Continent of Pride[16]

Inside a lavishly decorated hall, several Elders sat around a round table, their faces solemn as they stared at a floating letter. Inscribed on the letter were domineering words written in blood.


A figure clad in a brilliant brownish robe, his complexion under the hood revealed his olden age, his jaw rugged and sturdy as well as his cheeks, surrounding his chin, a brownish beard that looked golden if illuminated by sunlight.

Clad in a magnificent golden armor he sat there, his body emanating an imposing might that could cover the heavens.

The Elders at the side noticed the anger that the Sect Master felt that they didn't dare to breathe too loudly or even utter a sound.

"THOSE GODDAMNED LIZARDS DARED TO DECLARE WAR ON US?! ON WHAT BASIS?!" He loudly cursed, his voice that traveled in the air surged, sending out a vibration which destroyed the entire table where the Elder's leaned on.

They stumbled to the ground, but they didn't dare to complain as they just sat back on their seat as if nothing happened.

An elder who goes by the name of Hakkon said, "Sect Master, there's no need to be that annoyed towards those little lizards, besides, we have the Dragonslayers in our side, we can just ask them for help and annihilate those bastards in one fell swoop."

The surrounding Elders praised his suggestion as Hakkon revealed a satisfied smile.

"Yeah, sure, we're going to ask them for help, but do you really think that the Divine Dragon Sect is a sect full of stupid and ignorant lizards?! Now that they declared war on us, they should have a plan in mind."

Towards these words, the Elders became solemn as they clasped their hands and leaned on the newly summoned table.

"However, no matter what plans they have, it's no use under absolute might..." Haem Patrigio leaked an excited and bloodthirsty smile, the air that surrounded him solidified as a might that could seal the heavens exploded within his body.

The Elders around him summoned the entirety of their cultivation base to stop the suppression that threatened to severely injure their body.

His Half-step Divine Emperor Realm cultivation couldn't even be compared to the Sect Master's Half-step Divine Emperor cultivation base, for Patrigio's cultivation looked to be much more solidified and firm, he only needs to endure a tribulation and he would certainly step unto the Divine Emperor Realm.

"Hakkon, announce this to all members of the Thousand Claws Sect, with the exception of Outer Disciples every disciple in the Sect should immediately prepare for war! In three days, we will set off to the Great Forest of Pride!"

Hakkon nodded his head like chicken pecking rice and immediately sent a Sect-wide announcement echoing towards the skies.

The proclamation sent the entire sect into a ruckus, everyone, no matter what position they held in the Sect looked tense as they increased their productivity.

The Outer Disciples increased their work output in harvesting raw materials for pill concoction and weapon creation while the Inner Disciple concocted medicines to be used by the Core Disciples in their fight at the front lines.

The cultivation of the front liners was at least at the Divine Soul Realm up to the peak, while the Elders had a cultivation of a Divine Ascendance Realm and above.

Khan and Azrael smiled at each other before nodding and setting off in different directions, Azreal flew towards the Elder's department while Khan flew back to Alfredo's residence.

When he arrived, he gave the two sisters a small Rune of which they could shatter to escape imminent danger. He then dug a hole outside Alfredo's residence and found a chest that according to the old geezer's memories, contained medicines stockpiled for about several years.

Khan tallied and the jade bottles that contained Tier 3 Healing Pills numbered in at least a thousand, Tier 4 Healing Pills at five hundred bottles while the Tier 5 Healing Pills amounted to at least a hundred bottles.

It has to be known that the effects alone of a Tier 3 Healing Pill could be considered as a miracle towards those of lower cultivation, while the Tier 5 Healing Pills could even benefit those at the Divine Ascendance Realm.

Khan carried them separately in three bags, carried a table with him and walked towards a nearby podium exactly at the border separating the Inner and Outer Disciple's quarters.

"May I get everyone's attention?!" He shouted, his voice infused with Qi reverberated in the surroundings, but after noticing that the one who yelled was the disgusting bastard, Alfredo, they snorted and continued with their work.

He didn't bother about them and just shouted: "Since our Sect is on the verge of war against those disgusting lizards! I, Alfredo, have decided to offer my stockpile of medicines towards every junior disciple in the Sect!"

The expressions of the disciples who heard his shout turned weird, "Did that dirty geezer ate something weird today? To think that he will be giving instead of taking..."

"Don't be deceived, those medicines should be aphrodisiacs or something..."

"Yeah, yeah... It should be... It would be weird for such a stingy bastard to start shouting and saying that he will give back to the sect..."

"He has his ulterior motives, of course."

"Don't bother about him, we have a quota to reach or else we'll be done for!"

They clamored for a while but immediately quietened down as the logic that it would be weird for Elder Alfredo to start giving out proper medicines that didn't contain any aphrodisiacs dawned on them.

Alfredo only smirked and laid the jade bottles on the table, He simultaneously popped the lids as an explosion of medicinal herbs exploded in the air.

The surrounding disciples froze, they stared at the source and found that the jade bottles on Elder Alfredo's table actually contained real medicines! He even has a Tier 5 Healing PIll and he was going to give it for free?!

"Holy Hell! He's really going to give it us for free!"

"Shit, that's a Tier 5 Healing Pill, right there, How in the heavens did he have that much in stock?!"

The earth shook as the disciples simultaneously ran towards Elder Alfredo, a light of greed shining within their eyes, looking at it, Alfredo sighed, his head slightly lifted towards the skies as he said.

"I sacrificed so many personal belongings just to obtain these pills, I am giving these out for free, but I hope that you use this pills justly, and without greed in your hearts..." Alfredo narrowed his eyes that started to moisten as he spoke, he turned his head away, hiding his expression and wiped something on his face.

The faces of the female disciples who despised him at first couldn't help but be moved upon this heart-rending sight, the male disciples also turned noisy as they cursed.

"Those rumors about Elder must've been false! There's no way that such a man like Elder, who sacrificed his own for his own sect would be a man like those rumors!"

"Yeah, I knew that it was false, yet, everyone started to bandwagon and it started to get out of hand, If Elder approves of it, we sincerely ask for forgiveness from the bottom of our hearts."

"I, Badang, declares that if someone dares to slander Elder's dignity before my watching eyes, I will cripple them and feed them to the dogs!"

A sturdy built inner disciple of the Lion Race declared, earning him the praises of the disciples that stood around him.

Alfredo's expression froze, the tears that threatened to stream from his eyes started to roll out, he immediately hid his face and reached his hand towards his pocket, but found that his handkerchief was missing.

"Here, Elder..." A female disciple who observed at the side handed a handkerchief embroidered with intricate designs, Alfredo accepted it without any word and used it to wipe his wretched olden face dotted with tears and snot.

Everyone's expression became gloomy, for they understood that the rumor about Elder Alfredo being a perverted lolicon wasn't true and that they were shallow in their judgment towards him.

The male disciples that surrounded him didn't even look at the pills anymore as they patted Alfredo's shoulders in consolation, the female disciples stared at this gloomy sight and couldn't help but feel pity towards the Elder and shame towards themselves for being judgemental towards him.

Alfredo covered his face and wiped the tears that dotted his cheeks, it took him a minute to finish and after he was done, his face faintly blushed and his eyes swollen because of his outburst.

"Thank you, fellow disciples... Now, please get a pill so that even if I'm not by your side, I could still save you from the clutches of death..."

His soft tone touched the hearts of the disciples as they harmoniously proceeded to get a single pill, no more, no less.

In the end, Alfredo's stockpiles disappeared, yet the disciples around him didn't move, instead, they surrounded him and repeatedly asked for forgiveness about their trespasses, of which, the Elder complied with a gentle smile.

It took them about three hours to leave and continue their work, Alfredo promised them that he would concoct more pills and hand them out to the disciples who didn't receive a pill as protection.

As he left amidst the disciple's admiring gazes, his visage looked lonely and destitute, his footsteps heavy, yet his face suffused a gentle smile, the sight of him walking solitarily towards his residence became deeply imprinted within the disciple's hearts.

As Alfredo closed the door, a cunning and victorious smile suffused on his face as he sent a transmission towards the distant Azrael.

"Phase 1, Complete!"