Continent of Pride[14]

Azrael's lips repeatedly twitched, his several thousands of years of experience told him that beyond that door, some kind of a miracle was happening, Azrael's expression stiffened, he rubbed his nose and retreated,

'I hope master doesn't get too exhausted for tomorrow's matters...'

He wished in his heart as his silhouette disappeared into the night, Inside the room, signs of battles and storms that wrecked havoc could be seen, especially the soft cushioned bed, dotted with stain marks.

Laid on the bed was the figure of the female disciple belonging to the Wyrm Race, her complexion still looked rosy and her eyes, distant as she stared at the ceiling. Her heartbeat, quick and her breathing hastened.

Her bare body revealed in its entire glory, beside her, Khan sat, channeling a stream of Divine Emperor Qi, Khan dispersed the effect of the aphrodisiacs, but to his dismay, the desire, hidden within the female disciple's soul still hasn't dispersed, in short, her body still didn't feel satisfied.

Earlier, Khan was forced to utilize the finger techniques he had developed in his entire lifetime, his dextrous, yet violent movements could bring any women unto their knees, but now, Khan finally met his match, for the entire time that he founded this technique, it was the first time that he failed to satisfy a woman in one round.

Hearing the muffled moans coming from the female disciple, Khan murmured, 'Damn, that bastard Alfredo, just how strong are these pills?!' Although he has an innumerable amount of knowledge pertaining to herbs when it comes to newly discovered herbs, Khan had zero knowledge, and so, he could only stare at the jade bottle and roughly calculate how strong its efficacy.

Soon, the suppressed moans became laced with pain, prompting Khan to click his tongue and reach his hand out as the 'battle technique' that he developed for several centuries displayed its might.

But he overestimated himself, for it took him five entire hours to calm the raging desires within the maiden's heart.

Now, the room became even more wretched than before, the bedsheets plastered on the bed became wet to the extent that it looked like fresh laundry.

Khan rubbed his aching arm before he transformed himself back to Alfredo's figure. By this time, the maiden on the bed already recovered, but the exhaustion on her body, caused by Khan's techniques lingered, and so, she slept like a newborn baby.

Looking at her snow-white skin, Khan sighed, he carried her to the bathroom and laid her on the bathtub, once there, he sent a surge of Qi towards her mind, preventing her from waking up and scrubbed her body clean.

He also washed her soiled clothes but when he found her underwear, he noticed that it was torn and immediately discarded it, he dried the clothes using his Qi and after giving her a shower, he took one more glance at her exquisite body and clothed her before laying her body on the bed.

He willed, as he took the surge of Qi that he sent towards her mind, he sighed and stared at her complexion, now that he took a good look at it, she actually looked beautiful that she could rival Lily's beauty and her potential as a powerhouse was high thanks to her untapped bloodline, yet why was she desperate to increase her strength, that much?

According to Alfredo's memories, yesterday, she came knocking towards Alfredo's door and asked for a Bottleneck Surmounting Pill, and as expected, after seeing her breathtaking beauty, Alfredo immediately agreed but with additional conditions.

Fortunately, Khan took Alfredo's place if not, not only would her chastity be taken, even her life would be in danger.

Khan smiled, he didn't have any bad or goodwill towards the young girl but realizing her determination to acquire a Bottleneck Surmounting Pill to the point that she even sold herself, Khan felt quite a bit of admiration.

Khan rummaged around the warehouse of the room and found several ingredients to make a dish, Igniting a fire, he started to cook some dishes that they could at daybreak.

Soon enough, the alluring fragrance of a maiden that lingered in the air dissipated, replaced by the scent of fragrant dishes, it took him three hours to finish and afterward, scattered on the table were several dished made with recipes that leaped through time.

Evidently, just like back at Muspelheim, Khan also used the entirety of his culinary knowledge to create these gems.

Feeling proud of himself, Khan took a single bite and smiled in satisfaction. Several hours later, the maiden that laid on the bed finally let a small groaned as her consciousness started to wake up from slumber.

She groggily raised her upper body and found that her body looked to be devoid of filth, however, her complexion stiffened when she noticed that her underwear had disappeared, remembering the events that happened earlier, She hugged a pillow and sobbed.

Khan moved towards her and her head turned as she felt a footstep approaching her vicinity, there, she found Alfredo's olden face and couldn't help but uncontrollably tremble while she held her lower abdomen.

She tried to speak but found that no words came out from her mouth, she just stared at him like she lost her soul.

Khan reached his hand, making her flinch in response, he awkwardly smiled and proceeded to tap on her shoulders before saying, "Stand up, the meal is ready."

The maiden quivered, her nose twitched and her eyes darted towards the nearby table. There, she found several luxurious looking dishes and her stomach unknowingly rumbled.

A faint blush spread on her cheeks, she glanced at Alfredo and found that he didn't seem to be that bad according to the rumors.

But she also found something strange, for a certain part of her memories told her that the partner that took him wasn't an old man, but a young man of her age.

She tried to stand up but found that her body didn't have the strength to do so, Khan abruptly supported her body from falling and led her towards the table.

When she reached the table, the sensation of exhaustion accompanied by the painful feeling around her lower abdomen confirmed the events that happened, earlier. Realizing this, she couldn't help but weep, her tears continuously streamed down her cheeks.

A strange atmosphere encircled the two as they chomped down their meals, Khan energetically ate his meals while the maiden before him didn't eat as much as he did.

"What's wrong? You should eat more since I bet, you're exhausted." Khan smiled then proceeded to mind his business and clear out the table with his food.

He ate heartily because he also felt exhausted, not only physically but also mentally from earlier's affair. Although he expected that it would take that much resolve to avoid the temptations of the flesh, it still took quite a toll on his mind.

The maiden didn't respond to him, she just stood there and played with the food.

It didn't even take half an hour for the table to be cleared of dishes, the maiden also finished her meals and stared intently at Khan.

"What's wrong?" Khan asked, even though he knows the answer.

"The pills..."


"Yeah, the pills... Also, can you give me a contraceptive pill...? I don't want to be pregnant..." She whimpered as she spoke, her head hung low in shame and embarrassment.

Khan rubbed his nose and gave a slight smile: "It looks like you're misunderstanding something here, Miss Larah."

But she took these words the wrong way and pointed her finger towards Khan, her voice trembled in anger and humiliation,

"Y-y-you! Are you planning on reneging?!"

"Reneging? Oh, about those pills that you requested? It's fine I will give it to you, but first, you need to tell me why did you become so desperate to increase your power to the extent that you sold yourself to me." Khan spoke, his eyes focused on the maiden who startled by the sudden change of his expression.

"It's none of your business..." She spat a single sentence filled with coldness akin to a thousand years old icy cavern.

"Okay, then I shall take a guess..."His next words stumped her as she just stared at him with a confused light in her eyes.

"Judging from the several fading marks in your body, I deduced that earlier this day, you must've been beaten, right?" Larah's eyes widened, she held her body that visibly trembled.

"And also, I found a restraining mark hidden within your soul, so you should also be a slave, but I found it strange that your master is letting you free and even used a low-leveled restraining technique towards you, if your master knew that you were such a stunning beauty, he would certainly violate you every day so you resorted to disguising yourself?"

"Obviously, disguising techniques constantly siphons Qi from the user so to extend your disguise time, you couldn't think of any other methods, other than making a breakthrough, right?"

His words reverberated inside his mind like a thunderbolt that descended from the heavens, blood rushed towards his mind as the scene before her abruptly became blurry, her breath became ragged pants as she stared at him with an incredulous light in her eyes.

Khan sighed before smiling towards her and said: "But don't worry, I won't reveal your secret since we're basically the same."

He willed as Alfredo's figure that enveloped his true form dissipated, Larah looked at him as roaring sounds echoed within her mind, evidently, the shock she received from seeing an old man transform into a young man took a toll in her mind.

"Y-y-you... Who are you?! You're not the Elder?!" She exclaimed her finger pointed towards Khan, the latter only smiled and response before saying, "Of course not, because he's dead."


"T-then... the pills... I won't get the pills...?"

She absentmindedly murmured, her expression pale as she remembered the events that happened earlier if the Elder was dead then the person who took her was this, guy?!

The confusion and shock from the sudden revelation caused her to involuntarily sob

"S-so... My sacrifice was... for nothing..." She whispered, causing Khan to sigh and reply,

"Miss, it looks like you're still misunderstanding something, I didn't take you, earlier."


She stretched her neck and looked at him with a light, filled with hope. Khan sighed and explained everything from the top.

"S-so that's what happened..."

"Then, I'm really still untouched...?"

"Yes, you are, so stop with the jokes, also I do have a wife!" Khan exclaimed, the maiden heard his words and couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed in her heart.

"Then... How about the pills?! I need those pills, so I can... so I can finally escape!" She said, her tone became slightly hysterical.

"Calm down, Calm down, I'll help you make a breakthrough." Khan didn't even let her reply as he sent a burst of Qi towards her body, the latter's figure trembled for a while before she meditated and focused all of her consciousness towards the surging energy within her body.

"If you were not related to the Dragon Race I wouldn't even help you..." Khan murmured in the air as she stared at the maiden who desperately meditated.

Soon, rumbling sounds echoed as her body shone in an azure light, the light continued to illuminate the room for several seconds before dimming down.

The maiden revealed a satisfied look on her face but was confused to find, Khan, staring at her with a solemn look.

"Now, It's about time that you tell me your story..."

She flinched for a moment, for the light that came from Khan's eyes seemed to pierce deep within her soul, she gulped a mouthful of saliva and took a deep breath, before confessing her current circumstances.

Towards her narration and until the end, Khan only maintained an indifferent expression.

"I see, so that's why..." He nodded, turned his head towards the door and said.

"Azrael, how about you come inside, instead of standing there," Khan said a slight smile suffused on his face.

"It looks like I really can't defeat you, Master..." Azrael opened the door and entered, Larah stared at him with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, look at me, I even forgot basic courtesy, Miss, my name is Azrael, from the Divine Dragon Sect." Azrael kissed her hand on the backside causing her to flinch.

"Divine Dragon Sect?"

Larah's face faintly flushed with anger, Khan noticed it, but he really couldn't blame her for her indignance towards the Divine Dragon Sect, as the nearest relative of Dragons, it was the DIvine Dragon Sect's responsibility to take care of the Wyrm Race, however, they didn't even care for them when their clan members were captured, and used as cultivation furnaces.

"You're from the Divine Dragon Sect...?" She stared at Khan, a cold look plastered on her face.

Khan shrugged: "Well, my wife is from the Divine Dragon Sect so I can be considered as a half-member."

"Is that so? I'm leaving, then, no matter what happens I won't ask a member of that Sect, for help." She stood up and left towards the entrance, but before he could open the door, Khan clutched her on her wrist and flung her towards the bed.

She roughly collided on the walls and raised her body up with a pained look, "What's your problem?!" Tears formed in her eyes as she spoke.

"Master, mind explaining to me about what's going on, here?" Azrael wore a slight smile and said, Khan, nodded before sending a stream of information from his soul directly towards Azrael's mind.

"So that's what happened, I see, I see... I do remember about them, but even though they lived directly on the border between the two Races, if not for that bastard's cowardice we could've saved them..." Azrael sighed, complicated emotions could be seen on his face.

"Then why did you not save us?!" Larah who heard the conversation spoke, her finger pointed towards Azrael. The latter narrowed his eyes as a flash of killing intent focused towards her direction, as his gaze fell on her, her body visibly trembled in fear.

"Well, little miss, It seems like you're misunderstanding something in here, although I came from the Divine Dragon Sect, you cannot say that I belong to those who make the decisions, there, right?"

Larah's lips twitched, but under Azrael's Slaughter Aura, she could only nod her head.

"Good, then, Do you believe that I could cut that finger off if you don't stop pointing at me?" Azrael leaked a small smile, Larah shuddered, swiftly removing her pointed finger.

"Come on, Azrael, stop scaring her..." Khan interjected at the side, Azrael retreated backward and bowed, "Yes, master." He respectfully spoke.

Towards the weird relationship of the two, Larah felt confused but at the same time, frightened by the trait that Azrael revealed.

"I'll contact that Elder Astaroth and have him come here..." Khan nonchalantly spoke, but contained within his words was a bombshell that made Larah shake like a falling leaf in fear.

Khan noticed this, he glanced at her and smiled, "Don't worry, I have my own plans." His smile, when revealed to Larah, became akin to a demon that wanted nothing, but utter destruction.

Inside a huge room decorated with several luxurious ornaments and fortified with several layers of Light and Sound Isolating Formations, an Elder whom Khan met yesterday could be seen, his eyes stared on a small beauty that laid on a bed, judging from the contour of her body, her age ranged from twelve to fifteen years old.

Her features looked similar to that of Larah, especially the rich aura of the Wyrm Race that faintly wafted from her body. Currently, she rolled in a ball, her figure visibly trembled in fear.

"If not for the fact that your body is still not that ripe for the picking, I would've eaten you already."

"But for now, I'll just have you, use that mouth..." He chuckled and took his robes off, revealing his emaciated body towards her.

The girl immediately covered her eyes as tears rolled off her cheeks, but instead of losing his drive, he became even more excited as an intense light of lust filled his eyes.

He moved closer and poked her cheek with his lance. She flinched and turned away upon feeling the heat and the nauseating smell.

Upon seeing her resistance, he held her wrist and forcefully wrenched her hands that covered her eyes, she groaned in pain, but still maintained the closure of her eyes.

"Quite, persistent, aren't you?"

He moved closer but before he could do so, his body flinched as he received a voice transmission from one of his closest brother in the sect, his lips revealed a vicious smile as he clothed his body and carried the young girl towards the distance.

Larah stood there, he stared at Khan as if he was looking at the devil itself, for earlier, she heard Khan saying that they would enjoy the pair of sisters and beckoned for her owner to come.

Khan noticed this aberrance, but he didn't say anything and just stood there, his appearance transformed to that of Alfredo.

Sure enough, they heard a rhythmic knocking sound, and Khan immediately moved, opening the entrance, the figure of Ahon Kirus came strolling in, a young girl on her arms.

"Thea!" She cried, the young girl heard the familiar voice and turned her head to find her big sister crying and shouting her name.

"Sister!" She struggled in Ahon's arms, the latter gave an amused smile and released her. She then ran towards her big sister and the two shared an embrace.

"Seriously though, Alfredo, I didn't know that you have that kind of a fetish..." Ahon glanced at Larah and couldn't help but retch, for Larah's disguised appearance really looked hideous, her face dotted in acne and her left cheek had a wound that stretched from her eyebrows towards her chin.

"Nah... It's not the matter of a fetish, but the way that her mouth feels, it's really heavenly..." Alfredo smiled, his eyes shone in a reminiscing light.

"Oh, so you already tried her mouth? I'm really surprised that she didn't bite your lance." Ahon chuckled, "I was about to try the mouth of the younger one, but you interrupted my pleasure, but now, I don't feel any regrets since enjoying a woman with a brother is the best." He smiled and removed his robe, showing the entire glory of his skeletal body towards the three.

Alfredo smirked. "But before we do that brother, can I ask a favor?"

Ahon chortled, "Of course, we're brothers, right? You can ask any favor that you want..."

Hearing this, Alfredo smiled, but the smile that he revealed wasn't a gentle one, but a smile akin to that of a bloodthirsty beast that was about to pounce on its prey.

He spat a cold line that could freeze everything in this world.

"Can you please, die?"


Ahon uttered in confusion, before a blood arrow exploded from his mouth towards the ceiling, a hand pierced through his back and came out from his chest, the hand clutched a heart that was so fresh that it was still beating.

Ahon stared at his own heart before his consciousness dimmed down, never to return.