Continent of Pride[3]

The couple returned to the inn and found the smirking Sect Master looking at them with an odd gaze, his eyes scoured and found that they looked quite haggard and exhausted.

"You guys actually dared to that kind of thing, outside..."

"Woah! Look at that guys!" Khan pointed towards a rock, the two followed Khan's gaze and there they found several ants walking around.


"Hehehe, nature is amazing, right? That it could create creatures that can carry objects that are several tens of times heavier than its body." Khan spat some bullshit that he read somewhere, upon noticing that the Sect Master's weird gaze dissipated, he sighed in relief before going inside the inn.

Lily followed suit, her disarrayed emotions could be seen on her face.

Later on, the two went on a proper stroll on the island and enjoyed the different culture that it offered, they munched on several delicious and exotic street foods that the island has to offer.

After about several hours, they went back to the inn with stuffed stomachs and joyful faces, but before they could rest, they saw the Sect Master repacking all of his clothes inside his travel backpack.

"Sect Master, why don't you just place that all in your Spatial Ring?" The Sect Master facepalmed towards Khan's words as he irritatedly said, "Do you really think that a Spatial Ring is as huge as a warehouse? This Spatial Ring that I have is the highest ranked, yet it only has a five cubic meter space! I wouldn't waste that for some clothes..."

Shooing Khan away, the Sect Master proceeded on his work, "You guys better pack your clothes now, since we have a flight to the Continent of Pride this evening."

In that evening, just as they went at the airport stationed in Lema Island, the Sect Master said with a curious tone, "Just now, I received some information that several young men from the Continent of Greed, vanished in thin air..."

"They searched the entire island but found no traces about them..."

"I feel quite strange about this matter, to have several people disappear and without any trace at that, the killer must've been of higher cultivation, thankfully the two of you were safe even though you practically strolled around, every day."

The couple looked at each other before smiling in a way that only the two of them could understand, The Sect Master turned his head towards the two before continuing in a solemn tone, "You better not behave atrociously when we arrive, the races that live there are fond of finding fights and are extremely arrogant, I hope that you don't attack them with the slightest disagreement."

"Of course I wouldn't, I'm not that unreasonable, but if they dared to attack first, they could only blame themselves..." Khan indifferently spoke, prompting the two to helplessly smile as they decided to sleep.

Several hours later, the plane descended as the first sunlight in the daybreak arrived, forcing their groggy bodies to move, they arrived at the only modernized part of the entire continent.

The Draconia International Airport.

Walking around, they saw several gigantic statues of the races that lived on the continent including the Dragons, Lions, Elves, and several other minor races. Lily joyfully strutted before the statue of the Dragon and complained after finding out that some details were wrong.

"Hey, what were they doing when they created this? This part is obviously wrong! Also, we don't have a weird scale, there! And, here, this should be placed at the opposite side!" Lily puffed her cheeks as she stomped on the ground in indignance.

Khan frowned and pondered for a moment before he asked, "Seeing that you're so knowledgeable about the anatomy of a Dragon, could it be that you can already transform?"

Khan thought that it would be strange if Lily could transform since the bare minimum in transforming to Dragon-Form and vice-versa was to reach the Divine Ascendance Realm, obviously, Lily lacked the requirements.

"I can... But, it doesn't really look good, I can only transform into a small dragon..." Lily said in a small voice.

"Small dragon?" Khan imagined a five-meter majestic aquamarine dragon that roared towards the skies, he stared at Lily and compared the two before shaking his head in denial, 'Nah, that's impossible.'

"Okay, then, when we find a place to stay in, you better show me your dragon-form." Khan petted her head before turning to the Sect Master and asking, "Sect Master, what are we going to do, now?"

Khan scanned the area and found that the people who joined the flight with them didn't call for any vehicles, they just leaped towards the darkness, heading north.

"Ah, about that, I bought a map, we'll just gonna go and run towards the next city, it's just five hundred kilometers from here." The Sect Master gave a proud smile but was disappointed to find that Khan didn't even care as he doted on his little wife.

'The hell? Five hundred kilometers isn't that short you know? Can't you feel a little bit shocked?!' The old man cursed in his mind as he walked away, not wanting to stay in the pink atmosphere that the two created.

After grabbing some snacks and necessities that they would need in the long travel, the group set off towards the nearest city, the home of the Bear Race, the City of Valencia.

The group moved, their footsteps, light and balanced, Lily glanced at Khan and found that the latter didn't even have a trace of exhaustion on his face, 'Impossible, we've been traveling for about thirty minutes, already... How can this guy remain so unfazed?'

The Sect Master also found this matter as strange, he was one of the most familiar about the current state of Khan's body so he couldn't help, but worry towards this so-called Direct Disciple of his.

He contemplated for a while before stopping near a mountain ridge, "Let's stop for a while, I bet the two of you are exhausted, especially, you." The Sect Master stared at Khan, the latter returned a confused gaze, 'Exhausted? Why would I feel exhausted when we recently just left?'

But when he saw, Lily's exhausted complexion, he decided to consent towards the Sect Master's suggestions, while they rested, Khan asked the person who was the most knowledgeable about the Continent's state of affairs, Lily.

"Lily, can you tell me more about the Lion Race?" Her figure visibly trembled upon the mention of the Lion Race, the Sect Master also startled, but quickly regained his wits as he went on preparing some breakfast.

Lily's pale complexion dissipated as she exhaled a huge amount of air, she turned towards Khan and found that he wore a worried expression. She smiled to reassure him before saying, "The Lion Race is currently one of the strongest Race in the entire continent, second only to the Dragon Race."

"Second only to the Dragon Race?" Khan frowned, "If that is true, how could your father let them bully you?"

"Haaah..." Lily's face looked like she was undergoing an emotional upheaval, eventually, she continued in a bleak tone.

"That's because my father is a coward..." She harshly spoke, however, the light in her moistened eyes indicated her true feelings.

"Father is afraid to pay a price to scare the Lion Race, so when they came pestering him to take me in marriage, father decided to throw away his dignity and also, to throw me away..."

'How in the heavens did that happen to one of the noblest and the most arrogant race of all time?' Khan frowned, he also found the matter to be strange, even if the Lion Race mustered all of their might to fight the entire Dragon Race, they would be instantly defeated thanks to the powerful artifacts and sturdy formations that the three of them left as protection for the Divine Dragon Sect.

If they told Khan that the Divine Artifact of the Divine Dragon Sect lost its power, Khan wouldn't believe them even if he sold his life, for if something happened to the Guardian Spirit within the Artifact, Khan would be one of the first people that would know about it.

Staring at the visibly trembling Lily, Khan reassured her with an embrace, 'Don't worry, I promised you that the Lion Race will pay, so they will definitely pay.'

The two embraced under the warmth of the sun before being interrupted by the Sect Master saying that breakfast was ready.

The meal consisted of simple omelet sandwiches, it wasn't enough as a nourishment, but enough to fill their stomachs for a while as they sped towards the distance.

They continued on their journey, only stopping for a while after several hours of consecutive traveling, after about a day and a half, they finally arrived on Valencia.

The City of Valencia was surrounded by simple fortified brick walls, there were four entrances to the city, the south, north, east, and west entrance. The group arrived on the south entrance.

They looked around and found that it really was a city for the Bear Race, people with gigantic statures walked around, their muscles almost bursting their clothes, their heads adorned with fluffy looking ears.

Although they looked adorable, the faint smell of blood that lingered in the air indicated of how savage and bloodthirsty a member of this Race, could be.

The group even saw them chewing on some skeletons that looked like it came from the human race, a hint of disgust could be seen on Lily's face, while Khan and the Sect Master just stood there, with a nonchalant look on their faces.

"Bloodline check!" A guard who wore no clothes on his upper body gave a fierce smile that could cause fear to anyone who looked at it, but Khan felt flustered for a different reason.

'Fuck, why is there a Bloodline Check?! I didn't hear about this!' He inwardly cursed the Sect Master in his mind, the Sect Master moved first, biting the tip of his thumb, he let a drop of his blood enter a jadeslip that the guard passed onto him.

The jadeslip exploded with a green light, and a faint figure of an aquamarine dragon could be seen, sending the surrounding citizens into a ruckus.

"What the hell?! A member of the Divine Dragon Race? Why is such a high ranking member here?! And also, he looks like a human, but he's actually a Divine Ascendance Elder!" A member of the crowd exclaimed, sending the crowd into whispers.

"Hey, look, that kid looks like he's with the old man, could it be that he's also a member of the Divine Dragon Race?"

"Nah, that's impossible, to transform into human-form and Dragon-form needs a cultivation of the Divine Ascendance Realm..."

"Maybe he was born as a result of human-form impregnation..."

"Well that also sounds reasonable, but let's just wait, the answer will show itself for a moment."

Khan frowned upon hearing the discussions around him, 'human-form impregnation? The Dragon Race is still doing that even though it would diminish their future cultivation prowess? Wait... Maybe, Lily is...' He glanced and Lily before nodding, 'She's definitely a product of human-form impregnation, since if not, why can she assume human-form when her cultivation is so low?'

The guard handed a brand-new jadeslip towards Khan, 'But still, what should I do about this...' He mused, but eventually, he bit the tip of his thumb and sent his blood dripping down, 'I can just escape if shit goes wrong.'

But his eyes widened in shock, for the jadeslip that he held exploded into a brilliant green light that resembled nature, an indistinct figure of an aquamarine dragon enveloped by a faint golden light could be seen above the jadeslip, it roared towards the skies, sending the spectators around into a fierce trembling.

The Sect Master stared at Khan as if he looked at a monster, 'How the hell did this kid have the Nature Dragon's bloodline?' He glanced at Lily and found that the latter only gave a sweet smile.

"S-sirs of the Nature Dragon Race, It's my honor to meet you." The guard said, a hint of mirth could be felt from his tone, he extended his hand and exchanged greetings with Khan.

'Damn! Now I can brag to my family that I shook hands with a member of the Dragon Race!'

'Also, I won't be washing this hand for an entire month!' The guard decided in his heart, but what he didn't expect that the young girl that looked to be seventeen that accompanied the two had an, even more, stronger bloodline within her body.

A deafening roar echoed, sending those with lower cultivation tumbling backward as they bled in their orifices. The guard stared at the aquamarine-haired girl with a blank look on his face.

The aquamarine dragon that materialized looked like it wasn't just a projection, but a tangible being.

Amidst the crowd's shocked gazes, The group entered the city.

Above a huge tower, three sturdy figures could be seen, their eyes narrowed towards the south entrance, with an excited smile leaking from their lips.

"Princess... We finally found you..."

The group whispered into the air before their silhouette disappeared into nothingness.