
Miya was pushed to the ground. " What gives you the right to block us!?" "Stop, her parents are scholars, we'll get in trouble if she complains to her parents." I found a good place to hid and listened to their conversation. That's good, there's education in this world and the men on horses looked like they belonged in an army. I felt bad watching Miya being yelled at for stopping them from entering the village, but I'm girl with no money, family or power. I didn't have the ability or right to stop them.

After a couple minutes, the men gave up on staying at the village and headed for the next villlage that was approximately two-hours away on horse. " Are you okay?" Kiyo helped pull Miya up. At this point I was extremely mad at this village. Even if Miya was the only one in this town who had family that worked under an influential person, how could they make a young girl in charge of convincing soldiers to not disturb this village! Again, I had no right to tell anyone they were being unfair. I went back to the place where I was talking with Miya earlier.

-Beginnings End (part 3/5)-