Modern World

The cold wind blew across the youth's body before his eyes were innumerable specks of light shining throughout the vast horizon. A topless youth covered in blood and grime took a deep breath and registered all the information before him.

His eyes gleamed with wisdom contrary to his age, and his movements were fluid like a stream of water, and a strange air of ancientness swirled around him.

He was the Patriarch of the Divine Talisman Sect, Khan Paradyne.

'So this is the current world...'

'Judging from the items left in the ruins of my sect, It should be about a hundred thousand years since I sealed myself.'

He stared at the unrusted sword that the robbers took and inspected it for a while before sighing and placing it in his Spatial Ring.

His eyes moved toward the distant horizon, thinking of the memories he had before he sealed himself, he couldn't help but sigh in regret. He was a peace loving person. He hated violence the most, especially those who regard human lives as trash. From the time that he was still a naive youth, to the time that he became the strongest in the world of cultivation. He experienced all kinds of betrayals and twists that he became tired of it, thus sealing himself underground.

A hundred thousand years wasn't so long for a cultivator who reached the apex. But for the humans who had limited lifespan, could only dream of living to that age.

The youth gave a tired smile and slowly moved forwards, he found himself standing on a high altitude platform, he walked towards the edge and calculated in his heart.

'About 451 meters from the ground...' The youth murmured. If he was at his prime, this height couldn't even be considered as high. In the past, he could soar through the vast expanse above the Earth!

However, now that he was back at the lowest cultivation realm, he would obviously die if he just leaped downwards. He shook his head as he made up his mind. 'I obviously know nothing about this world! I should be low-key... I should be low-key...'

The youth turned behind and saw a small door before him. He smiled and moved towards the door with steady steps. Just as he arrived before the door, he already stretched his hand towards and preparing to push it open.

'Hmmm?' The youth frowned. When he pushed towards the door, he was met with some kind of resistance.

'I can't open it?' He tried once again with the same result. He couldn't open the door.

'Just why?' The youth questioned and took a step back, he observed the door before him.

The door was made of some kind of metal that he didn't know. On the left side of the door was strange cylindrical metal that protruded outwards. He had a sudden idea as he once again stretched his hand, twisted the doorknob and pushed.


The door opened amidst the astounded expression on the youth's face. He couldn't help but facepalm. 'It was this easy?!'

Well, It was not his mistake, it was just that the era a hundred thousand years ago did not have such doors, normally at that time, people used sliding doors and a wooden linked door. How could he know the existence of doorknobs?!

Before him was a set of stairs leading downwards. He sighed as he moved, but he abruptly stopped as he saw his blood-drenched body and the approaching footsteps that his great senses detected.

"Who's there?!"

His eyes widened as he practically leaped like a startled cat and slammed the door backward.

'Oh shit!' The youth cursed in his heart. He immediately circled around the area hiding behind the wall where the door was. His instinct revealed its prowess as he subconsciously slowed his heartbeat and extinguished his presence.

Even if a person were to stand before him, he wouldn't be able to detect the youth if they closed their eyes.

The approaching footsteps gradually became deeper and stronger. A click resounded as the door creaked. The youth could see a uniformed figure coming out from the door.

The uniformed figure frowned in confusion, as he looked around the area. He could not feel any other people besides his own. ' I obviously heard someone opening this door!'

The uniformed figure placed his hands in his pocket and took a black object and spoke towards it.

"No abnormal activities detected sir!" He respectfully spoke.

"That's bullshit! I obviously detected the space rippled in that area! There must be someone who teleported there!" A deep voice filled with disappointment and anger echoed from the black object.

"But sir, you know that my runic ability is Life Detection, yet I can't detect anything here." He rebutted, but with a respectful tone.

"Of course I know that, dumbshit! Stop wasting your time there, and come back here!"

"Yes!" He replied and placed the black object in his pocket, before wryly sighing. He really couldn't detect any signs of human being here, but how could he also doubt his young master's detection skills? Taking another look around the area, he approached the door and moved downstairs.

Meanwhile, behind the wall, the youth had a small smile plastered on his face as he thought. 'Interesting...'

'Runic abilities, and that black object which seemed to imitate telepathy. So this is the current world?' The youth's breathing returned to normal, however his presence remained extinguished.

Judging from the conversation he overheard earlier. That uniformed guy's liege had some kind of detection abilities that could possibly discover him. He can't risk himself being discovered as long as he still didn't have more information about this world.

The youth could only smile wryly as he reluctantly took a small yellowish paper from his Spatial Ring, an Escape Talisman that he used earlier. His heart bled as he thought about his limited stock of this life-saving talisman. If this was in the past, he could just use it as lavishly as he can, for he can craft it like stir-frying vegetables. [1]

Yet he had no choice, from the height of the skyscraper that he was on now, he would undoubtedly die if he jumped. And he also can't go downstairs for he doesn't know the strength of that uniformed man and the master behind him.

He was like this in the past. He wouldn't take action to do anything if he doesn't have more information and if his rate of surviving was lower than fifty percent! This was also one of the reasons why he achieved the peak of cultivation!

The youth's eyes gleamed with determination as the Escape Talisman on his hand exploded. The carved words on the paper wriggled in the air and once again encircled his body.

The familiar sensation of space being torn apart around him surfaced, but unlike last time, where he didn't have a destination in place. This time, his mind pictured a place that should still exist to this day.

One of the great allies of his Divine Talisman Sect. The Divine Pills Sect!

A black patch of spacetime swallowed his entire body a faint ripple extended outwards. The space that was broken stabilized itself again. And the terrifying hole in the air disappeared as if nothing happened.

However, the small ripple that extended as a result of teleportation, was felt by the young master of the uniformed man. That figure, who sat deep in meditation slowly opened his eyes as a deep but excited voice rang out.
