
Inside the mansion on a quite luxurious urban block, the scene of two figures could be seen strutting about in a wide kitchen, the smell of meat and herbs permeated the air.

The other figure clearly of a maiden even hummed as she stirred the wok that sat on the fire, while the visage beside her had a knife and chopped the meat into bite-size pieces.

"Grandpa, do you know where Khan has gone? He's been out since morning and the last time I heard about him was that he was going to earn some money?" Lily curiously asked.

Elder Gabica shook his head in denial and replied. "I also don't know where did that kid had gone, but judging from the news we saw earlier, he should be playing some games right now."

"Hmmph! Playing some games, does he not know that there's an Entrance Exam next week? And also, school is going to be opened next month! Really, he's so laidback." Lily snorted and complained towards the air, causing Elder Gabica to smile helplessly at the side.

However, after making sense of what Lily had said, Elder Gabica muttered.

"Hmm, an entrance examination? I didn't seem to tell him about it, though."

"Eh? You didn't tell him... Why?"

"I forgot about it..."


A tense atmosphere enveloped the area, the customers who played around had a pensive look on their face as they glanced at the figure of a young man who suddenly flew and crashed into the wall.

Some wanted to help, some wanted to call some help, while some even placed their hand near their chest pocket, however, all of them had an emotion in common, and that was fear.

At first, they didn't really believe the rumor about the casino beating up those who excessively win by unknown means, but now, seeing the horrendous figure of a young man whom they had marked in their minds earlier, they could not find any more concrete evidence than this.

However, the commotion didn't last for that long, several black-clothed men approached the vicinity of the young man while carrying a stretcher, the black-clothed men covered the face of the young man to prevent his identity from being leaked.

But because of that, the faces of the customers in the area turned dark...

"Haaah... It seems like a young life was lost... They should at least compensate the young man's family..."

"I even told him to stop going too far..."

"What a tragedy..."

They murmured to each other, at this time, they had a united emotion, and that was, sympathy towards the fallen young man.

The dealers who kept silent all this time started to urge customers to leave the vicinity, and the customers, who already lost the appetite to play, left without any complaints.

The dealers then removed their jackets and which revealed a familiar item on their wrists, with a flick of their sleeves, the wind whistled as the broken rubble floated backwards and formed a wall that Khan had destroyed earlier, it was as if time had flown backwards, after about a minute, no remaining signs of destruction could be seen.

Inside a room surrounded by white walls, two beds could be seen beside each other, around the bed were several advanced medical apparatus, however, judging by the environment where the patient was, it could be deduced that this was not inside a hospital.

"Hey, old man. Why didn't we bring these two to the hospital? Their injuries were that horrible!" Kizz who stood at Khan's bedside complained at the old man who stood at Barhan's side.

"Hoooh... Ask yourself this question, if we bring these two to the hospital, how would we explain their injuries? and also, don't you dare underestimate the underground's capabilities... As long as they have a breath in them, we can save them." Towards this overbearing words of the old man, Kizz had nothing to say and he just stood there with a wronged look on his face.

"Now that I think about it, do you happen to know about how I can contact this kid's parents or something like that?" The old man asked towards Kizz.

Kizz shook his head and replied.

"I just met him today, how would I know something that deep?" Helplessness evident in his tone.

"But still... How did a single spell cause such a huge destruction..." Kizz wore a puzzled look as he thought back at the time where he heard the explosion, at that time, he was enjoying himself at the casino when a thunderous bang exploded.

After checking the scene, he found that a huge amount of phenomenon disturbance lingered in the air, it was enough evidence to know that the explosion was caused by a rune, but as for what rune was invoked, Kizz had no way to know.

As for Khan's family.

"I hope they're not too worried."

Back at the mansion, the figures of the two could be seen seated on a dining table, the dishes on the table, possessed enough charm to be compared to a high-class restaurant, but in contrast, the faces of the two were dark and filled with worry.

Even the passive Elder Gabica couldn't help but worry in regards to Khan.

"Grandpa, it's already night..."

"Hmm... I wonder where that brat is."

They didn't even touch the piping hot dishes on the table, they only sat there, their minds wondering about Khan's whereabouts.

*Knock, Knock...


The two startled into jumping from their seats, while Lily's figure had already disappeared towards the door.

Lily stood there, and rehearsed in her mind about what scolding she would do to Khan, after pondering for a while, she wore a dark face and opened the door, but he didn't see the person that he expected, instead, what he saw was the guard named Dobart, he stood there with an unsettled look on his face, prompting Lily to ask.

"What's wrong?"

"Ermmm... There seem to be people outside saying they have some news about Khan..." Before Dobart could even continue, Lily's figure had already arrived near the gates.

'Was that a Speed-Type Rune?' Dobart uttered in his mind.

"Hoooh... Khan has quite the beauty in his home..." The old man wore an amiable smile as he looked towards Lily, while Kizz stood there with an utterly nervous look.

Lily came out, faced the two and asked with a cold tone.

"Where is Khan?"

"Hoooh... How direct, you won't even doubt us? What if we are lying, and are just luring you outside?" The old man wore a cunning smile on his face as he spoke in a sinister voice, prompting Kizz to almost shout in a startle.

Lily's face darkened, a fierce aura enveloped her body.

"IF YOU COME HERE TO JOKE AROUND, SCRAM!" Lily's tone became several degrees colder as she spat a venomous line, causing the old man to stagger backward.

'What the hell! this girl is so overbearing like that kid...' The old man's lips twitched, he decided to put an end to his act and said.

"Okay, okay, I get it, don't be so cold..."

"Hmmph!" Lily only snorted in response.

"Actually, I came here to fetch a family member for Khan, may I ask what's your relationship to Khan? Are you his sister?" The old man continued, but after he spoke, he noticed that Lily's gaze became even more sinister, so he coughed to dispel the atmosphere and continued.

"Hoooh... I see, so you do have that kind of a relationship... " After this subtle comment, Kizz became even more nervous.

'So it's boss's girlfriend!' Kizz became even more reluctant and nervous to speak about Khan's circumstances, but at the end, he calmed his nerves and spoke in a solemn tone.

"Khan has gotten into an accident."


The world turned deadly silent, enough that the sound of the whistling wind could be heard...