"Happy birthday, dear Frey twins... Happy birthday to you~!"

"If you're finished chanting your wish inside your hearts... Blow the candle~!" We instructed them.

We were actually debating whether the twins would be so synchronized that they would open their eyes at the same time and blow the candles together.

And the result...?

Freyr actually opened his eyes first and was about to blow the candle in his excitement before he noticed that Freyja was still closing her eyes. Freyr quickly let out the air he had sucked in before and waited for Freyja patiently.

After a while, Freyja opened her eyes and she was quickly greeted by Freyr's gaze!

Then, they turned their attention towards the swaying flame and blew the candle at the same time. Yes, they communicated in silence!

It was unfortunate that they weren't that synchronized and didn't end up opening their eyes together and blowing the candle right away after that. But they demonstrated their silent communication and that was awesome, I think~

Chloe then moved closer to cut the cake to several pieces. The twins quickly grabbed the parts of the cake they liked and ate them. There were cake crumbs and cream on their cheeks... Ah, come to think of it... they need to learn table manner—but no rush for now!

After filling our bellies to their maximum capacities, it was now time for the twins to take a look at their birthday gifts~!

With me being me... I just gave them storybooks that I found intriguing—not that I was the one who wanted to read them, okay? I... can read the storybooks to them~! Besides, the storybooks were equipped with interesting mechanism, namely pop-up illustration and the other one even had hollographic effect!

Alt-nii gave them toys... that could be used to prank others. Actually, the twins were the first victims of the said toys. Freyja went back several steps as she looked at Alt-nii in disbelief. It was only after Alt-nii laughed and explained to Freyja that it was only a prank-toy that her trust in Alt-nii was restored. Freyr seemed to like the toys right away—perhaps it was something that appealed to boys more?

Mom gave them wands—actually, semi-toys. Like toys in the form of wands, but they might be usable as actual wands. Ah, aside the wands, they were given a pair of witches' clothes! I couldn't wait for the time they wore the clothes and acted like real witches!

Dad gave Freyja a huge rabbit doll as Freyja seemed to like rabbits. ...or Freyja was actually similar to a rabbit! Now, she could go to sleep while hugging the huge rabbit plush comfortably. I guess it also functioned as a pillow?

Freyr was given a detective toolkit by Dad as he seemed to really like detectives and mysteries! He even gave him a mysterious map leading to "treasure" that he had to find quickly! Freyja was also intrigued by this "treasure" so the twins then spent their time looking for the treasure box that Dad hid before the sun set.

Fortunately, the twins managed to find the treasure box before the sun set—but with great difficulty! We had to give them a few pointers. I kinda wanted to scold Dad for not giving them something easier or just give them the treasure box already, but after seeing how engrossed Freyr was and how he seemed to have much fun during the whole progress, I deleted that idea from my mind.

On the other hand, Freyja was more impatient with this kind of thing. Rather than thinking too much, she preferred proving it by searching in the places she thought were the treasure box's hiding places.

"Freyr, hurry up!" She said impatiently to Freyr who was looking at the map and the clues intently.

"Wait, Freyja!"

"What're you waiting for? It might be there, right?"

"But we aren't sure yet."

"Then let's just go and see!"

"No, no, let's make sure first!"

Freyja halted her steps and looked at Freyr whose eyes were on the clues the whole time. As she approached him, that twin of hers didn't look her way and continued to try to see the map and clues through.

Perhaps Freyja was getting too impatient as the sky turned redder, or perhaps she was annoyed that Freyr ignored her as... Freyja suddenly hit Freyr's head!

"Eeeeeh, no fighting, you two!" We tried to mediate them.

"Stupid Freyr!" Freyja sulked.

Freyr almost bawled—mostly due to the surprise move that Freyja did, but thankfully, he didn't bawl out in the end.

It was also our first time seeing the twins argue—they were so cute! And Freyja didn't hit Freyr that hard, it was most likely a friendly quarrel among siblings.

It was good to see them starting to show their color more to us. Before this, they hadn't really argued—most likely it was due to the fact that they felt they only had each other.

Anyway—shortly after this small quarrel, they managed to find the treasure box. Dad instructed them to open it later that night.

For now, we had to clean up our bodies—or take a bath! Particularly the twins, as all the treasure hunt they did today made their bodies dirty.