
Inside a protected area within the Noble Realm of Muspelheim, a jet-black lightning materialized in the air, eventually forming a gaping hole, of which, a figure of a reddish-haired youth emerged. When he arrived, he glanced at his clothes that faintly emanated the smell of fresh blood and sighed, taking his Mini-Decipherer from the Spatial Ring, he placed it on his left hand, ring finger and willed.

A surge of Mana wriggled out from his soul towards his body and streamed towards the ring on his finger, and upon entrance, the ring shone in a silver glimmer as a Rune the size of a dinner plate manifested in the air.

When the Rune fully formed, it shone in two different lines of aquamarine and orange. And when it erupted, Khan found himself drenched with water which quickly evaporated under the encompassing heat that the Rune manifested.

As a result, with the help of two basic elements, Khan cleaned his soiled clothes with the Water Element, using Pressure Cleaning as the main method to remove the stubborn stains and odor. Then, he instructed the Rune to create a Fire Dome with an appropriate temperature that would not damage his clothes, but would at least, evaporate the moisture that it had.

If he wore normal clothes, this would definitely not work. But thankfully, thanks to Lily's attitude of only buying clothes made with durable materials, The clothes he wore managed in enduring the stress that the Rune imposed.

Seeing that the bloodstains were nowhere to be found, Khan nonchalantly walked towards the dual-entry door, a slight smile suffused on his face as he reminisced about the events that occurred earlier, one of the lingering worries in his mind, ever since he arrived in his world, was establishing a foothold of his own.

But for now, he considered the matter as solved. Now the only problem that he had was how can he gather intelligence regarding the Divine Rune Sect at the Continent of Wrath, especially when according to his memories, the distance from the Continent of Greed and the Continent of Wrath was an astounding, fifty million kilometers.

Although his strength was enough that he could travel that much, it would still take him about a month of constant flying and when he arrives, he would surely be weakened to an extent that his cultivation would temporarily stagnate. Khan didn't plan on commencing his journey without enough preparations and gathering enough intel.

But with the help of the three factions that seemed to manage the entirety of Muspelheim, even if he couldn't acquire that much information, he could at least, find some bits that may prove useful towards his future journey.

Arriving before the dual-entry door and after scanning his iris on the Control Panel, as the system confirmed his identity, the door creaked, but as he entered, he noticed the joyful laughs of Lily and Twenty-One.

"Yeah, yeah, and he's actually the one who dropped the soap!"

Khan heard this murmurs and when he arrived before the living room, he found the figures of the two, merrily laughing at each other as they joked around, their affinity towards each other and the smiles that they suffused on their faces indicated about how close they became in such a short amount of time.

His gaze darted at the jet-black haired young woman who wore Lily's clothes, aside from the matter of her chest area that was much bigger than Lily, she truly looked gorgeous wearing Lily's colorful clothes, especially the mini-short which reached until her upper thigh and with her legs crossed, it somewhat emphasized her ample buttocks and due to the silken materials used in creating the mini-short, it vaguely enunciated her vital area.

On the other hand, Lily wore a simple t-shirt and her favorite aquamarine skirt, although her t-shirt covered her upper body, because of its size, it deeply stuck on her skin, highlighting the supple mounds on her chest, and Khan was astounded in discovering that on her two mounds, a faint thin protrusion was visible, clearly, she went commando on her upper body.

Khan took a deep breath and calmed himself, even though his mental strength and endurance were good enough in fending off any temptations. His young body and his Extreme Yang Physique punished him for enduring, especially when before him, were two young women whose body, faintly emanated a fragrant Yin Aura.

With a flushed expression, Khan made his entrance and the two startled upon noticing his arrival, Lily stood up, kissed him on his lips like a virtuous wife and said, "Welcome back, just where did you go that it took you an hour to return?"

Khan glanced at his pouting little wife and ruffled her hair which made the latter, narrow her eyes in pleasure, he revealed a satisfied smile and said, "I just went to the arcade where we played that game yesterday."

Hearing this, Lily revealed a slightly teasing smile, "I see, so you can't help but train yourself after being destroyed, yesterday."

"What destroyed? Hmmph! I just didn't reveal my true prowess." Khan rolled his eyes and snorted towards Lily's accusation.

"True Prowess? Do you mean that yesterday was not your true power?" Lily lifted her eyebrow and she spoke in a questioning tone laced with playfulness.

"Of course not, I would even get frightened by myself if I reveal my true strength, much less those kids..." Khan crossed his arms together.

"Kids? What are you saying?" Lily chuckled, "You're the same age as them, you know!"

Khan's expression flushed, "Who cares about that, stop nitpicking."

"Eh? Then, you're just a sore loser..." Lily's smile intensified.

"Who's the sore loser?"




Khan couldn't take it anymore and directly pounced towards her figure, attacking her ticklish spots around her waist, causing her laughter akin to that of morning bells to resound across the entire mansion.

"Stop, hahaha, really, stop!" Under Khan's strength, Lily was powerless and was pinned down on the couch by Khan who relentlessly attacked, but as he went on his offensive, he seemed to have disregarded the existence of the jet-black haired young woman and upon realizing this, he momentarily froze, revealing an opening which Lily utilized to turn the tables against him.

"Hey, stop!" Khan exclaimed, but it was a futile effort, for Lily had already pushed him to the ground and bit down his neck, causing a shiver to run down the former's figure.

'Damn this little vixen!' Khan inwardly cursed, because of their repeated hard work in the bedroom, Lily and Khan knew each other's weaknesses, but Lily grasped his weaknesses much better than the latter, and because of this, he became unable to retaliate, and could only endure Lily's tickling offensive as he laid there, squirming on the couch.

"Take this, take this, take this!" Lily lightly bit on his neck while her hand danced on his waist as she stabbed down. In response, Khan's body arched as if electrocuted, and to stop her rampage, Khan said, "Hey, stop it I said, we're not the only one in this room!"

Lily's countenance froze, her expression exploded into a furious blush as she buried her face on Khan's chest while her hands softly pounded on the latter's torso.

"It's your fault, It's your fault..." She repeatedly spoke and Khan could only wryly smile, 'It worked!' He inwardly exclaimed for one of Lily's weakness was her shyness when it comes to strangers.

Even though she's much bolder and domineering in the matters of the bedroom, when it comes to flirting under the watchful gazes of the public, her face would always blush like a ripe tomato, making Khan, reveal a silly smile as he stretched her reddish cheeks.

Grasping this opportunity, Khan said, "It's okay, It's okay," He repeatedly tapped her back and the former shyly raised her head with her cheeks puffed. Witnessing this scene, Khan's heart almost overdosed in cuteness.

He gently pecked on her forehead and stretched her cheeks out with his two hands, "Don't worry, she's not a stranger since she's living here with us, she'll be your little sister."

Lily revealed a stunned look, "Little sister? Do you mean that you don't like her?" She spoke in clear and enunciated words, which shook the figure of Twenty-One that observed at the side.

Khan momentarily glanced at her and noticed that on Twenty-Ones supple cheeks, a faint blush could be seen, noticing his gaze, the latter covered her expression with a pillow.

Returning his gaze at Lily, Khan sighed, 'Back then, I had several wives whom I equally loved, but her figure at that time, never vanished from my heart, and it made me live my life in constant emptiness, as if something was missing in my heart...' Complicated emotions flashed in his eyes, 'But for now, even if I'm not sure that you're really her reincarnation. Since I promised that my life belongs to you, my life belongs to you.'

'And as the repayment for your sacrifice back then, In this entire life of mine, I shall only love you...'

Regaining his calm, Khan said, "Is it really okay to you if I love another woman?"

His words reverberated inside Lily's mind like a thunderclap, sending her mind in a disarray as she bit her lips, buried her head on her chest and said in a hushed tone, "Mhmm..." She nodded.

But her visibly shaking shoulders contrasted her answer.

Khan took a deep breath, and with his right hand, he slowly lifted her head and found that tears dotted her cheeks, her nose slightly red and her breathing, quickened along with her moisty eyes, she stared at Khan with complicated emotions in her eyes.

"Why?" Khan replied with a single word, and Lily's figure shook, she bit her lower lip and said, "Father said that all great men would always have numerous wives and also... I think that... maybe in the future... you will get tired of me..." Her tone barely audible as she soft and it became increasingly soft as she reached the end of her sentence.

But Khan who was in close proximity with her, clearly heard her words and it magnified inside his mind and his eyes, widened, but soon, he regained his calm, a small and melancholic smile hung on his lips as he remembered the times that he spent back then, a hundred thousand years ago.

At those times, wherever he went, people would always shower him with gazes full of worship and admiration. Because of his status and might, almost no one would show him their true attitude nor feelings about themselves, and whenever they approached him, even if they were women, would always have their own ulterior motives.

Because of this, Khan longed for a person that would truly love him for what he was, not about how much strength he had nor how much power he held. He wanted someone.


He wanted someone that was completely sincere towards him.

He spent years roaming amidst the commoners, in the search of that woman that would truly love him with sincerity. However, each time he revealed his identity. The lights within their eyes as they stared at him, would change into that of reverence and worship.

And the love that he slowly nurtured would disappear, instead, it was replaced by his partner's pursuit of power through him.

In the end, he became tired of waiting and because he also wanted to continue his lineage and have his own children, he had no choice, but to marry several wives whom he vented his lust and implanted his seed. And that was the time where he found that he only loved a single woman throughout his entire lifetime.

And that was her, the woman that sacrificed her own life for himself.

Khan gritted his teeth as his mind returned from his melancholic trip. He stared at Lily with a trace of anger, flashing within his eyes. His little wife noticed this and she quickly hid her visage by diving deep into his chest.

But Khan disregarded her embarassment as he lifted her shoulders and stared directly at her eyes. His expression solemn which made the latter, fidgety under his gaze.

Khan stared at her faintly trembling figure and revealed a small smile, for he understood that even her, a member of the noblest Race had her own insecurities as a woman, especially when the environment where she was born, had a patriarchal governance where the satisfaction of the man was the greatest priority.

Khan understood that she was afraid that maybe, in the future, she would be discarded by the former in favor of other women.

"Why do you think so low of yourself? Do you really think that I'm that kind of a man that would discard someone whom I promised my life to in favor of other women? Do you really think that I was only after your body?" Khan spoke in a cold tone and directly expressed his emotions, laying it bare before her.

Khan didn't bother about her fluctuating emotions as he continued, "Let me tell you this, even if how much years have passed, I will still love you the same, even if your hair grows white, even if you find it hard to walk, I will still be right by your side, no matter what happens."

He spoke with complete sincerity as Lily's figure before his eyes, momentarily overlapped with that figure from the past, shaking his head, he stared at the latter and his cheek, somewhat blushed as he thought of the embarrassing words that he just spoke.

But he knew deep within his heart that he truly meant all of it.

Twenty-One, who observed at the side, stared at this phenomenal and sublime scene, with complicated emotions flashing through her visage. Her eyes turned somewhat moisty as Khan's words, continuously echoed within his mind, especially his oath about living all of his life along with her.

It was at this moment that she knew, that she didn't have that much chance at the start.

At first, she thought that Khan was just a normal man that would easily get tempted by the matters of the flesh, and she tried her best, even wearing this mini-short which barely covered her shining thigh, just to display herself before him.

But now, she found her efforts as laughable, as she just sat there, thinking about how lucky his little wife was, that she found such a kind and sincere man that will stand beside her, no matter what storm would come.

She slowly stood up, and amidst Khan's gaze, she walked towards the guest room with slow and heavy footsteps, and her back, looked somewhat despondent as she entered the room and closed the door.

Towards this scene, Khan could only deeply sigh. His focus returned to his little wife that once again buried her face into his chest. But this time, Khan felt her hot tears, drenching his clothes.

Soon enough, Lily raised her head and the sight of her moistened eyes and snot filled nose made him chuckle, of which, the latter replied by twisting his waist.

"Ahhh!" Khan exclaimed and abruptly arched his body in pain.

Witnessing this sight, Lily chuckled before taking a deep breath she then, laid on his chest before absentmindedly whispering, her tone, somewhat uncertain yet confident, "Do you really want to be with me?"

"Yes!" Khan only answered with a single word which contained all the sincerity that he had.

"Then, recite Lord Adventurer's marriage vows with me." She bashfully replied, not daring to meet Khan's teasing gaze.

"Alrighty then," Khan replied, summoning the might of his entire cultivation base, he evoked an oath concerning his marriage with Lily and intertwined his cultivation base with her, causing the latter's figure to flush as she felt the faint connection.

"I, Khan [Paradyne]"

"I, Lily Gabica."

When Khan spoke this part of his vow, he purposely distorted his tone, which made it unclear for Lily. Sensing that the latter didn't mind, they continued.

"Take you, Lily Gabica."

"Take you, Khan Liverto."

A slight smile suffused on their faces.

"To be my wife."

"To be my husband."

Their gazes met in mid-air.

"To have and to hold, from this day onwards."

"To have and to hold, from this day onwards."

The smiles on their faces blossomed into a brilliant and sweet smile.

"For better for worse."

"For better for worse."

Their foreheads met in mid-air and their mouth, slightly opened as they continued in unison.

"For richer, for poorer."

"In sickness and in health."

"To love and to cherish."

"till death do us apart."

"According to Lord Adventurer's holy law..."

"In his presence, I make this vow."

The two stared at each other, each suffusing a magnificent smile which painted the scene in a divine and sublime atmosphere.

Their heads, slightly inclined to the right and moved, closely towards each other.

When their lips met each other, a burst of golden light descended down from the skies, showering the figures of the two, as the sign of the acceptance of their oath.

As they separated, a faint translucent string, indicated their connection and the two, shared a hot embrace, and in this day forth, June 12, 2090, under Lord Adventurer's gaze. The pair of lovers swore their undying love towards each other.