
Several hours passed before the three regained their consciousness. Although he couldn't control his body, The Sect Master told them that he knew about everything that happened, he apologized and almost kowtowed to the ground, prompting Khan to frantically stop him.

Khan asked him and found that he was possessed on the day that Khan left the Sect, although he didn't realize it until Khan left for Muspelheim. Khan inquired further and found that the main headquarters of the Dragonslayers was at the Continent of Pride, the continent where Lily's Race lived.

He also found that they were at the Continent of Greed, which was about several continents farther than the Continent of Pride, as they discussed the next course of actions that they should take, Khan asked the Sect Master for a Rune Decipherer, of which, the latter complied.

Khan wore the Rune Decipherer on his right arm and looked at the time and noticed that the Entrance Examination was long over, however, he felt confused upon noticing that there wasn't even a trace of panic from Lily's expression.

"Although the two of you weren't able to take the Entrance Examination, you can still take the specialized examination."

"Specialized Examination?" Khan looked at the Sect Master with confusion.

Lily sighed before explaining, "The University of Modern Magic not only values people with great potential but also, those who have great talent towards other specializations, like sports, basically, those who are athletic can take this exam."

She glanced at the tilted wall clock and said.

"Sect Master, can you give Khan an Exclusive Pass? It would be easier for him to attend the exam."

Towards this, the Sect Master gave an awkward smile, Lily noticed this and sighed, he turned towards Khan and said.

"It looks like you'll experience a little bit of hardship."

Khan glanced at her and instead of feeling down, his eyes shone with determination.

Lily stared at him and saw the light that came from his eyes, she inwardly chuckled and grabbed him by his wrist before exiting the Headmaster Quarters.

The Sect Master stared at the two before directing his gaze towards the Divine Sword on the ground, he saw the events that transpired earlier, especially the part where Khan utilized the might of the Divine Sword, remembering it made a shiver run down his old spine.

In the end, he sighed and picked the Divine Sword from the ground.

The two strolled around and found that the students that arrived at the University didn't even reduce, instead, the wide hallway became crowded with students.

All of them stood in a line towards a door, Khan glanced and saw that a hologram image floated near the door that said. "Specialized Examination: Rune Creation"

Lily stopped, he placed Khan at the end of the line and said.

"Since your forte is Rune Creation, stay here and state the Headmaster's name, and they should make your examination easier."

Lily pecked him on his cheek as she ran towards the opposite door, Khan glanced at the hologram image above the door and almost spat his entire breakfast.

"Close Combat Specialization."

Khan glanced at the line and saw that almost all of them were buffed students. He frowned before secretly switching lines towards the Close Combat Specialization.

'How could I let those guys, bully my little wife' As he had this thought, he chuckled to himself for, in reality, it would be the opposite.

Khan waited for a few moments before it was his turn to enter the room. He was greeted by muscle filled student that stared at him with a stern look, he glanced around the room and realized that Lily was nowhere to be found, his gaze turned towards the other door at the other side and deduced that Lily must've already passed her exam.

"Kid, what are you glancing around? I asked you to present your pass!"

The student shouted, sending spittle flying in the air, Khan frowned before awkwardly smiling while scratching his head.

"Actually, I have a pass, but I... lost it..." Khan's words made the student flush in anger, he sent a palm towards Khan's chest while shouting.

"Get lost, then!"

The bystanders around the area looked and shook their heads, it seems like another freshman would be seriously injured.

Judging from the discernible wind that enveloped the student's palm, it could be deduced that he placed a considerable amount of force behind his attack.

But the moment that they expected to arrive didn't happen, instead, a loud crashing sound echoed, the student that attacked didn't even notice that he was already kneeling on the ground, he only knew it when he felt the piercing pain that came from his arm.

He glanced at the Khan who stared at him with an indifferent look.

"I didn't come here to cause any trouble, I just want to take the exam." Khan pushed the student's arm as a popping sound rang, Khan realigned the students dislocated arm and scoured the area.

Apart from this muscle-head, there was another student who looked at him with a mysterious smile, he wore a pair of glasses and a clean casual attire, Khan frowned, for although he looked like a fragile young man. Khan could feel the hidden power within his body, his eyes became filled with confusion for the student seemed to be vaguely familiar towards him. It felt like he had seen the student before but couldn't get a good grasp of where did he saw him.

"You're a freshman, right?" The student smiled at him, his eyes scanned Khan's body. Khan inwardly frowned before speaking.

"Yes, I'm a freshman, I came here to take the Close Combat Specialization Exam, but it looks like, I'm not really welcomed."

"Hahaha, sorry about that blunder, anyone is, of course, welcomed to take the examination, but because you don't a student pass, you need to pass a certain requirement to be admitted." He gave an interested smile before continuing.

"Fortunately, the examination is quite simple, you just need to fight me and survive for a minute..." Khan's eyebrows locked towards this clear declaration of threat, towards this kind of people, he always wanted to give them a clear advantage before crushing them with all of his might, this was how Khan achieved his infamous name back at the cultivation world.

"Fine, only a minute, right?"

"Yes, only a minute, it's not too long, isn't it?" The student chuckled before gesturing to the muscle head who stood at the side. The latter nodded before exiting at the back door.

"Now that we don't have any distractions, I shall take a glance at your true power." He didn't even ask if Khan was prepared as he abruptly leaped towards him, towards this low-level dirty trick, Khan wasn't even inclined to look at him as his figure flashed, evading the student's palm by a hair's breadth.

"Tccch..." Noticing that his attack missed, he slammed his feet on the ground, before sending a roundhouse kick towards Khan.

Khan's eyes narrowed, his wrist flashed as he grasped the incoming foot, he twisted and the raging force behind the kick dissipated, he turned the kick at the side and retorted with a palm towards the student's chest.

"Naive!" The student grunted, his only foot on the ground leaped, he rotated his body in mid-air as he sent three swift kicks towards Khan's chest.

Khan's consecutively flashed, as slapping sounds echoed in the air, the student's eyes flashed with a complicated light as he landed in the distance, in the earlier exchange, he felt that when Khan repelled his foot, the force he used behind it would mysteriously disappear.

The student frowned for a moment before a solemn expression suffused on his face, he bent his knees as he prepared a stance. Khan also took a defensive stance as the two came at a standstill.

The atmosphere in the room became incredibly quiet, Khan focused his concentration towards the figure of his enemy, while the latter also stared at him.

Suddenly, the figure of the student before him blurred into several afterimages.

"!" Khan stared in confusion for a moment before he turned his body and kicked at the space behind him. As his foot flew, the student gasped in shock.

'He predicted the place where I would land?' He shifted the course of his movements and reappeared beside Khan as a whistling palm flew towards Khan's side.

Khan reacted quickly, grasping the student's wrist, he directed to force to dissipate before twisting. A grunt echoed as the student sent a kick towards Khan's side which sent him flying.

Khan felt the numbing sensation that coursed through his right arm, he glanced at the student and found that he already realigned his dislocated wrist.

"For a freshman, to be able to even harm me, you're actually quite good." He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He looked at Khan, gently smiled before saying, "Congratulations, you've passed the test." He threw a small token towards Khan, of which, the latter caught.

[Close Combat Club Members Token]

Khan clasped his hands together and bowed, without asking for permissions, he walked towards the back door.

"By the way, Can I ask what's your name?"

Khan stopped, he revealed a small smile and said.


"Khan Liverto."

Khan's figure disappeared, leaving the smiling student behind. The student removed the glasses on his head, if Khan was here, he would feel a good amount of shock, for the student's identity was actually one of the top 10 Inner Disciples of the Divine Pills Sect, Dastard!

Khan strolled around the building, he would occasionally glance towards the other rooms as he tried to find Lily. Before long, he arrived near an open dual entry door.

Beyond the dual entry door, a huge crowd formed, giving off a joyful aura as they cheered. Khan felt curious and went inside the dual entry door.

There he found that the crowd encircled a huge arena, and on the arena stood two figures, they held a wooden sword on their hand as they looked towards each other in a standstill.

Khan felt amused by this exhibition and observed them for a while before he flinched as he felt a piercing pain on his waist. He turned around and found the frowning figure of Lily.

"Why didn't I see you at the Rune Creation room? Don't tell me that you didn't take the test?" Khan chuckled before revealing a small token towards Lily.

[Close Combat Club Members Token]

"You took the close combat exam?!" Lily stared at him while she facepalmed.

"Yeah, also, that guy really is good, that we ended in a draw."

"That guy?" Lily frowned in confusion.

"Yeah, that four-eyes."

"Four-eyes? You mean that slender four eyes?"

"Yeah, that guy, he's actually quite strong, that he almost broke my ribs."

"Could it be that you don't know?"

"Know what?"

Lily stared at him as if he was a hundred thousand years old monster. 'This guy... not only he's good at academics, he's also athletic...' Lily resolved herself to tighten her grasp on Khan, afraid that someone might make a move on him.

They bantered for a moment before a cry of panic interrupted. They stared at the arena grounds and found that two several groups of students crowded over. They venomously stared at each other.

"You guys are going too far! This is just an exhibition match!" A fairly robust student roared towards the other party as he tended on the collapsed student on the ground.

"Going too far? Exhibition Match? Who cares about that boring shit, let's make this fun by shedding some blood..." A student with a slender build revealed a mocking smile as he tapped on his arm. Amidst the crowds panicking cry, a flow of Runes enveloped his wooden sword.

"T-t-this guy actually dares to use his Decipherer in an exhibition match... Hey, call the Discipline Committee!"

"Hey, the Disciple Committee is here!"

The crowd exploded into several whispers as a student with a crimson red insignia on his left chest flew towards the air.

However, judging by how fast he moved, it was evident that he wouldn't make it. For the slender student had already arrived before the other party and swung his enhanced sword towards the students.

A grating sound akin to a breaking glass echoed as the rune that enveloped the wooden sword dissipated, the young man stood in shock before he was slammed to the ground by the Discipline Committee member.

After apprehending him, the Committee member glanced at the ground, as if he was looking for someone. There, mixed with the crowd, Khan stood with a slight smile on his face, bringing the chuckling Lily with him as they went out of the arena.

Back at the mansion, the two sat together before the dining table. Khan noticed the sweet look on Lily's face as she hummed a tune while eating, Khan smiled at the adorable sight of it and asked.

"You look so happy, did something good happen?" She startled for a moment before her cheeks became flushed as she replied in a small tone.

"Nothing..." She turned his head away, prompting Khan to smile cheekily as he continued.

"Okay, then... I won't ask for more details..." He purposely lengthened the tone at the latter part of his sentence and paired with his cheeky smile, he looked like a big bad wolf that found a plump sheep.

Lily's complexion became redder than before, but this time, she didn't retort and just stared at her food with a glazed look in her eyes.

Khan stared at her expression as a thought rose in his mind.

'It looks like I won't get a good sleep tonight...'