
Morning soon arrived and the duo started their daily routine, Khan proceeded towards the bathroom while Lily cooked the meal that she listed on her small notebook.

Soon, the smell of fragrant vegetables wafted in the air. Lily hummed a tune and skillfully stirred the frying vegetables on the wok, before placing another crucial ingredient, the maple wood cured meat that she bought when they were still at the Culinary Bowl of Muspelheim.

When the meat landed on the wok, the aroma that came from the meat infused with the vegetables and soon, the mixed scents of meat and vegetables formed a harmonious symphony which scattered in the air, inciting the hunger of Khan, who was still in the bathroom.

She stirred for a while before going to the refrigerator and taking a whole duck. She set it aside so that the frost that covered it would dissipate. Meanwhile, she went on to work with the side dishes that Khan requested.

And soon enough, the two lunchboxes that she brought when she took the duck from the refrigerator, became filled with colors, and the faint smell that emanated from it could incite anyone's hunger.

Hurried footsteps echoed from the direction of the bathroom followed by the swift appearance of the excited Khan who only wore an underwear.

He ran towards the Lily whose figure wore a pure white apron and paired with her slightly ruffled nightgown, of which, with the help of the piercing sunlight, slightly revealed the treasures underneath. The sight that revealed itself before him could make every man in the world envious, yet his focus was not on the sight, but at the glistening food that emanated an alluring fragrance which made him gulp a mouthful of saliva.

"Can I eat now?!" He excitedly said. Lily leaked a smug smile, but her expression became flushed as she turned her head around and noticed Khan's figure that still dripped with water.

She puffed her cheeks and sent a glare towards his direction and spoke with a threatening tone, "Wear your clothes, first!"

"Okay, Miss, okay... Affirmative, affirmative." Khan's figure swiftly disappeared from sight, and literally within a minute, he returned, donning the uniform of the University of Modern Magic.

"Okay, I have my clothes on me now, so what's for breakfast?" He spoke, not even bothering the excitement in his tone.

"I made a stir-fried vegetable with a cured meat dish, this will be our breakfast while our lunch will be that duck." Lily gracefully introduced the dishes, all the while wearing a satisfied expression on her face. Her gaze darted at the duck that strangely glimmered.

Khan's gaze landed on the whole duck, "Really? Are you going to roast it?"

"Of course, I will, so just stay there and eat. I'll eat when I finished prepping the ingredients." Lily sweetly smiled before heading toward the kitchen. But before she could walk away, she was stopped by Khan's figure who spoke.

"That won't do!"

"Eh?" Lily uttered a strange cry, for Khan's stern expression dumbfounded her.

"I can't just let my little wife do everything, now, you stay here, and eat! I'll roast that duck for us." Khan insisted and even pushed her towards the chair which made the latter, unable to refuse.

But she didn't retort him. For she understood Khan's prowess when it comes to cooking, and so, she just sat there, her lips leaking a slight smile as she stared at Khan's figure who started to work his magic.

As an apex cultivator, there was almost no one, who could challenge his authority and ask him for a fight. Because of this, Khan's daily life became repetitive and boring, to the point that he would transform himself into that of a normal person and travel across the continent, and lived amongst the humans and experiencing the diverse cultures that they nurtured among themselves, and of course, tasting all sorts of remarkable dishes of which, he would never forget.

It made a lasting impression in his mind to the point that he practiced his culinary skills for a hundred years before he was able to receive the approval of the God of Culinary, Truedawn.

In just thirty minutes and with the help of the extensive arrays of herbs and spices that Lily bought from the Culinary Bowl of Muspelheim, a sweet and mellow smell of smoked duck wafted in the air.

Khan took the duck from the oven before placing it on a hot wide plate and carried it towards the living room, and with a posture which made Lily stare at him with puffed cheeks. She placed the whole duck on the table.

"Pretty good, right?"

"Hmmph!" Lily snorted and took a fork on the table and used it to stab the whole duck. A crisp sound rang out, followed by a burst of honey-like fluid that came out from the duck.

Lily's eyes shone in a complicated light. She sliced a small part of the duck and bit.

Khan's stare focused on her expression, of which, the latter quickly hid.

"Delicious, right?" Khan teased at the side and sat down, taking several scoops of rice and a stir-fried vegetable dish himself before slicing a part of a duck.

Lily didn't deny what he said, but she also didn't reply. She just stared at Khan as a thought surfaced in her mind, 'How can he cook so good?! He's just the same age as me, yet it feels like his cooking experience spans a hundred years!' She indignantly stamped her foot on the ground, while her eyes closed, savoring the aftereffects of the sweet, sour, yet tongue-numbing juiciness that she just experienced.

"It's not bad..."

"Not bad? Do you mean, it's so damn delicious that I can't even be honest with myself?" Khan's tone became barely audible as he teased.

"Just what did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing, I said that we should hurry since we only have an hour left before the first period starts." Khan quickly changed the topic which made Lily stare at him in speechlessness.

'This guy...'

She stopped bothering about him anymore and continued to eat. Khan discreetly stared at her, whose expression slightly had a tinge of indignance, yet satisfaction within it.

On his lips, leaked a smile which expressed all the feelings that he had on his current daily life.

Back then, due to the number of enemies that he had and the path that he chose in his road towards the peak. Khan didn't have any leeways to enjoy the vicissitudes of life, especially, having a cute little wife, that served him wholly, and was there, with him, to stand under the pressure of everything.

He just didn't openly expressed it but Khan greatly appreciated Lily's existence. If not for her, he may have gone astray and caused a catastrophe towards this world, especially at the times where Khan's bloodthirstiness could cause him to lose control of himself.

But she was currently here, and maybe, back then, she was that woman whom he truly loved.

Lily finished her meal and due to the constraints of time, she hurriedly took a bath and prepared the necessities that every woman should have and placed it in her small bag. When she returned back to the living room, she was greeted by Khan's intimate kiss and was startled for a while before succumbing to his advances.

Khan's hand skilfully danced towards the pure white blouse that she wore and teasingly traced as he slowly made his way towards her lower body.

"No... You cant..." Lily's expression flushed, her breathing became ragged and her eyes shone in a glazed light.

"We cant...? Yet, why does it look like you want it to happen?" Khan's finger deftly moved, followed by a strange moan that emanated from Lily's mouth.

"We really cant...We only have thirty minutes left...But maybe... later... we can... but for now..." She desperately pleaded, yet her knees visibly trembled and her cheeks slightly shone in a crimson hue.

"It's okay... I'll be quick... I promise..." Khan leaked a smile akin to that of a predator that found its prey, he nimbly undressed her and soon, a suppressed composition displayed its might inside the mansion.

Fortunately, aside from them, there was literally no other humans in a radius of hundred meters. Or else, Khan would temporarily take their sense of hearing.

After about fifteen minutes of fierce battle, two figures drenched with sweat hurriedly moved around the mansion. Khan took a mop and wiped the liquids that came from their activity before spraying the air to dissipate the strange fragrance that constantly wafted.

"I told you that we don't have much time anymore, yet you still insisted, now, what should we do? We're definitely late." Lily complained at the side while wiping her legs with a tissue.

Khan awkwardly scratched his head and didn't have any retorts, for the events that transpired earlier was his fault.

"Don't worry, we won't be late, I promise you that." Khan mysteriously smiled and sped off towards the room, leaving the pouting Lily who sat as she stared at his disappearing figure.

Arriving inside the room, Khan quickly withdrew a small yellowish paper from the Spatial Ring that the Sect Master gave and returned back to the living room.

"What is that?" Lily curiously asked. Her gaze focused on the paper that Khan held in his palm.

"This will help us arrive there, instantly." He smirked and infused the yellowish paper with his Qi followed by the appearance of a gaping hole that floated silently in mid-air.

The hole emanated a suction force that threatened to devour anything, yet strangely, it didn't affect the items that they had inside the mansion.

An incredulous light shone in Lily's eyes, 'A spatial tear?'

Detecting her thoughts, Khan explained, "Your father gave some of these Escape Talismans for us to use in times of disaster or imminent danger."

Lily's eyebrows locked and scolded: "Then why did you use it?"

"Ermm, It's because we're late, right?"

"Haah? You used such a precious life-saving item just for that purpose?!" Lily facepalmed, 'How wasteful!'

But if she knew about Khan's thought, she would furiously cough a mouthful of blood.

'What's the big deal using a talisman that I can easily create in a whim...' Khan inwardly thought, but on the surface, his expression looked strange and awkward and his tone, laced with deceit and desperateness as he spoke.

"What's wrong with using a single talisman, your father gave me three of those so, it's fine to use one!" Khan started to bullshit his way out but soon found that it was useless towards his little wife as the latter complained.

"What's with that mindset..." She facepalmed once again.

And with no other choice, the two decided to enter the Spatial Tear and arrived inside the Headmaster's quarters.

They were greeted by the stern figure of the Sect Master that started to scold them about the usage of Spatial Teleportation and that they should minimize its usage for it could be detected by those eccentrics that hid inside the City.

The duo merely nodded towards his sermon, but because of their nonchalant attitude, the Sect Master scolded them for about ten minutes which greatly vexed the two.

"Damn, I didn't know that the Sect Master is that strict..." Khan inwardly cursed, Lily who stood at the side, rolled her eyes at him, "You're his disciple, yet you don't know about that...Just what are you learning from him..."

"Eh, it looks like we're still safe..." Khan snickered, not bothering to answer her inquiry as he ran towards the classroom.

Several minutes later, the same female teacher that Khan showed off to, entered the room, her complexion somewhat pale as she announced,

"Everyone, I just received news that a school faculty member was severely injured by a mutant human in his home, earlier in the day." She spoke in a solemn tone, and everyone who heard it, startled, including Khan and Lily.

'Mutant humans?' Khan frowned towards the unknown term.

However, practically every student around him exploded into murmurs, and Lily who sat beside him looked apprehensive.

"So the school decided to end the class earlier so that all of you can go home safe. This order is effective for a week, and from 4:30 PM all of you will instead go home at 3:00 PM, and also, please be careful, although I'm strict towards you guys, that doesn't mean that I do not care about your well-being..."

"That's all, thank you..." The female teacher left these words, leaving the dumbfounded students behind.

The entire day ended without much suspense. Because their classroom lacked a teacher in the first place, all of them took their lessons online, including Khan and Lily.

When the bell rang, the two separated, Khan went to the Magic Programming Room while Lily said that she would follow after him as she still had her own matters to finish.

Arriving inside the Magic Programming Room, Khan quickly went to work and scribed a peculiar Fireball Rune, with a satisfied smile on his face, Khan scanned it on his Rune Decipherer that he had just equipped and activated it.

A surge of Mana flowed from his soul towards the Rune Decipherer on his hands. But before it could fully materialize, it was shattered by a sudden force and the backlash, sent Khan staggering backward, his countenance solemn as he stared at the door.

There, a figure of a reddish-haired woman that wore a robe that covered the entirety of her body, stood.

Her lips leaked a slight smile and her gaze seemed to pierce through Khan's body.

With a creaking sound, the door slammed shut and the room became dim, yet her eyes strangely shone in a crimson light akin to that of a beast.

Khan's reflexes activated and his knees slightly bent, his arms opened wide, ready for any scenario that would transpire.

But contrary to his expectations, the woman started to undo his robe, revealing the uniform of the University of Modern Magic underneath.

Judging from the insignia on her uniform. She belonged to the Glee Club, a club dedicated to music.

She mysteriously smiled and walked towards Khan's figure as the frown on the latter's expression increased for he didn't feel any ill intent coming from her.

"You're also like me, right?" She whispered her tone somewhat gentle which increased the intensity of the foreboding feeling that Khan had.

"What do you mean..." Khan suffused a cold expression, and his tone likewise became cold.

"Don't play dumb...Since you have the ability to read a Rune's energy grid and even destroy it...You're definitely the same as me..." She insisted and grabbed his waist as the latter secretly aroused his Qi to strengthen his body.

"The same as what?"

"Hmmph, playing hard to get, aren't ya...?"

"Of course, I mean that..."

"That you're also a..." She gave a lonely chortle.

"That you're also a genetically modified human."

"!" Khan's pupils constricted, for he had heard about the concept of genetically modifying your body to obtain the capability that an average human wouldn't have, 'but why would she mistake him for a mutated human? Could it be that the reason why she was able to shatter my Rune was that she genetically modified herself?!' Khan inwardly thought.

Towards those humans that discarded a part of their humanity to obtain a greater power that they longed for, Khan didn't feel any disgust towards them. For back then, he was also the same.

He discarded everything that he had, just to understand the Path of Slaughter and reach the peak of Cultivation.

And because of that, he understood, how hard it was to throw away everything for the sake of that ambition, and so, he didn't feel anything, other than sympathy and sadness to the path that she had chosen.

Khan's eyes turned somewhat gentle, yet he still maintained his cautiousness towards her, for, who knows whether she was saying the truth?!

Sensing Khan's apprehension, the woman sighed before explaining, "Since you're a part of us, I will indulge you the reason why I approached you and as to what exactly I am..."

Her eyes shone in a desolate light before continuing, "I am a failed experimental subject of the Eye Series, created by that cruel bastard who kidnapped me when I was young, and since then, he did all sorts of experiments and arrived at the conclusion that I was a failure."

"But because of those experiments, I received the ability to perceive, digest, and understand any information around me for a mere second all the while paying the price of having my eyes, shine under the veil of darkness."

She started to undo her clothes, and after she undressed, Khan was aghast to find hundreds of scars that dotted her body, all of them looked symmetrical and measured. Clearly, all of them were man-made scars.

"Do you believe me?" She spoke in a gentle tone as possible and her eyes that shone in a crimson light stared deep within his soul, as a sense of vertigo suddenly struck Khan's mind, of which, his Divine Emperor Soul quickly dissipated.

His expression instantly changed and he slammed the young woman to the ground.

"Doing these petty tricks before me, you're just courting your death!" Khan exclaimed, his hands, clung tight on her shoulders as the young woman underneath him thrashed around and struck his body with several kicks.

But she became frightened for the feedback that she received from her kicks was a numbing feeling of pain that gradually spread through her entire foot.

Khan's body, strengthened by his Divine Emperor Qi was harder than any material in this world to the extent that an all-out attack from a Divine Soul Realm practitioner wouldn't scratch his body, much less her, a mere human whose abilities were slightly above average.

"Ehh... So he's your husband, already?! When did the two of you have your wedding?"

"Wedding?! No- We're still not married, but maybe... soon... in the future..."

"Hoooh, don't forget to invite me then..."

"Mhmm, I will surely invite you, Daniela..."

Two voices that originated from females rang behind the door. Khan's expression instantly became pale, while the young woman underneath him intensified her struggle.

'Shit! She's already here?!' Khan simulated several strategies that he could use, but before he could implement them, a crashing sound echoed as a chair toppled down.

"What was that?" A voice filled with confusion rang behind the door.

"Maybe it's just Khan being timid..." A familiar voice replied.

'Please no... Please don't come here, yet, Lily!' Khan took a yellowish paper from his Spatial Ring. His hand tightly clutched the paper and was about to activate it before being interrupted by a creaking sound of the door.

The light that came from the outside, illuminated the figure of the two, especially the naked young woman underneath Khan, of whom, the latter, silenced with his palm.

Their posture looked like Khan was assaulting the young woman.

Lily stared at the two with a blank look filled with several mixtures of emotions, while the young woman beside her stared at the site as her shoulder bag fell on the ground with a plop.

'Damn it...'

'I'm finished...'