The first thing I saw when I woke up was.... A futuristic looking metal ball, and the the first thing I realized was the fact, I was at the edge of a cliff. Why, out of every other place, did I have to wake up at the edge of a cliff? Then suddenly the thought hit me. Was I, I mean this girl, trying to commit suicide? I looked at the beautiful view in front of me, there was a seemingly unending mountain range, then I looked at myself. I was wearing a thin white dress. No wonder it was so cold. At this point it was pretty clear I wasn't on the earth I knew, the sky here was a lavenderish color and the moon seemed a lot closer. I looked to the right, there a was a small village. " Well, at least there is some form of living organisms on this planet." I felt the piercing cold wind blow past me. " I should probably find a way down before I get frost bitten." (AN/ STANDING ON THE EDGE! Did anyone get that joke?)
-Approximately a day ago-
I had a strange dream, someone was talking to me in a language I didn't know but, I felt like I could clearly understand every word. Maybe it was a prophetic dream. The tone that girl talked in, it sounded like she was warning me. Well, I wasn't about to stop doing everything because I was worried about what a weird girl said in a dream. I got dressed and got ready for work. I worked in business, and like many others, I worked because I needed money for things I actually enjoyed doing. On my way home a strange man wearing a long black coat and a hat was standing by the edge of the sidewalk. Maybe he was cosplaying one of these shady people in action films but, wearing something like that at night made him extremely suspicious. He gazed at me, then quickly avoided eye contact and ran pass me. After he was out of sight I realized he dropped something, a metal ball emitting some kind of bluish light. It was pretty clear, from the way that guy acted, he dropped this on purpose. So I followed my intuition and took the object home with me.
When I got home I immediately ran to my work room. Why? Because I noticed the fact that this object looked very similar to the "core" of the Worlds Gate. The Worlds Gate is a machine I've been working on for five years. Funnily, I don't remember why I started building it, so it just became a fun project I would work on when I was stressed. "Haha..." it worked. The Worlds Gate was complete. "Wait, where is this light coming from?" I looked down. My hand had started disappearing. "But, the machine hadn't been activated yet!" By the time I realized what the blue light was, it was to late.
- Prologue End -