The Hartmann Family's Big Events (2)

It was right at this timing that the twins came barging after they were all done with their preparations.

"Whoa, not fair, I want a share of love too!" Freyja quickly demanded as she ran to us.

"Haha, no need to rush, there's plenty of love for everyone," Dad said.

...There's plenty of love for everyone here.

My heart oddly felt warm when I heard Dad's words. It felt like a part of my heart was comforted by such simple words.

"...Me too, please," Freyr was acting all shy.

"Sure, come here, Freyr!" I was the one to spread my welcoming arms.

And then, right after Alt-nii's coming-of-age rite...

"Look, the Hartmann family's first son has grown up to be a splendid person, don't you think?"

"I wonder if his fiancee has been established already..."

"I heard that he doesn't have a fiancee yet, not even a candidate!"

"Really? Then, I should propose my daughter! They'd make a good match!"

"No way! My niece is going to make a better match for him!"

"Whatever, you guys are just all talk and no action. Here, watch me as I directly talk to him and his parents about this!!"

...Nobles can be quite scary, huh?

Regardless of whether they really see Alt-nii for who he is, it doesn't change the fact that there will be people who will aim for him just because he's a duke's first son. The one most likely to inherit the title of the duke, the head of the family.

Again, I was reminded about how the noble society should be.


"I'm sorry, but I promised I won't meddle with my children's marriage. It will be up to them to decide," Dad rejected the notion of betrothing Alt-nii.

"Eh, but Duke Hartmann, wouldn't it be bothersome if your son here falls in love with a no-name commoner?"

"That will be no problem for us," Dad firmly answered.


"I'd rather him marry a no-name commoner and be happy for the rest of his life," Dad still kept his smile—but it was a cold smile.

"...How could he be happy by marrying a no-name commoner that won't bring anything?"

I was expecting Dad to keep arguing, but unexpectedly, he decided to ignore that noble instead, ending it with a smile—the same icy smile.

"I guess we're lucky to be born as Dad and Mom's children," Alt-nii approached me and whispered.

"Yeah, that's what I feel, too," I quickly agreed.

Then, I suddenly remembered to ask him about something.

"Eh, Alt-nii! Speaking of which, do you have any girl that you're interested in?"

Alt-nii raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm... Let see... there are some interesting girls in school, but... hmmm... this is difficult...," Alt-nii folded his arms and pondered.

"Well, there's no need to think about it to much! Just make sure you tell me if there's someone you like!"

"What? Do you want to assess her before I approach her?" Alt-nii teasingly asked.

"Uuu, that's not what I intended to...," I was only curious.

"Haha, I know, I know. Same goes for you, then. Though I bet Dad won't allow it."

"I-I'm still 10, Alt-nii! Way too early for that!"

"But there are some noble girls getting betrothed at your age—or even younger."

"...That's a whole different case, Alt-nii..."

We silently looked at each other before we broke into a laughter.

Aaah, really. I feel way closer to Alt-nii compared to before.

Is it because of his increased maturity or my opening my heart up?

Or both...?

It doesn't really matter at this point.


Normal P.O.V

When Altaire and Lyra's laughter could be heard, Cyan and Cassie turned to look at their beloved children.

It appeared that both Altaire and Lyra quickly remembered that they were still in front of the public and that they should maintain their image, as they both quickly cleared their throats and talked in a calm manner.

However, Cyan and Cassie wouldn't be able to erase the scene that they happened to witness at that time.

It was a very rare scene where both of their children were laughing without any restraint, looking so close to each other.

"Hey, did you see?" Cyan asked his wife.

"Yes, Lyra and Altaire, they are..."

"Never mind Alt, but Lyra..."

"This is the first time I've seen them so close and Lyra being so open with Altaire. Before, it feels like...," Cassie stopped, but Cyan knew what his wife was about to say.

"It feels like there's this gap between them, although they're blood siblings," Cyan nodded.

"...I hate to admit that, but yes, I felt that way, too. But now..."

"It seems that the wall between them has been lifted, huh?" Cyan contently smiled.

"Or more precisely, I think it's more about Lyra...," Cassie hesitated.

"Ah, right. And talking about Lyra... I think it's pretty clear how tense she is whenever she faces a certain family...," Cyan muttered.

"Oh, you've noticed, too? I noticed it from her magic. Although the protective charm I gave her long time ago managed to restrict her dark magic from leaking, I still can feel it."

"...How's her magic training going? Didn't you also train her dark magic?" Cyan asked.

"Yes, but only the basic. It's getting better now, but it seems like her dark magic is quite strong that it can still affect her at certain times. For example, whenever she's tense... To put it simply, it depends on her heart," Cassie said in a worried tone.

"Shouldn't we give her more dark magic training, then?" Cyan became anxious as well.

Cassie nodded, "Yes, in time, we will."

"That's good to know."

The two of them then turned to look at their children interacting again.

Certainly, it feels like they're closer than ever before.

Finally, their sibling bond's been formed.

It might take quite a time for it to be formed like this, but well, everybody's pace and timing is different, and it might be the best they can do.

Cyan and Cassie then recalled a conversation they once had with Altaire.

"Altaire, you're the eldest son. I know this might be a lot to ask, but will you also protect your younger siblings, especially when we're not there?"

"Don't worry, Dad! I know, and I will definitely be a good big brother for them! It's not a burden at all! I like it if I can be a place where they can depend on."

"But don't overdo yourself. It's fine to also rely on your younger siblings at times. Help each other out."

"I know, Mom!"

They were relieved to know that—even if they're not here, at the end of the day, their children will have one another to count on.

Not all siblings in this world could do this, and they were quite anxious as they raised their children.

So, it was very comforting to know that they managed to raise them well.

How will their bonds continue to evolve?

That's something they will be looking forward to witnessing.