Okay, I'm dead

Khan's eyes darted to the side, a smile leaked on his face as his gaze landed on the shadows, he turned around and spoke to Lily, "Lily, can you carry your friend towards her classroom first? I think that we should first settle her matters first."

"Hmm? What's the hurry, she's still unconscious anyways..." Lily spoke in a cold tone.

"What's the hurry, you say? You do know that there are daily classroom patrols every five o'clock in the afternoon, right? There are only ten minutes left before five and if you want our strategy to succeed, you must bring her there now." Khan irritatedly spoke which vexed Lily but in the end, she still agreed and carried her friend in her arms.

"Wait, wait, wait..." Khan hurriedly spoke.

"Hmm? Is there still anything that you want me to do? Your Highness?" Lily replied with a tone filled with annoyance, for she still didn't forget that sight that she saw earlier and had already resolved herself to deal with him later.

"Are you going to carry her, like that?" Khan lifted an eyebrow and spoke.

"Yeah, we're both girls, so what's wrong with it?"

"That's not what I mean, what I meant was, how would you explain that to people when they saw you carrying your friend like she's dead..."

"Ah, about that? I'll just say that she became unconscious due to anemia."

"That's even worse! By today's standards of people's attitude, they would surely lead you to the infirmary which contradicts the contents of the memories that I gave her!" Khan exclaimed, his gaze once again darted towards the shadows before focusing back on Lily.

Lily puffed her cheeks, "Then what do you think should I do?" Her tone became somewhat wronged because of Khan's scoldings.

This sight made Khan's heart almost explode due to the sudden influx of cuteness dose that he had just received. Calming himself down, he formed a mudra with his hand and pointed towards Daniela as a beam of green light struck her forehead.

Her body started to move and eventually, she stood up, yet her expression remained blank. Lily stared at this and couldn't help but feel somewhat fearful of Khan's methods, noticing her gaze, Khan helplessly sighed and retorted, "Do you really think that that technique was mine? That came from your father, you know?"

Lily returned a look of confusion, her gaze landed on her friend and her eyes narrowed as if she was trying to prove something,

"I-I-It's the Seed of Attachment!"

"Exactly!" Khan clapped his hands together, his expression suffused a mirthful smile and the gaze that he used to look at Lily felt like he was praising a student that answered the right question in a quiz.

"Why do I feel like you're mocking me?" Lily frowned towards his actions.

"Hmm?" Khan retorted with a confused look.

"Nothing..." Lily didn't bother about him anymore and held her friend's hand as they walked together in the hallway towards their destination.

Meanwhile, inside the classroom, Khan revealed a cold smile, "Do you think that it's time to reveal yourself now that you've gathered this much intelligence from me?"

His line of sight landed on the shadows near the windows.

"Do you want to reveal yourself or do you want me to force you out?" Khan manifested a hint of his killing intent as a sound of a dull object hitting the ground echoed.

Although Khan had only displayed a hint of his killing intent, it was enough to force out the person that hid within the shadows.

Khan's eyes stared intently at the shadows as a silhouette of a human faintly manifested out of nowhere, within several seconds, it revealed a figure of a jet-black haired woman that wore a robe with the same color and whose age looked the same as the woman that laid on the table.

Her figure visibly trembled as she tried her best not to stare at Khan's eyes that eerily shone in a crimson light.

"W-w-w-whooo...are... you..." She tried her best to speak amidst her fear and terror which made Khan reveal a slight smile before retracting his killing intent.

With the disappearance of the all-encompassing pressure, the jet-black haired young woman heaved a sigh of relief. But the caution in her eyes didn't seem to lessen as she maintained her guard towards Khan.

"Judging by the time that you entered this room, you should be this little girl's comrade, right?" Khan's hand moved towards the reddish-haired young woman that laid on the table and his hand danced on her bare stomach before moving upwards towards her mounds and pinched.

"Stop!" the jet-black haired woman exclaimed, she was about to leap towards her comrade's direction but was stopped by Khan's stern glare that threatened to end her life if she moved a single step.

"W-w-w-what d-d-d-do... you want...?" She mustered all of her courage and asked him this question.

"Why are you so timid? Since you resolved yourself to do this dirty spying work, then you should've also thought about the consequences of getting caught, right?" Khan's hand moved once more, he kneaded the young woman's chest, distorting it into shapes causing the former to frown in pain.

"No, please, stop! no more... we don't want it anymore..." She pleaded towards Khan, yet he still continued and before saying, "Let me guess... Something was planted into your body which gives you an excruciating pain each time you have the thought of rebelling or revealing any information towards your captors, right?"

"!" Her expression turned ashen towards Khan's words, 'How did he know?! Could it be that he's also part of that organization?!'

Sensing her anxiousness, Khan said, "You need not worry about me, having any connections towards that shady organization."

"However!" Khan's eyes shone in a gleam with a bare threat.

"The only thing that I care about the most in my current life, is my daily life and my little wife if those guys dare to come knocking onto my door, asking me to take any responsibility towards my actions of saving her, and disrupt the peaceful life that I have right now, then I will make sure, I will make sure that all of you will disappear from the face of this world."

The jet-black haired woman heard all of these and couldn't help but feel confident towards him accomplishing what he said. For all this time, she never heard his tone wavering nor the light within his eyes flickering.

All the emotions that she ever felt that came from him was absolute confidence.

She clenched her fists, gritted his teeth and amidst her trembling voice, she pleaded, "Sir, I beg you... I beg you to help us!"

Khan sighed as she stared at her desperateness.

In normal situations, Khan would definitely help, but this time, it was different, and the difference was. 'They actually dared to target me even when I wasn't doing wrong!' He inwardly exclaimed in his heart.

"Miss, you're really laughable, aren't you?" Khan replied with an indifferent tone.

"Eh?" The young woman revealed a stunned expression.

"Do you really think that I'm some kind of a Saint that will help you in every time you cry in desperation?"

"And also, you made me your target and now, you're asking your target for help?"

"It's been a long time since I heard such a ridiculous thing in this world!"

"And also, if you want me to help... what merits can I get from that? What can I obtain from that cumbersome endeavor? Wealth? Power? Status? or could it be... your body?" When Khan reached the latter part of his sentence, he revealed a mocking look which visibly shook the young woman's figure.

"It's true that I don't have much to offer but even so... I beg you to... help us!" She once again pleaded with all of her heart.

"How naive! If you really think that making me see your desperate sight will melt my heart enough to help you, then you're greatly wrong!" Khan scolded, prompting the former to clench her fists together to the extent that her nail dug deep into her palms.

"But if you help us... you can acquire the legacy of a true Adamantite Class Magician and the secrets of Genetic Modification!" She threw a tempting offer towards Khan's direction, causing Khan to stare at her in shock for a while.

'What I need the most to complete my path to the peak of Modern Magic is the secrets of a true Adamantite Class Magician,' He pondered, 'This offer that she threw really is tempting, but If I can't accomplish this task without casualties, I'll just refuse.'

"Okay, then, I agree."

"Eh?" Not expecting for him to agree so easily, she revealed a blank look and a cry subconsciously emanated from her throat.

"I said I agree, but first, you must tell me about how strong is the strongest inside that shady organization..." Khan nonchalantly spoke, while the jet-black haired woman started to become anxious that if the information that she was about to reveal would discourage him from helping them.

"A-a-a-at least... a Platinum Class Magician..." Her tone filled with uncertainty answered.

'Just a Platinum Class?' He inwardly thought, 'That's just notch below the Diamond Class, it sounds easy to accomplish, but would it really be?' He revealed a slight smile, for he really felt like fighting someone in a full-on fight, especially now that he had regained his peak strength.

Because Khan didn't answer for a while, the jet-black woman thought that his will was wavering and was about to speak before being interrupted by his speech.

"I see, so a Platinum Class Magician is a boss, sounds quite interesting..."

"But first, let me remove these attachments..." Khan's hand moved from the reddish-haired woman's chest towards the vital area below her navel and stuck his finger inside, causing the jet-black haired woman to cry in shock.

But soon, a surge of Mana exploded from the finger that he stuck followed by a sound akin to that of glass breaking that originated from the reddish-haired woman's womb.

"That was the source of the pain that you girls, constantly felt, right?" He revealed a slight smile, formed a mudra with his hand and pointed at her.

"Nature Dragon's Blessing: Magnanimity of Life!" With a burst of green light, the scars that she had disappeared in a fast rate, however, since she still had his robe, it was not visible.

"What are you doing still wearing that robe? Take it off! I'm also gonna take that bug from your insides." Khan's eyebrows locked, "Stop wasting my time, hurry up, or my little wife's about to be back."

He stared at her and found that a scarlet blush suffused on her fair cheeks and her figure looked fidgety.

"I still need to, prepare my heart..."

"Stop saying lines that everyone will misunderstand!" Khan vexedly said, "Stay still and also, It's just a finger, stop being so fussy about it..."

Towards the Khan that didn't understand much about a girl's heart, the jet-black haired woman didn't know what to do as she just stood there, letting him do whatever he wanted to do with her body.

Undoing her robe, a fair skin that strangely shone in a snowy light was revealed before his sight. But unfortunately, he didn't have much time to admire that sight for he was pressured by the lack of time and the anxiousness that Lily might come at any moment.

He focused all of his concentration on finding where her entrance amidst the darkness and with a push, a pain filled moan followed by a burst of moistness that drenched his index finger.

But because he was so focused on his current task, he didn't notice Lily's incoming footsteps and only realized it when the light that came from the outside world entered the room.

Revealed before Lily was the sight of another naked woman that leaned on his chest, but this time, she could also see him, sticking his finger inside her.

"Okay, I'm dead..."