Divine Pills Sect[9]

Dastard's eyes widened in shock, that amount of power shouldn't be able to kill him? Why is he unresponsive?

Within the scorching flames, Khan's figure swayed left and right. However, his eyes had a sparkle of light within it as a cold smile suffused on his face.

The flames that Dastard had used wasn't even enough to scratch Khan's tempered skin, much less, hurt him.

However, that was not the reason as to why acted like this. The true reason was, Dastard lacked something that every cultivator that should have, and that is killing intent!

A wretched cry akin to a pig being butchered echoed around the grounds. Khan's face became wracked with extreme torment. His hoarse voice pierced through the souls of anyone that heard it.

The faces of the disciples witnessing this event became unsightly. The Sect Master had forbidden the use of force that could severely damage their foe, yet this Dastard actually attacked the Sect Master's direct disciple with enough force that it made him cry like that.

Some female disciples couldn't bear to watch anymore and swayed their heads to the side. The gazes of the male disciples turned towards Khan became filled with pity. If the Sect Master doesn't stop this fight, he may just die.

But when they turned to look towards the Sect Master, they became puzzled. For the Sect Master emanated a force of indifference, as if the matter of his direct disciple dying did not matter to him.

But little did they know that within the Sect Master's eyes, shone an imperceptible light of anticipation.

Within the grounds, Dastard's forehead became filled with beads of sweat. Looking at the miserable Khan, he didn't know where he went wrong. He was sure that the force he had used to attack Khan was only enough to incapacitate him, yet why was he shouting like he was being roasted in hellflames?

Unfortunately for Dastard, once a runic ability was activated, it could not be canceled. Unless an external force interrupted it. With this, Dastard once again tapped on his wrist as the glow of runes flowing within his body erupted.

His figure blurred as he rushed towards where Khan was located. Khan who was bullshitting had a small smile on his face as he looked towards the leaping Dastard, in his mind, he thought.

'Just as I thought.'

At the moment where Dastard's palm was about to reach Khan. An impossible scene happened, Khan's figure who was supposed to be crying in pain became steady as a mountain.

Because of this sudden change. Dastard's mind turned blank, his mouth widened in shock as he witnessed Khan reaching out towards his palm, with his index finger.

'What is he...?'

Khan's index figure landed on the rune that materialized on Dastard's palm. When it came into contact with Khan's finger, a sound akin to a glass being broken echoed.

"What the..."

The crowd couldn't believe the scene that occurred before them. Some even forgot to swallow what they were eating and just stared there with their mouths opened.

The Sect Master's eyes widened in shock. Although he had anticipated Dastard's defeat, he didn't think that it would be that fast. Within just a fraction of a second, Khan utilized a movement that was just too fast that even he had a hard time following it.

Within that moment, Khan moved from his original position towards Dastard's blindspot and struck with a chop, rendering him unfit for battle.

On the ground, aside from his outfit that became somewhat tattered, Khan's figure didn't look like he just went into battle, it looked like he was just warming up.

Khan's eyes moved away from Dastard towards the Sect Master, hinting about something.

The Sect Master turned towards the shocked spectators and announced.

"Winner, Khan Liverto!"

As the Sect Master's voice faded amidst the cheers. He turned towards Khan, a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Khan returned the gaze with a nod, implying that he would talk about it later. In the meantime, Khan returned to his quarters to sort out the information that he received from the Great Library.

As he expected, although the concept of cultivation still existed in this world. They lacked the drive to surmount the heavens, resulting in such a huge decline of power that they had to rely on modern technology to activate their cultivation methods for fear of being smitten by the heavens.

Earlier, Dastard used a technique that was depicted by the Divine Pills Sect Burning Sky Record. However, he incorporated the technique into modern technology causing it to exhibit only a tenth of its former power.

'What a pity...'

He need not ask for the reason, for thanks to the Great Library, he understood it entirely. The current world was unsuitable for a person fighting against the heavens.

For it was too peaceful. Without the stimulation of life and death battles, a cultivator would not grow towards his full potential, and he will always fail in surmounting his tribulations.

For a person who doesn't know the feeling of death and overcoming it. They could never go against the heavens.


Khan could only emit a helpless sigh.

Thanks to the memories that the Great Library bestowed unto him. He knew that the world became peaceful thanks to the efforts of the mortals. With their terrifying reproduction abilities, they filled the Earth with their kin and established empires upon empires throughout the entire world.

In contrast, thanks to the law of the heavens that maintains the equilibrium of the entire world. A person that holds too much power would always be cursed of having little to no descendants.

As he laid there on the bed, Khan stared towards the ceiling. His eyes looked towards the distant heavens beyond the walls above him and declared.

'No matter what, I will uncover the entire truth about what happened to my sect, and I, shall bathe them in blood.' A smile suffused on his face, a smile that he had donned when he was fighting with his enemies.

A smile that once showered the entire world with blood.

After that disturbance, Khan spent the entire month sorting out the vast amount of memories that he received from the Great Library.

Khan's last day inside the Divine Pills Sect had arrived. Beside him was Lily and his grandfather, Elder Gabica. Thanks to Khan's arrangements, their cultivation soared to greater heights.

Elder Gabica's cultivation now stood at the peak of the Organ Tempering Realm, while Lily's cultivation was at the middle-stages of the Flesh Tempering Realm.

The Sect Master looked towards the three with complex emotions. Especially at Khan whom he truly regarded as his direct disciple. Even though he knew that he was unqualified to become the master of someone who holds the Ancestral Grand Order.

"Ancestor, are you sure that you're going towards the city of mortals? You could just live here and continue with your cultivation. I promise that you will have enough resources to consume." The Sect Master bowed and spoke with deep reverence.

Elder Gabica and Lily's figure shook, they turned towards Khan in shock. Isn't it the other way around? Why is the Sect Master acting so respectful towards Khan?

Noticing the two's suspicion. He could only shrug his shoulder, feigning his ignorance as he replied towards the Sect Master.

"To cultivate against the heavens is to experience the enormous amount of vicissitudes in life. I shall live there for a while and experience the current world."

The three's expression turned blank, their gazes became filled with emotions as they turned towards Khan. Although they didn't understand what he had just said, they felt the profoundness and the deep longing that Khan expressed through his words.

The Sect Master could only sigh, he kept all the words that he wanted to speak within his mind and spoke.

"Although I will not be able to follow Ancestor towards where he is going. Please receive this humble gift of mine." The Sect Master withdrew a key from his spatial ring along with a paper and passed it to Khan.

Khan looked at the paper, a smile suffusing his lips. Thanks to the help of the Great Library and Khan's mind to understand intricacies of the current world's language. He was now able to read and write.

Looking towards the Sect Master. Khan clasped his fists and bowed, expressing his deep thanks towards the Sect Master. The other two followed and bowed their heads.

Witnessing this. A faint gentle smile plastered on the Sect Master's visage. He said no more words as he swiped his hand on the air. A buzzing sound echoed followed by the materialization of a spatial tear that threatened to swallow everything on its path.

But upon the Sect Master's beckoning, the force of the spatial tear became gentle. Witnessing this, Lily and Elder Gabica couldn't help but shudder in fear due to the Sect Master's immense power.

As the spatial tear stabilized, the Sect Master gestured towards Khan as the latter returned a smile and spoke.

"Let's go together," Khan spoke in a gentle tone towards Lily. He held the young woman's wrist upon feeling her worries and uncertainty towards the unknown. Elder Gabica witnessed this sight with complicated emotions on his face. In the end, he could only sigh.

The three figures before the Sect Master dissipated into the spatial tear. Upon detecting the safe arrival of the three towards their destination. The once gentle image of the Sect Master turned into something that was akin to a bloodthirsty demon.

The light in his eyes turned fierce, as a horrendous laugh pierced towards the heaven, sending everything around him into eternal fear.