The Magical Twins

"...," The twins were looking up at our results for a while before they finally lowered their gazes in silent.

"Hmm?" Mom was the first one to break the silence.

"Freyr? Freyja?" I braved myself to call out to them.

"Is something the matter?" Dad asked.

"Hello? Earth to the twins?" Alt-nii went as far as waving his hand in front of the twins who seemed to be absent-minded.

Luckily, the twins snapped out of it and stared at us with... such pitiful look on their faces!!

"Our results...," Freyr was the one to start the conversation.

"They weren't as good as we thought they were!" Freyja looked very dejected.

"So... we're not good?" Freyr asked.

Mom was unable to bear listening to them any longer, so she quickly answered.

"That isn't it, Freyr, Freyja. Your results are quite amazing. It's just that... there are other factors that made the others' results higher than yours."

"Factors?" Freyja tilted her head.

"Example?" Freyr directly asked.

"For example... it's all in the bloodline, actually," Mom answered.

"Bloodline? We're related by blood, right?" Freyr asked.

"Yes, that's right. But the unrelated part is the one that affects it all," Mom simplified it.

"In short?" Freyja was unable to be patient with the step-by-step explanation.

"In short, my magic capabilities can be high because of my elven bloodline. Cyan's magic had something to do with a dragon bloodline, apparently. And as for Altaire and Lyra... Well, you know why, right?" Mom raised his eyebrows.

"I see now...," Freyr said, but it was quite apparent from his face that he was still thinking about Mom's explanation, trying to really comprehend it.

"So, don't be sad about your magic capabilities being different from us, okay? You two can still be strong and excellent magicians... right, Cassie?" Dad asked Mom.

"But of course!" Mom quickly answered.

With that, the twins' expressions seemed to be brighter than before.

"And since you two are going to be more focused in magic... who knows that when it comes to magic combat, you can do better than your big sister or big brother?" Mom asked with a slightly teasing tone.

"Wait, Mom, what do you mean by them focusing more in magic?" I found something I considered strange and asked her.

"Glad you asked!" Mom happily answered.

I felt myself getting more interested to hear her explanation, but...

"Too bad you're going to wait until it's time to reveal their weapons of choice!"

Mom's words caught me off guard and I could feel my face reflexively forming this image: Σ(・口・)

Why was I so certain of this?

Because Mom and the others quickly laughed as soon as I was caught off guard!

"Anyway... Freyr, Freyja, don't be sad about the magic test results. It's just that your big brother and your big sister are so inhumane... Technically, their bloodline's been mixed," Mom explained again.

"Uuu... Can we really be good? At least as good as Lyra-nee or Alt-nii?" Freyja asked with expectant eyes.

"As long as you two don't slack in your training and train hard... I believe it's possible," Mom answered.

"Then, we will train!" Freyja raised her hand enthusiastically. She looked at Freyr and gestured him to follow her.

Freyr quietly raised his hand and followed Freyja in saying, "Yes, we will..."

But Freyr's voice was definitely lacking Freyja's spirit!

Ah, but then again, the look in his eyes showed his determination.

"That's right. You are you. Remember, do not compare yourselves with the others, be it your own siblings. Just compare yourself with yourself—in the past and see how much you've improved?" Dad suddenly gave his words of wisdom to the twins.

See how much we've improved from our past self?

Well... I'm definitely stronger than I was before...

But in terms of maintaining good etiquette and image, I feel like... that's the part of me that degraded?

"And remember that you set your own standards and goals. Everyone may have their own standards and thoughts, so let's try to not mind them too much," Dad added again.

I reflexively shifted my gaze to Dad.

It was as if he could read my mind back then—as his words coincidentally matched with what I was thinking about!

By Mother—my past mother's standard, it was definitely a downgrade. However, none of my current parents said anything about it.

Personally, I feel like becoming a better version of myself instead of downgrading.

So... based on what Dad said, all is good, then?

Thinking about it like that, I felt like a load was taken from my shoulders.

At this time, Dad noticed my gaze and smiled warmly at me. Uu, Dad's cool smile caught me off guard, so I smiled back at him and quickly turned my focus back to the twins.

"So... will you reveal your weapons of choice now?" I asked them.

The twins nodded and went to pick up two boxes that they carried with them before.

Freyr's box was way smaller than Freyja's.

Both boxes weren't that big in the first place, though.

The twins put the boxes in the middle of us all and carefully opened the lids.

After that, they carefully put the lids to the side... whoa, really, they were such nice children to be this neat and tidy!

Or did they do this on purpose, to add more to the suspense?

A-anyway, that must have been my imagination, haha!

They couldn't have such thoughts, right?

Freyr and Freyja carefully took out the items inside and... I was so surprised!

Alt-nii was caught off guard this time, as he blurted out, "Wait, what?!"

Freyja was carrying a small magical staff with a black handle and two golden ends. On one of the ends—or more precisely, the top of the stick formed a crescent shape. There was a pearl embedded inside the cresent-shaped part. From the looks of it, I could tell that it was a magical jewel.

Then, suddenly Freyja twirled her magic wand and touched something, and and... The other golden end suddenly extended in length, making it more like a long magical staff! In other words, it was up to her to keep the staff short or long.

"Cool!" Alt-nii exclaimed.

"Ruru!" Rurune seemed to express the same thing as Alt-nii.

"Nice choice! But is this really just a magic staff or is there some sort of hidden melee combative abilities there?" I asked, trying to figure her weapon out.

Contrary to my expectation, Freyja shook her head.

"No, this is a magic staff," Freyja clarified.

"Eh?" I tilted my head in confusion.

But my question remained unanswered as Freyr showed his weapon off.

More than a weapon, it was more like... An equipment?

Yes, he chose a pair of hand gloves!

The gloves were of an elegant black color, extending until around his elbow. There was a thin golden part around the elbow. And then there was a protruding golden line around his wrists. On that golden line, the part that faced towards his inner wrist had a pentagram carving.

"Magical gloves?" I concluded and Freyr nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, gloves just like the detectives~," Freyr didn't even hide the underlying reason he chose this set of gloves.

"Can this be used to punch the enemies, like maybe a knuckle hybrid?" I tried to speculate again, but Freyr shook his head.

"...can someone please explain this to me?" I gave up and finally asked.

Mom chuckled and answered on their behalf--finally all mysteries would be answered!

"They aren't interested in melee combat. They just want to focus on magic," Mom shortly explained.

"Eeh? Really?" I had a hunch but it was now confirmed.

"That's right. Perhaps that's why the Maozi jewel chose them?" Dad suddenly dropped a bomb there.

Hearing his words, I clapped my hands.

"Oh! Maybe that's why!" It all made sense when you thought about it like that, after knowing this all.

Alt-nii tilted his head and muttered, "So, to keep the tradition of magician family going? Well, certainly I like combining it with melee too, because it's cool like Dad..."

"Hee... I see, I see... So you're not interested in melee at all... Magic lovers, huh?" I nodded several times as I muttered those words.

As I shifted my gaze towards the twins, I lightly patted their heads.

"Good, good! Keep the old tradition going, will you?" I smiled as I said those words.

The twins slightly narrowed their eyes as if they were enjoying my pat. They looked just like cats this way, haha!

I guess it was really fate for them to come back to the Hartmann family like this and for Maozi jewel to favor them as the heir apparent.

Well, if you were to ask me...

My love for swordsmanship was undeniable, after all. If I had to give it up in exchange for inheriting the house as the next duchess... Nah, I'd rather practice swordsmanship. Titles aren't everything for me.

From when I was Reinst, I didn't try hard for title. I tried hard for... Recognition and love, from the one person I had yearned the most.

But it was all in the faraway past.

I shouldn't let my past lifetime bother me anymore...

I had started to let go of it bit by bit, but some parts remained.

Can I really have it all resolved and move on? Or are some things better off not knowing and I should just put a blind eye to them, trying to live on?

Only time could tell, I guess.