Let's Go Home (2)

When I regained my senses back, I realized Alt-nii was confronting Clavis.

"I have to bring you back, Clavis! Even if it meant by force!" Alt-nii declared.


"You don't want to go home? Don't be selfish, Clavis! Your parents deserve some explanation, not a goodbye like this!!"


Clavis actually attacked Alt-nii again with his claws and... tail! His tail was quite big now that he was in his beast mode, so it would hurt getting hit by it.

However, Alt-nii managed to dodge them and cast a magical shield to protect himself whenever he couldn't dodge an attack.

When Alt-nii gave his counterattack, it wasn't anything offensive. If I guessed correctly, he only chanted restrictive spells and spells that would hinder Clavis' movements.

Even so... Clavis could still move, despite it being slower than before.

Is this the power of a werebeast...?

The two of them continued to fight like that, ignoring me and Rurune.

I looked at Rurune and said, "Ruru... What should we do?"

"Ruru...," Rurune also seemed to be bewildered.

I feel that things won't go anywhere if it stays like this...

Moreover... Is it just me or Clavis seems to be losing himself more and more as he indulges himself in the battle?

"Wait, Alt-nii, something is wrong..."

But I was ignored.

"Alt-nii, wait... Clavis, can you stop?"

The two males ignored me.

Annoyed, I stomped my feet to the ground and inhaled. Then...


My sudden loud voice seemed to have attracted their attention as the two of them stopped fighting.

However, Clavis' body trembled as if he couldn't really control himself.

So, I approached him calmly.


Even if he growled at me angrily.

"Lyra? What are you doing? Stand back, I'll bring Clavis back at all cost," Alt-nii tried to stop me.

Yes, even if Alt-nii tried to stop me, I won't stop.


I feel like we're going to lose Clavis if things continue like this.

"No, Alt-nii," I shook my head.

"Don't use force. Haven't you realized that Clavis seems to be more agitated and rampaging when you're trying to bring him back by force?"

"That's what we call being persistent, Lyra... But once I succeed, he will calm down and we can talk," Alt-nii tried to give his logic.

"That might be true, but... Can you let me talk to him? If things go wrong, you can try your approach again," I appealed.

"...Fine, be careful."

With Alt-nii giving me an opportunity to approach Clavis according to my idea, I stepped forward.

Clavis growled at me, but I still showed my smile—although it was a bit forced—and walked without any hesitation.

"Grrrr!!" Clavis seemed about to spring up at me, trying to intimidate me. But I only stopped for a bit before I continued walking.

Yes, Clavis never meant any harm. The bells Mom gave us didn't ring.

But as his and Alt-nii's fight turned fiercer, the more harmful it might get. As I could feel my bell shaking for a bit.

Since I felt that the situation might turn muddier if it was left like that, I interfered.

"Clavis... You are... afraid, aren't you?" I asked as I approached him.

Suddenly, he stopped growling and only stared at me. He bared his fangs exposed, though.

It seemed that I was on point.

"You are afraid... that you'd get shunned, won't you?"


"You are afraid to be... rejected by your parents, right? That's why, you don't want to go home? Even if you know your parents are worried sick of you?"


I felt like Clavis shrunk as he retreated—at the same pace as I approached him.

"Are you afraid that even your parents will be scared of you and will change their treatment to you?"


More or less, I understand how that feels.

As Reinst, I was afraid of failing, of disappointing my mother the most.

I was afraid that she would shun me, that she would abandon me.

And the feeling of being shunned by the one you loved dearly—by the parents who brought you to life... it was surely a horrifying feeling.

Therefore, I could tell that more than anger and confusion about his situation... Clavis was feeling afraid.

So... I have to give him a form of reassurance.

"Sure, it's frightening. And yes, in my eyes, you are... scary. This is the 'you' that I never know. Of course, it's scary...," I decided not to hide the fact that I was initially scared by his beast form.

I mean, even dumb people could tell if someone was afraid or not. It would be a very blatant lie. It would be not convincing at all if I were to say, "I'm not afraid of you."

"Grrr...," Clavis growled lowly, as if he was sad.

"But that's why," I said as I suddenly grabbed his nose—in a gently way.

"...!!" Clavis seemed to be startled by the sudden warmth of my hand that he felt.

Yes, the tip of his nose... was so cold. He had been out here for too long.

"Lyra--!!" Alt-nii was also surprised by my sudden action.

But no worries, I've set up a precaution magic spell that would protect me should Clavis were frightened and reflexively shoved me away. Luckily, it didn't happen.

"That's why, I want to know more about you. About you, who have become a werebeast. And I'm sure your parents will think this way, too, Clavis," I calmly said.

"Yes, they might be scared of you. Aren't you scared of yourself, too? That's why you ran away, right? Because you were afraid you'd hurt anyone else?"

"But... you know? I don't think Niina will reject you. You're her dearest son... If... If the worst really comes to reality, then... I will be here for you," I tried my best to reassure him.

After all, I couldn't be so sure of Niina's reaction, and her husband's reaction.

Because I don't get the werebeast thingy—it should be beastmen race's thingy.

"Let's think of a way together... Okay?" I asked with a smile.

"...And I will be here too, Clavis, so don't be afraid. You silly little friend, why would you be afraid like this?" Alt-nii gave a pep talk as well.

"We promised, remember? That we will always be friends," Alt-nii then walked to my side, gently caressing Clavis' snout.

I looked at Alt-nii and it felt as if we had a tacit understanding.

We nodded before turning our gazes towards Clavis and...

"Let's go home, Clavis."

We said in unison. With smiles on our faces.

What seemed to be tears fell from the corner of his beastly eyes.

Then, he gradually transformed back—to his beastman self.

"Here you go, dress up first," Alt-nii quickly threw Clavis' clothes at him.

At the same time, I was flustered with this sudden transformation that I quickly averted my eyes.

--After Clavis dressed up, during the journey back home--

"...Thank you...," Clavis said with a hoarse voice.

"That's what friends are for, there's no need to thank me," Alt-nii quickly answered.

"But," he suddenly added, "I guess you really should thank Lyra."

"...That's what I'm doing, idiot," Clavis answered.

"Now that's the Clavis I know," Alt-nii laughed as he jokingly shoved Clavis' shoulders.

Clavis also jokingly shoved Alt-nii's shoulders, but how should I put it?

The power was weak.

I guess Clavis was really tired.

At the end of the forest, Clavis stopped.

"Hmm?" Alt-nii noticed this and turned to look at him.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"I... I'm not sure...," Clavis' voice trembled.

Alt-nii sighed for a little bit before said.

"Stuuupid. What will your worry bring you? You're putting yourself through a scenario that might never happen. And if it does happen, then you're putting yourself through the same agony twice."


I sighed at Alt-nii's sudden mini lecture.

"Clavis, don't be afraid. We're here for you. If you can't explain, then we will try explaining it in your place," I reassured him.

However, Clavis still didn't bulge.

Guess I have no choice. He's going to freeze soon like this.

I approached Clavis and then pulled his hand.

"E-eh?!" Clavis yelped in his surprise.

"Oh? Nice idea, Lyra," Alt-nii then pulled Clavis' other hand.

"E-eeeeh?!" Clavis was dragged by us just like that.

Yeah, there was not enough energy left in his body to resist us. Guess all this escape and transformation and fight... everything exhausted him.

"Come on, Clavis!" Alt-nii said.

"Let's go home, shall we?" I asked.

Clavis only looked at us absentmindedly as he was being dragged without any slightest bit of resistance.

Then, as if our words just entered his mind, his expression gradually turned soft, his eyes were narrowed—with the remaining tears falling from them, and the corner of his lips were curved up.

"Un!" Clavis finally said. As he smiled like that, I noticed that his fangs—ah, his canines were quite prominent.

Have they always been like this, or...?

I never really noticed it.

But that... actually made this expression of his became even more attractive. His smiling face emitted a huge relief.

And thus, the mystery of the missing key—I mean, the mystery of the missing Clavis—was solved.

As for the matter about a werebeast and such...

Let's save it for later.

For now, shall we go home together?

To a place full of warmth, to a place where we belong.