The Factions within Muspelheim

The two groups remained in a standstill, a light of vigilance shone within their eyes, with their weapons pointed at each other, the two leaders also had their hands floating above their Rune Decipherer, as an aura of deterrence that originated from a Divine Ascendance Realm practitioner enveloped them.

Amidst this, Khan stood there, with his hands behind his back, staring at the commotion in a nonchalant attitude, although the middle-aged man was already his subordinate, that doesn't mean that he would go and wipe his ass in each time trouble comes his way.

He needed him to solve this trouble, but of course, if there was a benefit that he could achieve, he would gladly solve this for him.

But for now, he intended to just stay put and watch the scene.

The two made their move and stretched their palms towards the skies, as a Rune filled with complex instructions materialized in the air, it pulsated in a glistening sheen that seemed to reflect, light itself as it enveloped the entire manor, separating the matters inside the manor from the outside world.

Khan went into contemplation, recalling the series of instructions contained within the Rune which intertwined the four basic elements in recreating the same effect of Spatial Manipulation, he deduced that the effect of the Rune was almost the same as he did.

But instead of creating an independent space, the Rune just enveloped the manor, in a Spatial Field that deceived anyone who stared at it, however, they would not see any person, instead, they would only think that it was eerily quiet.

Unlike Khan's Spatial Manipulation technique which completely separates everything in an independent space, this technique was more inferior, yet much complex.

His eyes shone in an amused light as he stared at the two groups that became tenser upon the deploying of the dome that enveloped the entire mansion.

"Are you really sure, about this? Old Azure." The middle-aged man revealed a slight smile, his eyes momentarily darted at Khan before focusing back on his enemy.

The middle-aged man before him was the leader of the Azure Dragon Faction that controls the northern side of Muspelheim, while him, was the leader of the Perpetual Greed Faction that governs the western side, because of their close proximity towards each other, conflicts would arise in each time that the members of the two group met.

Back then, the fights were always just small skirmishes, but as the situation escalated and since the two group's had their own pride to keep, they became like water and oil, unable to meet each other.

But even though they hated each other to the core, due to the intervention of the government, the two factions were forced to sign a treaty that would prevent them from causing havoc in Muspelheim, however, when the Old Azure Dragon received the news about the injured faction leader of Perpetual Greed, he immediately summoned his troops and marched towards his place, intending to decimate this problem, once and for all.

"Of course, I'm sure about this, Old Snake, at the least, my side would get some casualties. It's just a small price to pay to erase you from the face of Muspelheim." He sneered, a smug smile leaked on his face.

"Bastard, are you not afraid of being sanctioned by the government?!" Old Snake retorted, he looked flustered, yet his tone contained the dignity and imposing might that he had.

But in front of the adamant Old Azure Dragon, it was useless.

"Sanctioned by the government? No worries, that won't happen as long as I obliterate you for good." Old Azure Dragon venomously replied, but as his eyes focused, he found that Old Snake had already disappeared and reappeared behind him with a kick.

"Hmmph, you're really a shrewd man," He snorted and twisted his body around, sending a kick towards the latter's direction which sent them, flying in two different directions.

Meanwhile, the men of the two factions cried out as innumerable gunshots echoed in the air accompanied by miserable shrieks as bodies after bodies fell on the ground, drenching the ground in a crimson hue.

Khan just stared at this scene with an indifferent expression, his focus, locked on the two faction leaders that started fighting in the air, his eyes, landed on the Old Azure Dragon as he found a familiar aura that would surge, in each time he used his cultivation method.

"Azure Dragon's Wrath: Transformation of the Azure Dragon!"

"Sky Serpent Transformation!"

The bodies of the two crackled as their figures changed, the Old Snake's body became filled with several, light reflecting scales that was the dominant trait of the Sky Serpents, while the Old Azure Dragon's body became dotted with azure scales that intermittently spewed lightning.

Their hands turned into claws, while their eyes turned vertical and the aura that surrounded them became domineering. They stared at each other's figure for a moment before commencing their attack and colliding in mid-air.


A deafening sound echoed, Old Snake stared at the scene of his scales, dropping down and his arm, filled with fresh blood, he gritted his teeth and his finger tapped on the Rune Decipherer followed by the materialization of numerous palm-sized Runes that completely surrounded his enemy.

Old Azure Dragon faltered for a moment, due to his injuries, his movements slowed down and he barely managed to summon a barrier that protected him from the onslaught that the Runes around him, did.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Khan stared at the Runes which continuously sent beams of light flying towards the Old Azure Dragon's direction, 'Hmmm, He combined Water, Fire, and Air, using the fire, he formed water vapors with the water and used the air as a propulsion method and send it flying towards the Old Dragon... Quite simple, yet effective instructions.' With just a gaze, Khan deduced the intricacies hidden within the numerous Runes and his eyes shone with even more interest.

But just as he stood there, a man belonging to the Azure Dragon Faction, carefully sneaked behind him and was going to attack, but before he could pull the trigger on his gun, Khan already clapped with his hands as the man's body bloated, before exploding in a blood-mist which startled the entire battlefield.

'He died... just like that...' Old Azure Dragon's eyes stared at the young man whom in the entire time, just stared at the battlefield with a nonchalant expression, 'Could it be that he's a hidden expert that the Bastard Snake invited?' Because of this sudden idea, his movements faltered which gave out an opening, enabling Old Snake's fist to connect, sending him backward along with a blood arrow that spurted from his mouth.

Old Snake's figure blurred and reappeared beside the flying Old Azure Dragon, but before he could attack, a cold snort echoed amidst the frozen space, as the former's figure coughed several mouthfuls of blood while his body, flew backward in a backlash.

Old Snake's eyes stared at the empty space, his expression solemn, "That goddamned, Old Turtle!"

Khan's expression also flickered, for he felt the undulations of a peak Divine Ascendance Realm Practitioner, the amused light within his eyes, further intensified.

Within the next seconds, the figure of an emaciated old man appeared inside the frozen space, he wore a dilapidated green robe, yet even though his body looked skeletal, his expression looked sharp and full of light.

"Old Bastard Snake, do you really think that you're strong enough to kill my brother under my watch?" Old Turtle smiled, revealing his horrendous razor sharp teeth.

Old Snake gritted his teeth, 'If not for this bastard's intervention, I would've already finished that lizard, off!'

"What are you planning to do? Are the two of you, trying to violate the terms of the treaty?" Old Snake replied, his eyes darted at the observing youth and found that he still looked as indifferent as ever as if the matter never concerned him, to begin with.

Because of this, he could only hope that he could deter them, using the treaty as the stakes.

But he was bound to be disappointed for instead of fearing the treaty, the Old Turtle revealed a slight smile and eventually chortled, "Hahaha," His laughing stopped and he continued, "Do you really think that we would attack you without the permission of the government?"

Old Snake's expression turned for the worse, 'If the government canceled the treaty, then he would lose his backing, unless the young man, whom he regarded as the strongest of all the factions would act.'

But he also knew that an expert of his level wouldn't stoop that low and intervene in a problem among the factions that governed Muspelheim, especially, when he wouldn't achieve, any helpful benefits.

And so, he gritted his teeth, and sent a voice transmission towards the youth, all the while bleeding in his heart as he tempted him with an alluring offer that the youth would definitely not decline.

Receiving the voice transmission, Khan revealed a slight smile and said, "Fine, I accept your offer." He slowly walked in between the three factions amidst everyone's confused gaze and declared.

"The Perpetual Green Faction is under my protection if you don't want to be annihilated, then scram!"