
Transmigrant Become Supernatural Monster Vol. 1 Tarantula Chapter 1 Mission.

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___When my eyes are open. I can see around me. There are many white spiders. Probably they are more than one hundred white spiders (100 +) and there some black spiders. Wait . . . . . . There is one furry brown spider that may be fifty times (50 x) bigger than their spiders.


___"Is that legendary pet Tarantula?" thought Urdin (people in Urdin 's previous world pet Tarantula is not common cause nearly extinct and very hard to tame it.)


___There was something that seemed to tell him to survive until fifteen (15) (new born) spiders survived. There will be feast~ing day, which last for two days then, next feast~ing day will come next four to five days later. During feast~ing day you can eat whatever you want, but you must know to compete each other. If they 're no more than fifteen (15) then the remaining survivors (new born spiders) can unite eat the biggest spider (Mother Tarantula).


___I recalled again spider can cannibalize. Baby spiders eating their mother after waiting them hatching. So heartless that is first I thought. But I can not do better cause I will face many creatures out there. Strongest always right, even when it 's wrong. That applies to all human, animal, plant, politic, gangster, and some novel web too.


___Wait a minute . . . . . . Who tell him to kill Mother Tarantula? Is that you god? But why god to intervene animal 's business? Is this game mission ? If it 's right then this is a visual reality game about survival of spider in the wild but this is too real. I can control my spider 's legs perfectly.


___"But why are not there any stat screens? Aah . . . . ahh forget about it. Now it 's show time." thought Urdin .


___Some spiders start fighting each other looking food or make other spiders become their food. I just look around me and notice there black spiders who doesn 't move.


___I see them are die. Yes, there any spiders, whom still born (new born spider is born with out any sign of life. They are black cause their body become dry corpse). I stay vigilant if some spiders are sneak attacking me while I eat them. I eat very slowly but it is much better than must kill another new born spiders. I gained a lot. Average spiders kill and eat one, I have eaten two to Three without need killing my prey. I feel confused because I never feel been full no matter how many I eating.


___I feel some become bigger and bigger. And my strength constantly rising. But suddenly i felt killing intent toward me. I some what pause for a second because of shock. But few seconds later I can move my spider body. He 's seem wanted to make me become him food. I saw a black spider rushing its body toward me. And start attacking me with his fangs. I completely caught off guard.


___" T h oo uuu who disturbs me eating need die." If I can speak that was my rage shout. I saw a black spider rushing its body toward me again. I lift my head prepare attacking him.


___I am scratching him with my two fangs and my two legs. Uh, yeah, I win collision I can see him got perty hurt. Damn, why he is running away from me. Why is not allowing me to eat him. And why he even so fast. I can not match with him in term speed. I can see my body transform color from white become black. I can feel my power rising so much. My strength isn 't increasing but my speed is double so my attacking power is double too. I feel I can match with black spider Ii term speed but still cann 't exceed him.


___No one dare disturb my happy eating time after i become black spider. Happy . . . . Eating . . . . .Yum ~ my.


___Many new born spiders feel tired cause fighting each others with a cannibalistic act within feast~ing days. I just lay down and try digesting and absorb nutrition what i eat before. I have eaten five (5) new born spiders. Some spiders don 't join fray in war and seeking some grubs or larvas in this spider 's nest to fulfill their hungry. But it 's doesn 't matter cause they will join in the battle in the end it does not matter, must kill others in order to live. This war has been killed thirty three new born spiders.


___Some new born spiders manage evolution become black colored spiders. I still like others black colored spiders don 't have any fur and do not have ability make web. But I can guarantee, i most strongest than all new born spiders. Cause my body biggest than all of them. My body can twice bigger than them, it 's all thanks to five (5) poor new born spiders.